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Analysis of Current Research and Development R& D Mechanism and Preparation of a Model for Research and Development at University Level in Pakistan

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Zafar, Jam Muhammad




The Islamia University of Bahawalpur







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This study titled, “Analysis of current research and development mechanism and preparation of a model for research and development at university level in Pakistan” was conducted with the objectives to (1) analyze the status of research and development at universities in Pakistan, (2), explore the existing research and development practices at universities in Pakistan (3) identify the problems faced by research & development center for its smooth functioning (4) find out the trends of research & development in Pakistani Universities, and (5) propose a model of research & development for Pakistani universities. The study was descriptive in nature; therefore survey approach was considered appropriate and adopted for its completion. The population of the study consisted of research supervisors, chairpersons and/ or heads of teaching departments, deans of faculties, concerned authorities of research & development centers and quality assurance cells from twenty three (23) public sector general universities in Pakistan. The multistage sampling based on three stages was adopted for study. The sample of the study consisted of thirty (30) respondents from each university including ten (10) research supervisors, five (05) chairpersons and/ or heads of teaching departments, five (05) deans of faculties, one (01) head and five (05) officials of the research & development center, and four (04) official working in quality assurance cells taken randomly from the population. Five (05) separate questionnaires were prepared on five point rating (likert) scale according to the objectives of the study were used as research tool. It was finalized after its pilot testing. After finalization of research tool the researcher personally administered research tool and collected data from the respondents. After data collection, it was coded in SPSS version 17 and statistically analyzed. The data analysis revealed diversified and interesting results. In overall 56.7% of the respondents appeared to be satisfied with current status of research & development council, whereas 51% of the respondents reported their dissatisfaction with its role in managing research activities to enhance the productivity. About half (50%) of the respondents affirmed appropriateness of planning process but 52% showed their otherwise opinion about implementation of the planning. Furthermore, the results indicated that 50.6% of the respondents were dissatisfied with the monitoring networks, 49.6 % of the respondents wished technical assistance and 54% disagreed with financial assistance provided by reseach and development council. Likewise, 52.9% desired feedback and 51% of xi them affirmed lack of coordination among activities. Half (50%) of the respondents reported their dissatisfaction with outcomes of the research & development process. However, significant majority (75.5%) of respondents were of the view that research & development mechanism faced some problems in universities and institutes of higher education in Pakistan –lengthy process, lack of expertise of different personnel involved in research and development activities, less priority given to R&D, lack of funds, personal liking and disliking, unstable policies, lack of coordination and lack of professional competencies among research and development personnel. Based findings a model of research & development (R & D) was proposed by the researcher for the public sector universities in Pakistan. This study also recommended that research & development mechanism in the public sector universities should be made simple by strengthening research and development councils in Pakistani universities. Research & development process should be given top priority in universities and proper budget should be allocated for research & development activities.

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۳۱ برس کی عمر میں نواب احمد بخش خان کے چھوٹے بھائی نواب الہی بخش خان معروف کی ۱۱سالہ لڑکی امراؤ بیگم سے شادی ہوئی۔ اللہ نے سات بچوں سے نوازا لیکن وہ سبھی بچپن میں وفات پا گئے اور بیگم کا بھی انتقال ہو گیا۔غالب ۱۵ فروری ۱۹۶۹ ء میں ۷۲ برس کی عمر میں ظہر کے وقت انتقال کر گئے۔
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غالب جس دور سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں وہ مسلمانوں کے زوال کا دور ہے اس وقت حکومت کا مرکز دلی تھا۔اس دور میں بادشاہوں کی حیثیت بہت معمولی ہو گئی تھی مغل بادشاہ شطرنج کا مہر بن گئے اور آہستہ آہستہ سکھو ں،جاٹوں اور روہیلوں نے زور پکڑنا شروع کیا اور اس حکومت کو گرانے میں اہم کردار ادا کیا۔ ۱۷۳۹ء میں نادر شاہ نے دلی پر حملہ کیا۔۱۷۴۸ء سے لے کر ۱۷۶۱ء تک احمد شاہ ابدالی نے بہت سے حملے کیے اور مغلوں کی رہی سہی طاقت بھی ختم کر دی۔ احمد شاہ ابدالی نے ان حملوں میں مرہٹوں کی کمر توڑ کر رکھ دی۔اس سیاسی تاریخی پس منظر میں غالب نے ہوش سنبھالا غالب کا تعلق رئیس لوگوں کے ساتھ تھا ان کی پہنچ بادشاہوں کے دربار تک تھی۔

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An Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Forest Area in Pakistan With Special Reference to Nwfp 1972-2000

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In order to achieve the objectives of the study and to test the hypotheses the followed methodology has two aspects; one, consulting the forest communities in forest rich areas of the province and second, analyzing the macro economic data of different socio economic factors that have impacts on the forest area of the country. For the first aspect two forest rich areas in NWFP; District Abbottabad and District Mansehra have been selected. The socio economic conditions of these areas have been discussed and analyzed. The priorities and practices of forest communities in the use of different resources have been checked. For the second aspect the study analyzed time series data of some of the socio-economic factors of Pakistan for example agriculture production, cultivated area, livestock and human population, the consumption of fuel wood substitutes etc. Taking the forest area of NWFP and forest area of Pakistan as a whole then checked the results of these socio- economic factors. For the analysis multiple regression technique was applied on the time series data from 1972-2000. The results of the econometric models were then compared with the primary information collected from the two districts of NWFP; District Abbottabad and District Mansehra. These results were further analyzed by comparing them with earlier studies conducted in the same field. iiThe results of the primary data showed that most of the firewood and timber is extracted illegally and there is no official record or even a rough estimation of the total quantity illegally extracted. The most responsible figure as mentioned by the locals also includes Forest Department, which is a part of timber mafia. Forest department has no arrangement for forest fires; it is the locals who extinguish it by using local practices. The study area has not received real benefit of gas provision by the government in the country because these facilities are not yet extended to their areas and alternate sources are not enough. Both the study areas are suffering from some problems, which are contributing to deforestation, for example common property, lack of interest and cooperation of Forest Department with locals, lack of follow up of forestry programs especially started by foreign agencies etc. In both the areas there is no increase in animals so livestock population is not the prime threat. Human population has increased but they are either migrating to other areas or opting for service sector. In both the areas people have very little knowledge about government policies and programs. The results of the primary information showed some valuable facts about forest land conversion for other purposes, about Forest Department, the role of government and non-government organizations, about forest fires and about timber mafia in the study area. The results of the regression models obtained from the time series macro economic data showed that some of the socio-economic factors of the country that are generally considered as the most responsible factors for the depletion of forests such as increase in human and livestock population are not the important factors contributing towards deforestation in Pakistan but some others like cultivation, construction, consumption of timber and agriculture production are playing their due role towards deforestation. The study further showed that increase in the consumption of firewood substitutes could not significantly improve the situation. The analysis further showed the extent of effect of different variables on the forest areas. The recommendations of the study have given more emphasis to control the land use practices especially controlling land conversion for other purposes, proper demarcation of iiiforest boundaries in Abbottabad and Mansehra districts to save from conversion and misuse, on regular basis the involvement of locals in plantation and giving incentives in cash and kind for plantation, provision of alternate energy resources in the study area especially to hill side forest communities, and proper follow up of the programs already launched in forestry sector to maintain the confidence of the locals. Further, since cultivation and construction activities are the main threat found in the study so more focused attention is needed in this regard and the general policy for addressing these problems would not work. To build up forestry data base is the prime requirement. The macro economic time series data of Pakistan is not accommodating illegal timber. So constructing an estimated time series data for actual fire wood and timber consumption including illegal extraction in Pakistan would be the future task based on the results of the present study that would give more robust results out of the present research.