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Home > Impact of Implementation Challenges of Capital Adequacy Ratio of Basel Accord Ii and Iii: Evidence from the Banking Sector of Pakistan.

Impact of Implementation Challenges of Capital Adequacy Ratio of Basel Accord Ii and Iii: Evidence from the Banking Sector of Pakistan.

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Huma Ayub




Bahria University







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Management Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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There are controversies in literature on how impositions of capital adequacy ratio (CAR) affect the bank behavior. In this context, present study analyzed the impact of CAR on the bank behavior in terms of risk taking, lending and profitability in the banking sector of Pakistan. For this purpose, present study used sample of 26 banks due to the availability of data on CAR for the period of 2005-2015. The study contributes in literature by extending Shrieves and Dhal (1992) model in Pakistani banking sector by using 2SLS and 3SLS techniques. The study also used Chami & Cosimano (2005) model and trade-off theory, by employing GMM technique to analyze the impact of CAR on the lending and profitability behavior of Pakistani banks. Results of the study confirm that CAR is effective in limiting risk-taking behavior of Pakistani banks which restrict their lending capacity for private sector in Pakistan. However, higher CAR leads to reduced cost of bankruptcy which improves the profitability position of Pakistani banks. Furthermore, the study also aims to identify the implementation challenges of advance approach of Basel Accord by using survey questionnaire. Results of the survey show key challenges such as lack of resources, credit and operational risk and supervisory review process however, proactive risk management culture positively contributes to the implementation process. The study has policy implications for the banks and regulators by providing them insights on the tradeoff of higher CAR and recommendations to overcome implementation issue of advance approaches of Basel Accord.

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هدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة أثر جهود الأردن ومصر في جذب مدخرات العاملين بالخارج ونتائجها، من أجل جذب وتشجيع الاستثمارات، فقد زادت أعداد المهاجرون العاملين بالخارج فى الأردن ومصر فى السنوات الأخيره، ولا شك أن جذب المدخرات له تأثير كبير على الاقتصاد، وتبرز أهمية هذه الدراسة من عدة جوانب فمن الناحية العلمية بالرغم من وجود الدراسات التي تناولت جذب مدخرات العاملين بالخارج فى المملكة الاردنية وجمهورية مصر العربية الا أنه مازالت الحاجة قائمة لمزيد من الدراسات في هذا المجال، خاصة بعد تزايد أعداد المهاجرين للخارج من الأردن ومصر، وعليه يتوقع أن تشكل هذه الدراسة إضافة في هذا المجال، أما من الناحية العملية: فيتوقع أن تكون هذه الدراسة وما تتوصل اليه من نتائج مفيدة بالنسبة لمتخذي القرار الاقتصادي في جميع الدول. والمنهج المستخدم هو التاريخي والوصفي والتحليلي، ومن أهم النتائج التى توصل لها البحث أن مدخرات العمالة بالخارج في الأردن ومصر تساهم في سد النقص في العملات الحرة.

Relationship of Liver Enzymes and C-Reactive Protein in Obese Subjecs of Karachi

Background:Obesity is recognized as one of the most burning health issue globally and considered to be a worldwide epidemic. Accumulation of excess body fat and less energy expenditure result into Obesity. Health experts declared so many causes of obesity including over-nutrition, improper eating habits, consumption of energy dense diet, imbalance physical activity, urbanization, and metabolic disorders. To measure the obesity body mass index is generally used. This study aims to explore the interactions among liver enzymes, Total Cholesterol, C-Reactive protein and thyroid hormones in obese people.Methods:This study employed a cross-sectional and descriptive design to observe the effect of obesity on anthropometric, biochemical and hormonal risk components in adult normal weight, overweight and obese men and women. The basic characteristics of the variables were described through descriptive statistics.Metabolic risk factors related with obesity were examined included hypertension and anthropometry. The WHO (1998) criteria was used to select normal weight, overweight and obese subjects. In our study a total of 150 adults comprising both males and females of 18 to 40 years of age group participated. Subjects were classified into three BMI groups, Normal weight, Overweight and Obese. Total normal weight subjects (n=30) with mean age 21.73 ± 0.60 years, total overweight (n=20) mean age 25.4 ± 1.90 years while total obese were (n=100) mean age 31.07 ± 1.18 years.All subjects filled a demographic questionnaire.Anthropometric measurement of every individual including weight, height, arm and wrist circumference, waist and hip circumferences were obtained, then body mass index and waisthip ratio were calculated. Both systolic and diastolic BPs of all participants were also determined. Subjects were considered to be Hypertensive with SBP ≥ 140 mmHg or DBP ≥ 90 mmHg. For evaluation of biochemical parameters, an overnight fasting blood sample was obtained. Liver enzymes were estimated with the help of commercially available kits (Innoline, merck, France), was used to determine the total cholesterol levels, while serum CRP and thyroid hormones were analyzed by ELISA (Commercially available kits). Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA and P value of 0.05 was considered statistical significance. Results: According to our findings mean values of BMI (Kg/m2), WHR, SBP (mmHg) and DBP (mmHg) in overweight and obese group were significantly higher than normal weight group (P<0.001). Similarly levels of liver enzymes including GOT (U/L) and GPT (U/L) in obese (P<0.001; P<0.001) and overweight subjects (P<0.01; P<0.001) were significantly different from participants having normal BMI. Serum ALP (U/L) concentrations of overweightand obese subjects were also significantly higher (P<0.001).While serum GGT(U/L) was non-significant in both the groups (P>0.05). Serum total cholesterol values (mg/dl) were found highly significant in both overweight and obese individuals (P<0.001; P<0.001) as compared to non-obese normal subjects. CRP(ng/ml) levels were also significantly higher in overweight and obese (P<0.01; P<0.001) respectively. There is no any significant relation was found in T3 (ng/ml) concentrations of both overweight and obese groups when they compared with normal weight group (P>0.05). Similarly T4 levels of overweight was non-significant (P>0.05) while in obese T4 concentrations were highly significant (P<0.001). Significantly increased values of TSH (µg/dL) were observed in both overweight and obese groups than normal weight group (P<0.001). PTH (pg/ml) levels were statistically non-significant in overweight (P>0.05) while in obese PTH concentrations were highly significant (P<0.001).When normal weight females (n=15) were compared with normal weight males (n=15), the statistically significant reduction was noted only in SBP (P<0.05) while serum GOT and GGT levels were found significantly high (P<0.001).Comparison of overweight females and males exhibited that only serum GOT values were statistically significant in overweight females (P<0.05). Obese females verses obese males showed the highly significant levels of GPT as well as GOT in obese females (P<0.001; P<0.01) while the statistically significant reduction was noted only in TSH values of obese females (P<0.05). Comparison of overweight males with normal weight males the significantly higher values were noted in BMI (P<0.001), SBP (P<0.01), DBP (P<0.05), serum GPT level (P<0.001), serum ALP level (P<0.001), Serum T-CH (P<0.001), CRP (P<0.05) and serum TSH level (P<0.01)of Overweight male subjects. Similarly Comparison of obese and normal weightmales subject showed significant increased in BMI (P<0.001), WHR (P<0.01), SBP (P<0.001), DBP (P<0.01), GOT (P<0.001), GPT (P<0.001) serum ALP (P<0.001), serum GGT (P<0.001),Serum T-CH (P<0.001),CRP (P<0.05),TSH (P<0.01) and serum PTH level (P<0.05) of obese males. When overweight females were compared with normal weightfemales highly significant levels were found in BMI (P<0.001), WHR (P< 0.01), SBP (P<0.001), DBP (P<0.001), GOT level (P<0.01), serum GPT level (P<0.001), serum ALP level (P<0.001) and Serum T-CH (P<0.001), of overweight females while significantly lower levels of GGT and TSH were noted in overweight females (P<0.01). Comparison of normal weight females and obese female subjects exhibited significantly higher mean values of BMI (P<0.001), WHR (P<0.001), SBP (P<0.001), DBP (P<0.01), GOT (P<0.001) serum GPT level (P<0.001), serum ALP concentration (P<0.001), Serum TCH (P<0.001), serum TSH and PTH levels (P<0.001)in obese females. Conclusion: The results of our study revealed that increased BMI is well correlated with increasing WHR and elevated SBP and DBP.SBP and DBP are higher with increasing weight in both the genders as well as in total population in our study.This increase may relate with the incidence of pre hypertension and other cardiovascular risk factors. The concentrations of liver enzymes including serum GOT, GPT, ALP and GGT levels are also increased with increasing BMI in obesity. Similarly serum T-CH concentrations were found significantly higher in both overweight and obese groups which shows effects of obesity on total cholesterol levels. Inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) synthesized from adipose tissue is increased in overweight and obesity which in turn promote the hepatic synthesis of CRP. This suggests that when adipose tissues mass increases in obesity so the production of cytokines interleukin-6 is also increase. We found elevated CRP values with increasing BMI. In our study, a non-significant increase was found in T3 concentrations of overweight and obese groups when they compared with normal weight groups. Similarly, serum T4 values of total Overweight group showed no significant result while in obese group highly significant increase was found. Among overweight and obese males and females, no any significant increase was noted. In this study, we also observed increase level of TSH with elevated BMI in overweight and obese females as compare to normal weight subjects. Similarly increased values of PTH were noted in obese subjects of both genders.and Obesity Experiment Background: Ramadan fasting is obligatory for all healthy adult Muslims in Islam.Muslim fasts during the whole month of Holy Ramadan by avoiding food and fluid intake from dawn to dusk. This experiment was planned to observe the impact of fasting during Ramadan on various anthropometric indices, physiological parameter, liver enzymes, CRP and some thyroid hormones. Methods: This experiment was carried out during Ramadan 2013, on healthy Muslims adults (both males and females) aged between 18-40 years. All the subjects fasted throughout the Ramadan, and average Fasting time was about 15 hours a day. As females do not fast during menstruation according to Islamic rules but they followed the same 15 hours fasting routine for experiment. All of them were put on dietary restrictions.Subjects appeared at 1st day of Ramadan (Pre group) and the same subject appeared at the last day of Ramadan (Post group).A venous blood sample was taken after completion of 15 hours fasting, and serum as well as plasma was separated for biochemical analysis.Anthropometric measurements like weight, height, WC, HC, Arm and wrist C were taken.BMI and WHR were calculated. SBP and DBP were measured.Serum GOT, GPT, ALP and GGT, serum CRP, T3, T4, TSH and PTH levels were analyzed by ELISA (Commercially available kits).Results: Comparison of pre and post control, pre and post overweight and pre and post obese male group showed significantly reduced level of BMI, SBP, DBP and WHR of overweight and obese males (P<0.05).While serum GOT, GPT, ALP and GGT, serum CRP of post obese males were significantly reduced than pre obese males. Serum T3 concentrations of post obese males (P<0.05) were significantly reduced. A statistical significant difference in T4 level (P<0.05)of post obese males was noted when they compared with respective pre groups. Similarly average serum TSH levels of pre obese and post obese males were highly significant than control subjects (P<0.01) respectively. However, a non-significant reduction was observed in PTH levels of pre and post obese males (P>0.05). Comparison of pre and post control, pre and post overweight and pre and post Ramadan obese females exhibited significant reduction in BMI (P<0.05), WHR (P<0.05), DBP (P<0.05) Serum GOT (P<0.001) and serum GPT (P<0.001), serum ALP (P<0.01), whileno significant change obtained in serum GGT levels (P>0.05) in post obese females. CRP levels (P<0.01) were significantly change in post obese females. Pre and post obese females showed significant reduction in T3 (P<0.05), TSH (P<0.05)and PTH (P<0.05) levels.Conclusion: This study concludes that BMI, WHR, BP significantly reduced in both male and female subjects. Liver enzymes including Serum GOT, GPT, ALP and GGT levelsof obese and overweight subjects of both the gendersalso decreased due to fasting. Significant reduced levels of Serum CRP showed that Ramadan fasting plays a decisive role in regulation of the biochemical and physiological processes of the body as well as affect antiinflammatory responses. Gradual reduction in T3, T4, TSH and PTH levels of overweight and obese subjects of both the sexes enlighten the impacts of Ramadan fasting on thyroid hormones. However, further research is needed to find out the molecular action involved due to Ramadan fasting involved in obesity and weight gain." xml:lang="en_US