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Impact of Perceived Social Support, Social Skills, and Coping Strategies on Single and Married Working Womens Health

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Kausar, Rubina




University of the Punjab







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The present research explored impact of perceived social support, social skills and coping strategies on general health of Pakistani women college and university teachers. Non-probability purposive sampling strategy was used. The sample comprised of 212 women college and university teachers drawn from different public and private colleges and women university of Lahore. Perceived Social Support from Friend and from Family Scales (Procidano & Heller, 1983); Social Skills Inventory (Riggio, 1989); Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989) and General Health Questionnaire 30 (Goldberg, 1978) were individually administered to all the research participants. Formal permission was granted by the authors of these scales for use in the current research project. Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient, Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling were performed to determine the impact of perceived social support, social skills and coping strategies on general health of the research participants. Independent sample t-test was also applied to analyze the differences between single and married women college and university teachers in all variables. The Results suggest that perceived family support, social skills, emotion-focused coping strategies and problem-focused coping strategies are significant positive predictors for general health of women college and university teachers in Pakistani society. The findings of this research have implications for promoting our understanding of the impact of perceived social support, social skills and coping strategies on general health of the women college and university teachers so that faculty development programs could be introduced in Pakistani educational institutions to promote their general health.

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Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method to Solution of Partial Differential Equations

Nonlinear Differential equations are of major importance in different fields of science and engineering. For complicated nonlinear problems exact solutions are not available and alternate way is to use numerical methods, Iterative methods or analytical techniques of perturbation. Numerical methods use discretization a have slow rate of convergence. Iterative methods are sensitive to initial conditions and in case of high nonlinearity they do not yield converged results. In perturbation methods small parameter is applied on the equation and hence cannot be applied for high nonlinear problems as they do not have small parameter. One of domain type methods is known as OHAM. This method is free from small parameter assumption and do not need the initial guess. The proposed method provides better accuracy at lower-order of approximations. Moreover the convergence domain can be easily adjusted. In this thesis OHAM is implemented for solution linear and nonlinear tenth order ODEs. Then its effectiveness and generalization is shown to a nonlinear family of PDEs, including Burger, Fisher, Burger’s–Huxley, Burger’s–Fisher, MEW and DGRLW equations. The results of the proposed method are compared with that of DTM, VIM, ADM, HAM and HPM, which reveal that OHAM is effective, simpler, easier and explicit. Apart from application to PDEs, OHAM is applied to couple system of PDEs. The coupled WBK, ALW, MB systems are used as test examples and results are compared with those obtained by HPM. OHAM is implemented to DDEs as well, and solution of MKdV lattice equation is presented for the illustration of proposed technique. The results are compared with HAM and HPM. In all cases the results obtained by OHAM are in close agreement with the exact solution and reveal high accuracy.