ایلافِ وفا کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
اخلاق حیدر آبادی
(شعبہ اردو ، رفاہ انٹر نیشنل یونیورسٹی ،فیصل آباد)
شاعری انسانی تخیل کا پُر جمال اور بلیغ اظہار ہے۔ شاعری میں نظم نے انسانی فکر اور ادراک کو مربوط اور پر اعتماد ہو کر آگے بڑھایا ہے۔ آرائش خیال کے لیے کبھی پابند نظم اور کبھی نظم ِ معرا کو خوب پذیرائی حاصل ہوئی۔ پھر آزاد نظم نے نسبتاً انسانی فکری جہتوں کو زیادہ بے باک انداز اور آزادی کے ساتھ پیش کیا ۔اردو شاعری کے منظر نامے میںنظم گو شعرا ابلاغ کی سطح پر پیش رفت کرتے نظر آتے ہیں۔ وقت کے ساتھ نظم کی روایت نے تخلیق کار کو ایک نئے آہنگ سے متعارف کرایا۔
شاعری کی بابت بہت کچھ کہا گیا ہے اور کہا جاسکتا ہے مگر مختصر اور جامع طور پر ہم کولرج اور شیلے کے ہم زبان ہو کر کہہ سکتے ہیں ’’شاعری تخیل کی زبان ہے‘‘ ۔کانٹ نے بہت دل نشین اندازمیں اپنی کتاب ’’انتقادِ محاکمہ(Aesthetic judgment of critique) ‘‘ میں اپنے کلیدی جملہ میں اپنے نظریہ تخیل کا خلاصہ یوں پیش کیا ہے
’’ تخیل اس مواد سے جو فطرت اس کے لیے مہیا کرتی ہے،ایک فطرتِ ثانی تخلیق کرنے والا ایک زبر دست عامل ہے‘‘(۱)
شاعر یا تخلیق کار کے پاس اظہار کے لیے جو چیز اساس بنتی ہے۔ وہ اس کا احساسِ تخیل ہے۔ ابلاغ کے لیے علامت، استعارہ ،مشاہدہ اور تجربہ تو ہوتا ہے۔ بلکہ الفاظ کے انتخاب کا کڑا فیصلہ بھی شاعر کو ہی کرنا پڑتا ہے۔ اسی طرح نظم کا نام بلا شبہ علامت ہے۔ کسی چیز کی ماہیت نہیں ۔ شعریات کو صنف میں علامتی سطح پر وابستہ کیا جا سکتا ہے۔ حالی ؔ کا یہ قول’’ نفسِ شعر وزن کا محتاج نہیں‘‘ اب تک ایک بامعنی اور راہنما ہے۔ عبدالسمیع اپنی کتاب ’’اردو میں...
Sufism is the heart of Islam. It is attached with Islam as the human soul is woven within the body. Sufis have always been the center of Muslim society, especially; in the sub-continent, they have firmly imprinted their marks in every sphere of life. Various mystic traditions as Naqshbandi, Chishti, Qadri etc. Are commonly known in India and Pakistan. This study explores the great Sufi, Hakim Mohammad Akhtar, for his unprecedented services in the field of mystic practices, poetry and Islamic literature. In the initial part of the study, his family background and educational account have been described which show that not only he was a passionate follower of mystic legacy from an early age but a true stalwart of Islam. The historical account of Hakim Akhtar reveals that he was a staunch devotee of Molana Rome which resulted in the form of his famous book "Maarif-e-Masnawi". In the latter part of the study, his character and work are unveiled in a chronological order. As the follower of Sufi tradition, Hakim Akhtar was against personal glorification. Through this research study, some astonishing hidden aspects of his life have been discovered which will help his disciples and devotees to follow the path of their mentor perfectly.
As Silicon CMOS manufacturing industry is possibly reaching to its climax with complex requirements posed by the International Technology Roadmap of Semiconductors; a “More Moore” approach is fully utilized to further exploit the Silicon Fabrication protocols. This goes hand in hand with other two process and design strategies, namely, “More than Moore” and “Beyond CMOS”. A 10 node technology, converging the chip fabrication processes between 10nm and 20nm, has been rigorously tested and revisited to look for complimentary solutions which are exploitable in variety of designs and processes in next generation technology nodes. The operational output characteristics of MOS/CMOS and its variant devices are being reassessed with a perspective of energy efficiency gained during the device design (inclusive of scaling requirements) and process development. This, in turn, influences the power consumption, proficiency of performance and reliability of the devices. Such energy efficient electronics has gained a huge interest due the evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) and its ultra-low power considerations. This study focuses on the energy efficient design and fabrication of Silicon CMOS/MOSCAP devices with a detailed electrical and electro-optical metrology. A FAB-specific MOSFET design (technology file), simulated output characteristics, half-of-FAB line processing of MOSCAP structure with integration of novel Atomic Layer Deposited TiN/HfSiOx metal gate/High-k stack and atomistic-layered PVD-driven Aluminium back-contact metallization is realized in this work. Energy efficiency is also studied through the concept of thermal budget by virtue of the dynamics of annealing which greatly influence the electrical properties of the gate stack and consequently the reliability of the process. Subsequent process characterization is performed using Current-Voltage, Capacitance-Voltage, Current Density, Leakage Resistance, Built-in Voltage, Doping Profiling, Charge-storage/ Permittivity, Hall Effect and Vertical Field analysis. Sophisticated metrology techniques such as Charge-Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry are utilized to extract and evaluate the hypersensitive electrical and electro-optical parameters such as charge-transient behavior, activation energy, trap density, capture cross-section, refractive index, dielectric and extinction coefficients etc. Design verification through FAB-line processing, post-FAB thermal processing and variety of measurements revealed a number of interesting results which altogether provide a novel process window to engineer energy efficient electronics with a better trade-off. These results may have ramifications for device and process engineer.