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Exploring New Dimensions in Public-Private Partnership in Education

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Israr Ahmed




Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49




The study conceptualized Public-Private Partnership in education and reviewed current research in this area to identify and analyse PPP programmes in global perspective. The review of literature included experiences and lessons learnt from different programmes. Objectives of the study were to clarify the concept and current status of PPP in education and analyse the existing initiatives of Public-Private Partnerships in education, before exploring new dimensions and models of PPP that could be integrated into the mainstream education system of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, province of Pakistan. The study was carried out in five districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Population of the study consisted of 240 teachers associated with PPC programme, 240 experts on PPP subject, 120 boys‟ secondary school principals/heads and 120 principals/heads of PPC institutions. The study chose stratified random sampling technique. The sample was divided into four groups: principals/heads boys‟ secondary schools, principals/heads PPC institutions, PPC teachers and experts on PPP subject. The primary source of data collection was a uniform opinionnaire for all the respondents. The secondary sources of data included study of office documents, dissertations, internet and library sources and literature review. The analysis of data was given both quantitative and qualitative treatment. The results were validated with the help of statistical measures. The current PPP initiatives in Pakistan were reviewed. They include „Adopt a School‟ programme, „Non-formal School Programme‟, „Adult Literacy Initiatives‟, „Concessions to Private Schools‟, „Up- gradation of Schools through Community Participation Project‟, „School Management Committees‟, „Citizen Community Boards‟, „Tawana Pakistan Programme‟, „Education Voucher Scheme‟, „Foundation Assisted Schools‟, „Continuous Professional Development Programme‟, „Teaching in Clusters by Subject Specialists‟, „Fellowship Programme‟, „Community Supported School Programme‟, „Home School Programme‟ and „Community Based School Programme‟. The study found a wide range of PPP in education provision the world over, each with different characteristics, design features and country context. The global PPP models included „Private Finance Initiatives‟ (UK), „The New Schools Project‟ (Australia), „The Offenbach Schools‟ (Germany), Moral Persuasion Model‟ (South Africa), „The JF Oyster Bilingual Elementary School‟ (USA) vi and many others. It was discovered that there is a dire need for introducing PPP in education. The indicators for readiness to get into PPP include political will and support of government; willingness of all parties involved in education and regulatory measures by government, the placement of a clear communication strategy at all levels, formulation of an in-built mechanism for conflict resolution, allocation of adequate funds by government, formulation of an accountability mechanism for all partners, ensuring accountability and transparency, involvement of community in consultative processes, development of generic guidelines by government for identification of private partners and development of monitoring and evaluation tools. The study made three dimensional recommendations: firstly, recommendations for improving and reforming the PPP initiatives; secondly, recommendations regarding new dimensions in PPP; and thirdly, suggestions for integrating them in the mainstream education system of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. General recommendations were adoption of a clear policy on PPP in education, engaging private providers in the delivery of educational services; promotion and facilitation of financial contribution and investments by development partners and individual philanthropists through different schemes of PPP, strengthening of PPC through good policy design, careful implementation and effective management for replication and sustainability. Furthermore, formulation of a regulatory framework to streamline the PPP affairs, development of transparent terms and conditions of partnership, clear and objectively streamlined criteria and processes to prevent monopoly of either partner for smooth functioning of PPP programmes, establishment of appropriate performance measures in PPP contracts and ensuring experience, competence, team capacity and effectiveness of the contracting agency, provision of safeguards against commercialization and privatization of education in disguise of publicprivate partnership and establishment of a PPP-Management Information System at provincial level. The study also explored new dimensions and models of PPP for integration in the mainstream education system of the province. They included „Adopt a School‟ programme (Sindh Pakistan); „Private Finance Initiative‟ (UK); The New Schools Project‟ (Australia); „Moral Persuasion Approach‟ (South Africa); „The JF Oyster Bilingual Elementary School‟ (USA) and „Charter Schools‟ (USA).

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