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Home > Effect of Information Communication Technologies Icts Instructional Approach on Academic Acheivement Retention and Interest of Higher Secondary Students

Effect of Information Communication Technologies Icts Instructional Approach on Academic Acheivement Retention and Interest of Higher Secondary Students

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Sibtain, Muhammad




Gomal University


Dera Ismail Khan





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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The present study was an effort to see the effects of information communication technologies (ICTS) instructional approach, on the academic achievement, retention and interest of higher secondary students. The main objectives were, to find the difference in mathematics achievement in the control and experimental groups before and after the experiment. The present study was experimental in nature and true experimental design was used. Here in this study there was random assignment of the control and experimental groups to two different groups. The accessible population of the present study was the higher secondary school students of the two schools of Dera Ismail Khan (GHSS No4 Dera Ismail and St. Helen Higher Secondary school Dera Ismail Khan). A sample of 60 male students selected from GHSS No 4 DIKhan and a sample of 60 female students was selected from St. Helen’s Higher Secondary School DIKhan. Three instruments (pre-test, post-test, and interest inventory) were used for data collection. The result shows that ICT instructional approach was more effective as compared to the traditional lecture method. The pre –test was achievement test in the subjects of mathematics developed by researchers. This test was to divide the sample into equated groups. The post-test was to check the academic achievement and retention of students after experiment and the interest inventory to check the interest of students in the different methods of teachings. The descriptive as well as inferential statistics were used for analysis of data.

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We are delighted and proud to welcome you to the second issue of Volume 2. Each article received and accepted is an important contribution to the already existing knowledge in the field of Biomedical Sciences. All the editorial team is excited about the progress of PBMJ as an international journal. As editors, we would like to express our heartiest congratulation to the team and welcome to the authors and readers. We are also grateful to the advisory board and managing editors. We hope that PBMJ can promote the academic and applicable research and improve the research activities and collaborations. We are aware of the bumps along the way, but we are determined to keep pursuing the research goals to meet the high quality standards and move forward with great courage. If you have any suggestions to improve, you may write to us as a reader. In the age of technology, we can actively conversate with the readers and get their feedback to improve the quality with their valuable input. PBMJ will continue to serve the Biomedical Sciences as an outlet for high-quality research. This is an exciting time for the journal and we look forward to working with authors, the Editorial board and the team to make PBMJ as a leading source for work in the space.

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