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Exploring New Dimensions in National Education Policies of Pakistan

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Ishaq, Muhammad




Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Around the world, education is recognized the major input to ethical, civilizing and socio-economic growth of any society. Primary Education provides a base for the education system of any country. Almost every government in Pakistan has been consistently advocating and supporting Primary Education which is reflected in all Educational Policies. Since independence, in 1947, numerous researches have been carried on diverse faces of Educational Policies. The aim of the study was: (1) evaluating the current Educational strategies with special reference to Primary Education, (2) to explore the causes of failure of National Education Policies in achieving the targeted goals, (3) to suggest National Cohesion and Resilience with regard to all dogmas and religions, and to identify their educational and racial range, (4)assesing the present status of Primary Education, regarding implementation of national Education Policies, and (5) to suggest some measures regarding the improvement of Primary Education. All the Education Policies of Pakistan 1947 – 2009, with all of their dimensions were considered as domain of the between study. It was concluded that the aim of early Education, in Education Policies were not completely obtained. The method of their execution remained weak. Lacking dimensions of National Education Policies are: lack of economic condition, lack of socio-culture, lack of teacher training and inability of educational supervisors and administrators, lack of accountability, weak and defective mechanism, lack of evaluation and political interference in educational matters, non consciousness on strategy and its significance. At the end, some suggestions have been given for improvement of Primary Education in the future National Educational Policies of Pakistan.

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التفكير الاستراتيجي وعلاقته بالاداء الوظيفي في وزارة التربية والتعليم الفلسطينية

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Role of Opposition Against Bhutto and Zia: A Comparative Study

The dissertation entitled “Role of Opposition against Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and against Ziaul Haq: a comparative study” provides a comprehensive account of the role of two opposition movements; first against Bhutto and the second against Gen. Zia. In Bhutto’s ascendency to power establishment played a mixed role as it had to bring him in power in the wake of military disaster of 1971. But after assuming power he could hardly maneuver between the civil and military leadership to steer the ship of democracy on a sustainable track. Eventually he met a tragic end at the hands of same forces that earlier brought him into power. In the case of Gen. Zia the opposition played a reverse ball game. The role of opposition movement (PNA) against Bhutto, role of various key players, “behind the curtain” forces against the popularly elected government of Bhutto was quite obvious in bringing down the popularly elected government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. On the contrary, the struggle of opposition movement (MRD) against Zia, role of various segments of Pakistani society in the movement for the restoration of democracy and rule of law led to an extent in restoration of democracy in the country. In fact, Bhutto came in power as a result of a popular movement of 1968-69 which mounted against the then President Ayub Khan. This movement, for the first time in the history of Pakistan, challenged the status-quo. After assuming power as a popular leader of the country he introduced egalitarian reforms which further antagonized opposition among the forces of status quo. The study explored that opposition in connivance with other forces overthrew the democratically elected government. Ironically, the then opposition turned a democratic country into dictatorship; an anti-capitalist country turned into a staunch ally of US-led Jihad (war) against USSR in Afghanistan and adopted a pro-US foreign policy. Bhutto, despite being a feudal himself introduced a number of egalitarian reforms and challenged the interests of the elitist classes including civil-military establishment, industrial elite, feudal class and other elitist groups. These groups with their class interest supported to launch a strong movement against Bhutto and consequently succeeded to overthrow him with the help of military junta. In contrast the movement against Zia was launched by people of Pakistan for the establishment of democracy and rule of law in the country. Almost all opposition political parties and progressive segments of Pakistani society played an important role to render great sacrifices in the movement against Zia. The role of political workers, lawyers, students, women and other segments of society has been instrumental against the dictatorial regime of General Zia. Although the movement could neither bring the dictator down nor succeeded to bring back the process of change started by the 1968-69 movement against the strata of ruling elite, nor it could bring back the process of egalitarian reforms initiated by Bhutto regime.