Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period. Climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes and effect in number of ways. Pakistan has long spells of drought which, experts believe, are a result of climate change. Citrus fruits are one of the largest fruit crops in the world. In Pakistan ample availability of natural resources provides the favorable regime for the development of citrus industry. Citrus problem faces several problems including biotic and abiotic stresses. Role of rootstocks in citrus is one of the most debatable and discussed issues and its selection is a major consideration under planning any citrus orchard. Present research was planned for genetic characterization and evaluation of modern rootstocks tolerant/resistant to selected abiotic stresses i.e., drought and high temperature. Experiments were conducted to screen out various modern citrus rootstocks including local commercial rootstocks (Rough lemon and Sour orange) against high temperature and water stress. Drought was induced based on field capacity of citrus rootstock relative to water requirement of citrus, high temperature stress was applied with relative to five years maximum temperature range. Four-month-old uniform seedlings were selected for the stress treatments. Gas exchange parameters were recorded at four different times. Horticultural parameters, plant water status and chlorophyll fluorescence at different wavelength was recorded of stresses. From overall results it was concluded that Brazilian sour orange and Keen sour orange showed tolerance against selected stresses and Savage citrange and Yuma citrange were susceptible against the stresses. For the confirmation of tolerance, expression of stress related genes was tested. Proper detailed bioinformatic analysis were performed for the selection of primer related to heat shock protein and major intrinsic proteins. One tolerant (Brazilian sour orange) and one susceptible (Savage citrange) was selected for the genetic expression analysis against the heat shock proteins (CsHsp70, CsHsp70.1 and CsHsp90) and major intrinsic proteins (CsPIP2, CsTIP2 and CsTIP1). Genetic expression of genes showed Brazilian sour orange with high expression level of Hsp70 and Hsp90 against the temperature stress. MIP such as P1P and T1P depicted high expression against the water stress and both Hsp and MIP expression under combined drought and temperature stress. It can be concluded from the study that Brazilian sour orange was tolerant against high temperature and water stress, but Savage orange was susceptible.
مولانا حافظ احمد ؍ مفتی عزیز الرحمن صاحب یہ مہینہ بھی آہ ماتم کی صدا سے خالی نہیں، شکر کا مقام تھا کہ اب تک دیوبند میں اکابر کی صحبت یافتہ اور اکابر کی زندہ یادگاریں موجود تھیں، مگر افسوس کہ یہ بھی یکے بعد دیگرے ہم سے رخصت ہورہی ہیں، مولانا حافظ احمد صاحب مہتمم مدرسہ عالیہ دیوبند خلف الصدق حضرت مولانا محمد قاسم صاحب رحمۃ اﷲ علیہ گزشتہ مہینہ حیدرآباد میں سپردخاک ہوئے اور اب اس مہینہ ۱۸؍ جمادی الثانی ۱۳۴۷ھ کو دائرہ قاسمیہ کے مفتی اعظم حضرت مولانا عزیز الرحمن نے ۷۲ برس کی عمر میں دیوبند میں بمرض فالج انتقال کیا۔ اِنَّا لِلّٰہِ وَ اِنَّا اِلَیْہِ رَاجِعُوْنَ۔ مرحوم نے مولانا مملوک العلی صاحب اور مولانا فضل رحمان صاحب گنج مراد آبادی، اور مولانا رشید احمد صاحب گنگوہی سے ظاہر و باطن کا فیض اٹھایا تھا، کم سخن، متین، حلیم اور سادہ مزاج تھے، تقویٰ اور دینداری، ان کے چہرہ کمال کا خط و خال تھی، حدیث کی درس و تدریس کے ساتھ کتب فقہ کی جزئیات پر ان کی وسعت نظر بدرجہ اتم تھی، فتاویٰ کے جوابات مختصر لیکن قل و دل دیتے تھے اور بیالیس برس تک اس خدمت کو انجام دیا۔ ایسے متقی اور محتاط فقیہ اور محدث آئندہ کہاں پیدا ہوں گے۔ زمانہ کا رنگ پلٹ رہا ہے، انقلاب کی لہریں دیواروں تک پہنچ گئی ہیں، جن کے رہنے والے زمانہ کے اس سیلاب سے اپنے گوشۂ عافیت کو محفوظ سمجھتے تھے، علماء کے خیالات بھی بدل رہے ہیں، اختلاط، میل جول اور مبادلہ آرا سے ان کے نقطۂ نظر میں بھی فرق آرہا ہے، یہ زمانہ علمائے اسلام کے لئے حد درجہ نازک ہے، ایک طرف تو تقویٰ، دینداری، اسلام کی اصلی روح کی حفاظت اور دوسری طرف...
Juristic rules laid the foundation of law, along with such juristic rules, Islām promotes the values of piety (through mystic guidelines). Most of the theologians opine that the real approach to get close the Creator can only be achieved through the mystic guidelines. In the early period of Islām, during the time of the prophet, , caliphate guided rightly the of periods the during and (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Muhammad when people were trained in a very righteous environment, there were no such reservations about the applications of clear jurisprudential injunctions along with the mystic guidelines, but, when Muslims tasted the grandeur of rule, regime and abundance of wealth, they indulged in the worldly affairs and adopted a materialistic approach, not only in their daily life, but, toward their religion, too. The Muslim thinkers have been trying to define and explain whether the typical rituals of mysticism are reconcilable with the larger demands of an Islamic vocabulary. Despite the wide diversity of the critical approaches, a certain pattern has been identified by Muslim responses as mysticism, which is, sometimes found closer to asceticism and sometime as a mediator. Many Muslim mystics have dealt with mysticism, but, perhaps, Manāẓir Aḥsan Gīlānī has displayed, with reference to Ibn ‘Arabī and Shāh Walī Ullāh, the most impressive and knowledgeable applications of such mystic ideas within an Islamic framework. Manāẓir’s applied mysticism is not a typical mysticism; his special focus upon legal injunctions of al-Sharī‘ah goes much further than any of his peers in establishing a strong framework for better understanding of Islām. This study is devoted to examining the effects and implications of mysticism, not only for individuals, but also for the Muslim masses, generally.
Saeed Ehsan Awan, PhD, Department of Physics & Applied Mathematics, PIEAS, June 2012. "Kinetic Simulation, Sensitivity Analysis of Fission Product Activity and Source Term Evaluation for Typical Accident Scenarios in Nuclear Reactors”; Supervisor: Dr. Nasir. M. Mirza; Co-Supervisor: Dr. Sikander M. Mirza; Department of Physics & Applied Mathematics, PIEAS, Nilore 45650, Islamabad. With growing demands of safe and reliable energy resources worldwide, nuclear power plants present viable option. A two third majority of these plants are PWRs. In comparison with their competitors, PWRs suffer from significantly higher dose rate due to radioactivity in the primary circuit which is dominantly contributed by corrosion and followed by fission products leakage from fuel. There has been extensive investigation in developing corrosion resistance alloys. But the problem of corrosion product activity in primary circuit has aggravated in view of trend towards high burn-ups, high temperatures, and longer-life time reactors. Under this scenario, the significance of fission products releases becomes even higher. The fission product activity (FPA) is considered to be the second leading contributor towards prevalent radiation levels in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs). The elevated radiation level results in delay and prolongation of routine repair/maintenance tasks of reactor’s cooling system, which not only reduces its effectiveness but also results in several million dollars revenue loss per power plant annually. However the reliable estimates of fission product activity (FPA) are also significant for the evaluation of fuel performance, assessment of radiological consequences in case of any accident releasing radioactivity and scheduling repair/maintenance tasks. The detailed knowledge about radioactivity build up and sensitivity analysis of fission product activity (FPA) is essential for reducing the plant maintenance time, which also helps to reduce the dose for plant operators and general public. In this work, first a model is developed for dynamic and static sensitivity analysis of fission product activity in primary coolant of typical pressurized water reactor (PWR). It has been implemented in the FPCART based computer program FPCART-SA that carries out sensitivity analysis of fission product activity (FPA) using both static as well as dynamic approaches. For long steady power operation of reactor, the computed values of normalized static sensitivity have been compared with the corresponding values obtained by using the dynamic sensitivity analysis. The normalized sensitivity values for the reactor power (P), failed fuel fraction (D), Coolant leakage rate (L), total mass of coolant (m) and the let down flow rate (Q) have been calculated and the values: 1.0, 0.857, -2.0177 × 10-6, 2.349 × 10-4, -2.329 × 10-4 have been found correspondingly for Kr-88 with the dominant values of fission product activity (FPA) as 0.273 μCi/g. In the second part of this study, evaluation of time dependence of source term has been carried out for a typical reactor system. The modeling and simulation of release of radioactivity has been carried out by developing a computer program FPARA which uses the ORIGEN2 code as subroutine, for core inventory calculations. Time dependent release of fission product activity to the containment and air has been simulated for loss of coolant accident scenarios. For noble gases, iodine and for aerosols, the release rate studies have been carried out for different leakage rates from containment. Effects of fraction of source in the coolant that is directly available after the accident on volumetric fission product activity were studied. Results show that volumetric activity in the containment air for different fission products remains strong function of decay constants, leakage rates, retention factors, deposition rates and fractional release rates.