حکیم حافظ خواجہ شمس الدین لکھنوی
افسوس ہے کہ گذشتہ مہینہ دو ممتاز اہل علم نے وفات پائی، حکیم حافظ خواجہ شمس الدین لکھنوی اور سید اختر علی صاحب تلہری، حکیم صاحب تنہا حاذق طبیب ہی نہیں تھے، بلکہ عربی زبان اور اسلامی علوم کے فاضل بھی تھے اور شعر و ادب کا بڑا ستھرا ذوق رکھتے تھے طب یونانی کے تو ماہر ہی تھے، اور اب لکھنؤ میں اس کی عظمت انہی کے دم سے قائم تھی، طب کی کتابوں کا درس بھی دیتے تھے جن کے پڑھانے والے اب کم رہ گئے ہیں، آداب و اخلاق میں لکھنؤ کی پرانی تہذیب اور وضعداری کا نمونہ تھے، لکھنؤ کے متعدد قومی ملی اداروں کے رکن تھے اور ان کے کاموں میں بڑی دلچسپی سے حصہ لیتے تھے، ندوہ سے خاص تعلق تھا، اور اس کی مجلس منتظمہ کے جلسوں میں بڑی پابندی سے شریک ہوتے تھے، مولانا عبدالباریؒ فرنگی محل کے شاگرد بھی تھے اور مرید بھی، اس تعلق سے ان سے بہت پرانی شناسائی تھی آخر میں تصوف کی طرف زیادہ رجحان ہوگیا تھا، اب طب یونانی کے ماہر اٹھتے جارہے ہیں، طبی درسگاہوں سے طبیب کے بجائے ’’ڈاکٹر‘‘ پیدا ہونے لگے ہیں اور خالص فن طب ختم ہوتا جاتا ہے، مرحوم لکھنؤ میں اس کی آخری یادگار تھے، ان کی موت سے فن طب اور پرانی تہذیب و شرافت کی ایک بڑی یادگار مٹ گئی۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی،مئی ۱۹۷۱ء)
Language is a communication tool to impart education at every level that is why different languages are taught for this purpose. In Madaris of Pakistan, Arabic is commonly taught as it is the language of basic Islamic sources i.e. The Holy Quran and Hadith. This paper will basically try to understand the learning of English as a language is not given importance, although it is very essential nowadays but besides this, it faces many problems and challenges in religious Madaris of Pakistan. Many factors are involved in this situation. In modern world, English language specially can be very helpful to the purposes of these Madaris. Learning of English language will help to impart, propagate and defend the message of Islam on a larger and wider scale. One can use it for da’wah and calling others to Allah. But some elements of Madaris are not well informed about to this fact that they have not such a larger vision to understand and absorb the facts. On the other side, supporters of teaching English language in Madaris are unluckily blind to the positive, historic, reformative role of Madaris. This situation is creating misunderstandings and these bodies are seen opponents while they must be supporting to each other. This article reviews the challenges and the problem and challenges to English language in Madaris as well as how to bridge the chasm created between the two schools of thought.
This study has aimed to examine the impact of several facets of organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) on retaliation process of subordinates abused by their supervisors as an individual and as a group. The social exchange theory claims that abused subordinates retaliate against the abusive supervisor and non-abused employees through manifestations of counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) but the process is quite complicated due to the power gap between a supervisor and subordinates. Therefore, the present study has integrated the attraction-selection-attrition, the moral licensing and the social exchange theory in order to unearth this process. It has proposed that subordinates use citizenship behaviors to combat adverse abusive situation; citizenship behaviors developed among abused subordinates provide them with greater strength and support in the process of retaliation. Moreover, the study has posited that good citizens of the organization have a greater tendency to react if abused by their supervisors. The study has tested the direct effects of abusive supervision on related CWBs ― CWBs towards supervisor and non-abused employees, and the mediating effect of OCBs developed among the abused peer group. In addition, this study has also tested moderating effect of OCBs-organization in the process of retaliation against supervisory abuse, at the direct and second stage. Data have been collected from financial and higher education institutes from five main cities of Pakistan. 920 usable responses have been analyzed. Hierarchal Regression, Process Macro, and Edward & Lambert‘s methods have been applied for hypotheses testing. All direct relations, mediation effect, and second stage moderation have been proved to be significant. However, the moderating effect of OCBs-organization at direct stage has been proved to be non-significant. Conclusively, findings have supported the claims of mediating and moderating effects of OCBs in retaliation process of an abused employee.