اسلامی معاشرے کا قیام اس لیے ضروری ہے تاکہ خیر کے فروغ اور شر کے خاتمے کو یقینی بنایا جا سکے لیکن اس مقصد کے حصول کے لئے معاشرے کے ہر فرد کو اپنا اپنا کردار کرنا ہوگا۔ کیونکہ اسلام انسانیت کی فلاح و بہبود، بقاو ارتقاء کے زریں اصولوں کا امین ہے اور حق کی پاسداری، معاشرے کے اعلیٰ اقدار کا قیام اور انسانی معاشرے میں باہمی حقوق کا احترام اسلامی تعلیمات کی بنیادی روح ہے۔
اللہ تبارک و تعالی انسان کے خالق ہیں اور انسان کی فطرت سے اچھی طرح واقف ہیں۔ اللہ تعالی نے سیدھے راستے کی طرف اپنے بندوں کو بلایا ہے ۔ اور زندگی کے ہر معاملے میں رہنمائی فراہم کی۔
قرآن مجید کا مرکزی موضوع ہونے کے ناطے ، کتاب مقدس میں انسان سے متعلق مختلف پہلوؤں کے بارے میں بات کی گئی ہے ، جس سے انھیں ایک خاص اہمیت حاصل ہے۔ اسلام انسانی اقدار اور خاندانی زندگی کے بارے میں ایک واضح اور قابل تقلید تصور پیش کرتا ہے۔ خاص طور پر ، اسلام کے ذریعہ پیش کردہ انسانیت کا احترام کرنے کا تصور غیرمعمولی ہے اور دوسری قومیں اس سے محروم ہیں۔ اسلام نے سب سے پہلے انسانی نسل اور وقار کی مساوات پر مبنی ایک نظام کی بنیاد رکھی۔ اس کے بعد ہی مذہب اسلام نے انسانوں کو مذہبی ، اخلاقی ، معاشی ، معاشرتی اور سیاسی شعبوں میں لاتعداد حقوق دیئے۔ انسانی حقوق اور آزادی کا اسلامی تصور آفاقی اور عدل پر مبنی ہے ، جس میں وقت اور جگہ کی تاریخی اور جغرافیائی حدود کا کوئی لحاظ نہیں ہے۔ اسلام کا انسانی حقوق کا چارٹر اللہ رب العزت نے عطا کیا ، جو ساری کائنات کا خدا ہے ، اور یہ پیغام اللہ نے آخری نبی حضرت محمد...
Today in the world, the human beings are crunch in crimes in developed society or in undeveloped society. As a result the whole world has become insecure and unsafe. A society and nation can perish and drowned due to its cruelty and crimes. The Muslim society is also being victims of such crimes. According to the scholars the basic reason of this issue is illiteracy and get for away from Islamic teachings while fearless from God and from the Day of Judgment, social injustice, instability, destabilization, disunity and dis-integrity, away from knowledge, negative role of media and impatience tolerance are also considered as major factors. The scholars and reformers are suggested to control the crimes through laydown of justice or establishment of Courts and spread of knowledge, bring awareness among the peoples, establishment of educational institutes in a society. In this article it has been point out the major causes of social crimes and their potential remedy in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah.
Purpose – This study was conducted to identify factors affecting talent management in the context of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan their causal relationship. The study expected to facilitate policymakers and human resource managers to formulate and implement exclusive talent management strategies, in order to attract and engage talented individuals for sustainable competitive advantage. Research methodology – The study was correlational and descriptive (quantitative) in nature. The population comprised, students and Heads of Department (HoD) of medical and engineering universities charted by Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa a province of Pakistan and overseas Pakistani medical doctors/engineers. Total 845 questionnaires were distributed, 376 amongst students, 71 in HoD’s and 398 amongst overseas doctors/engineers. Total 670 questionnaires were received, 351 from students, 68 from HoDs and 251 from doctors/engineers. The data was analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software. The analysis comprised Descriptive Statistics, Exploratory Factors Analysis and Confirmatory Factors Analysis with Structural Equation Modelling. Research findings – Study found seven factors affecting talent management in the context of KPK, Pakistan. The most significant positive predictor was found workplace environment. However, recruitment and selection, technological advancement and talent demand & supply were also found significant positive predictors of talent management.Practical implications – This study provides systematic management process for employees’ management starting from fair and quick recruitment & selection process, provision of conducive working environment, appropriate development opportunities and remuneration & reward system. This study also provides starting point to researchers in the context of talent management. Policy level implications – To revamp education system, educational institutes launch career counseling services, ensure equal employment opportunities, also discourage discrimination of local v/s foreign qualification, encourage local and foreign investors, overcome issues such as, energy crises, unemployment, poor law and order situation, justice denied or delayed, poverty (lack of food, shelter), favoritism, broken family bonds and breakdown of civic facilities. Originality/value – The research identified factors affecting in the context of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan based on data collected through survey questionnaire. The findings of research study are strategically important for organizations to attract, develop, engage and beneficially utilize the talent for sustainable competitive advantage. This study provides reference for future research studies on talent management, specifically those aims to investigate the formulation and implementation of talent management strategies.