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Electronic Marketing Impact on Banking Sector of Pakistan A Customer Behavior Perspective

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Khan, Muhammad Imran




Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology


Dera Ismail Khan





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Management Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Key Words: Electronic Marketing, Web Based Marketing, Online Banking Environment, Web site, Online Banking Services, Customer Behavior, Banking Sector, Pakistan. This thesis aims to provide a better understanding and measurement of electronic marketing concepts, online banking acceptance and its impact on banking sector of Pakistan from customers’ behavior perspective. This research study has been divided into two parts. Initially for achieving qualitative aspect, a cross-case analysis two case studies regarding Meezan and Citibank have been considered from leading Islamic and conventional banks of Pakistan. And data has been collected on the basis of a focus group interview (Annexure-II, III) from banking professionals, computer experts and customers. This purpose is achieved via two research questions with focus on “online banking environment” (website) as well as the “customer services” within this online environment. While in second part for exploring the quantitative nature of this research, researcher has implemented “Technology Acceptance Model” (TAM), for the measurement of user acceptance of eMarketing. On the basis of a focus group interview with banking professionals, TAM literature and e-banking studies, researcher developed a model indicating online-banking acceptance among banking customers in Pakistan. The model was tested with a survey sample of 800 respondents and got 84% responses. Descriptive statistics of demographical variables indicate 70.2% male and 29.8% female’s response. A total of 88% respondents are in between 15 to 30 years of their age, most of them were having master’s qualification and utilize online banking services in the capital cities mainly in Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore and Peshawar and Quetta of Pakistan respectively. The research findings also indicate that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, quality of internet service, and amount of information are the main factors influencing online-banking acceptance. Using quantitative research method including the design and distribution of a questionnaire, empirical data was collected on which statistical analysis has been performed. So that the model for measuring consumer acceptance of online banking environment includes six quality dimensions (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, information on online banking, security and privacy and quality of internet service ) with total of 37 items (Annexure-I). Based on the results of data analysis; managerial recommendations, suggestions, need for further research on consumer interaction with online banking environment are also offered.

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