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Home > Effects of Tv Commercials on Socio-Cultural Norms: An Analysis of Viewers Perception

Effects of Tv Commercials on Socio-Cultural Norms: An Analysis of Viewers Perception

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Shafayat Ali




University of Gujrat







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Mass Communication





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The current study intends to investigate the relationship between TV commercials and their effects on cultural norms of society in Pakistan. The main objective of the study was to analyze that how viewers’ of TV commercials perceive the violation of cultural norms in TV ads. In addition to that the study tries to find out how TV ads are changing the norms of the society. The study was conducted under the frame work of Cultivation theory, Social Responsibility Theory and ELM theory. All of theories are aligned to the topic and objectives of the study. The researcher applied parallel design of mix method for the current study. Quantitative study was conducted through survey method. A sample of 1000 college students was drawn by using multistage cluster sampling and questionnaire was used as tool for data collection. Qualitative study was conducted to explore and contextualize the topic by using 20 Focus Group Discussions as the method of data collection from students and teachers of the college. The quantitative study concluded that TV commercials change the norms of society to a greater extent by influencing the food habits, dressing styles and consumer behavior of youth and overall media is not accomplishing its responsibility in society specifically in the Pakistani context. The audiences have also the view that most of the time ads do not present true picture of our society. The culture present in ads is not realistic. Women are being exploited and their presentation in media particularly in commercials is not acceptable in the society on a larger scale. The result of qualitative study shows that majority of respondents have the view that TV commercials are influencing cultural values and norms negatively. In complying with the quantitative findings the qualitative themes showed that TV ads are changing the lifestyle of the people. Furthermore, qualitative findings complement the quantitative findings that TV Commercials contents are not in accordance with the norms and religion of our society. Similarly both qualitative and quantitative findings show that media is not fulfilling its responsibility properly towards society. So, in the light of the results of the present study, we can say that a large number of viewers have the view that TV commercials are promoting anti-cultural norms.

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