Desertification has emerged as a major environmental problem during last few decades. Due to its serious implications on food security it has attracted global recognition. Significant attention is being given to its mitigation both at government and non-governmental levels. Some of the efforts carried out by state sponsored agencies and NGOs have turned into success stories. However, it has been noticed that if the problem persists for a long time due to lack of attention then land restoration becomes ecologically and financially expensive. Therefore its earlier diagnosis and treatment can not only reduce the cost but is also beneficial for human welfare. Pakistan has substantial land susceptible to desertification due to geographical factors such as topography and aridity and social issues like rapid population growth and socio-economic changes. The pressure on land often leads to its un-sustainable land use leading to desertification. Millions of poor farm households and their livelihoods in arid and semiarid areas of the country are prone to risks and uncertainties associated with desertification and land degradation. Inhabitants of the areas affected by desertification try to adapt to changing environment and cope with emerging problems within their own limited knowledge and capacity.Some of the adaptation strategies like social values and norms are built in the traditions of the society. In addition, farmers try to learn from their experiences. Their efforts need to be supported as much as possible. Technology transfer and extension on conservation practices and selection of suitable and better adopted plant varieties and livestock breeds could be of substantial help in that direction. Further, financial assistance through farm credits could also help poor farmers to invest in their lands for improving its productivity. The present study of Karak district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been undertaken to portray a case study in Pakistan in an area prone to and affected by desertification. It would provide an insight not only into the causes of desertification in a semiarid area but also into workable alternatives adapted locally for the sustainable management of land resources. It would also help in policy formulation and provide guidelines for decision-making to combat desertification. Data regarding physical parameters in this study were obtained using modern tools like remote sensing and GIS for mapping the area affected or at risk from desertification. The data on social parameters were collected through household surveys and focused group discussions that were analyzed following its processing with SPSS. Results obtained from this study reveal declining land productivity (both crops and rangeland), crop failure, and increased cost of agriculture, pointing a finger towards increasing desertification and land degradation. Both natural and anthropogenic factors are responsible for increase in desertification. Among natural factors enhanced aridity (water scarcity) as well as erosion of soil by wind and water are prominent. In terms of anthropogenic factors, over exploitation of resources, whether through cutting of vegetation, cultivation of farmland or livestock grazing is the main culprit. In order to reduce their dependence on land many people have migrated to earn income from nonfarm sources. However, while providing extra income, migration has also resulted in dearth of farm labor, often leading to abandonment of cultivated land opening them to erosion and desertification. Nevertheless remittances from migrants have also helped in certain cases to enhance investment in land for increasing productivity through increase of farm inputs. Finally, this study noted that the practice of traditional values for the control of desertification, which had declined with time are now being revived to control the overexploitation of resources, a good sign for future desertification control in the area.
Human beings have been created in proportion and perfection by the Creator, as He is Just and Fair and likes justice and fairness in making and implementing laws. Justice is the key on every level from individual to State and interstate for peaceful and smooth functioning. Justice holds universal acceptance from the laws of nature to the creation of beings, while injustice leads to chaos. It causes the decline and disgrace among civilized societies. The chaos and terrorism in contemporary world is all because of injustices by individuals and by the States. The teachings of the messangers of Allah were to create the justice and equality at every level in the society. Deviation from the teachings of Allah and His messangers with respect to justice is a way towards destruction. Any nation that forgoes justice becomes victim of injustice itself and the consequences are ultimate anarchy and chaos. Islam as a universal religion demands the justice in every sphere of life. Islam and its teachings are for peace and prosperity. It promulgates and promotes human dignity and the value of Justice, equality and peace. Today the Ummah is in desperate need of adopting and practicing justice and fairness as the Creator has shown in His Word and Work.
Dengue fever is a vector borne infection causing self-limiting to life threatening disease and is a major public health problem in many tropical and subtropical countries across the world including Pakistan. The objectives of this study were to detect and identify the genetic diversity of dengue virus serotypes circulating in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province of Pakistan during 2013-2015. A total of 1,297 suspected cases were registered in four districts of KPK along with their demographic and clinical data were recorded. Blood samples from study subjects were collected and transported to Department of Virology, National Institute of Health Islamabad-Pakistan for confirmation of dengue infection using ELISA and realtime PCR. Samples positive for viral RNA were further subjected to genetic sequencing of E-NS1and C-prM genes. Dengue infection was confirmed in 63% cases on the basis of NS1 ELISA, while 50.4% were seropositive for IgM and 29% for IgG antibodies. On the basis of real-time PCR, 52.3% cases were confirmed to be infected. The total number of positive cases in 2013, 2014 and 2015 remained 64.7%, 65% and 62% respectively based on at least one of the three markers tested for diagnosis of acute dengue infection. Dengue cases were reported more frequently during the monsoon and post-monsoon season largely during the months of September and October. The highest rate of dengue positive cases was found among patients of age group 15-30 years followed by 31-45 years of age (31% and 16% respectively).Fever, body pain and headache were the most common clinical signs recorded in63%,55% and 45% respectively of the confirmed cases. Comparison of four different commonly used diagnostic assays revealed that NS-1 ELISA is more suitable and sensitive test compared to those targeting anti-IgM and anti- IgG. Genetic characterization of dengue virus strains indicated prevalence of all four dengue serotypes in our study population. DENV-3 (48%) and DENV-2 (32%) were xxi found as the dominant serotypes circulating in KPK province while DENV-1 (5.4%) and DENV-4 (0.1%) were comparatively less prevalent during 2013-2015. The genetic characterization based on partial E-NS1 gene and C-prM gene suggested the circulation of DENV-2 (Cosmopolitan genotype), DENV-3 (genotype-III) and DENV-4 (genotype-I) with closest nucleotide and amino acid homologies to the dengue strains already reported from Pakistan. The phylogenetic analysis showed that DENV-2 serotype showed 91.6-92.8% and 83.1-86.1% nucleotide and amino acid homology with reference strains (AF038403, DENV-2 Prototype strain) and DENV-3 serotype showed 94.8-97% and 89.8-91.5% nucleotide and amino acid similarity to prototype strain (M93130, DENV-3 Reference strain). DENV-4 serotype shared close homology 97.9% to the reference strain (AY947539, DENV-4 Prototype). Our findings affirm the prevalence of multiple dengue virus serotypes infecting local populations. It also warrants that the correct and timely diagnosis along with serotype identification would be helpful in prevention of progression of dengue fever to severe forms of dengue haemorrhagic fever and shock syndrome. The genetic data from this study highlights that the infection due to DENV-2 and DENV-3 in KPK province may have possibility originated from Karachi and Lahore outbreaks through vector transmission as revealed by phylogenetic analysis. This study thus emphasizes for continuous monitoring and surveillance of dengue cases throughout the country to trigger preparedness and preventive measures early on.