’’حقانی رباعیات‘‘ میری نظر میں
شاعری ایک خوبصورت اور من موہنی صنف رْباعی ہے۔ رْباعی کا لفظ رْبع سے نکلا ہے۔عربی زبان میں اربعہ کے معنی ’’چار‘‘ کے ہیں۔اس وجہ سے ایسی صنف شاعری کو رْباعی کہا جائے گا جس کے چار مصرعے ہوں۔
شاعری کی اصطلاح میں رْباعی اس صنف کا نام ہے جس میں مخصوص وزن کے چار مصرعوں میں ایک مضمون یا خیال بیان کیا جاتا ہے۔یعنی رْباعی وہ شعری صنف ہے جس میں عروض کے ماہرین کے مقرر کیے ہوئے خاص وزن،خیال کی وحدت اور بیان کے تسلسل کی پابندی بہت ضروری ہے۔
رْباعی میں بیان کے تسلسل اور خیال کی آہستہ آہستہ بڑھوتری کے اظہار کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ رباعی کے چار وں مصرعے زنجیر کی گھریوں کی طرح ایک دوسرے سے جڑے ہوئے ہوں،الفاظ کا چناؤ موضوع اور خیال کے مطابق ہو پہلے مصرعے میں مناسب الفاظ کے ذریعے خیال کے بارے میں معلومات دی جائیں۔دوسرے اور تیسرے مصرعے میں خیال مکمل طور پر پورے زور و شعور کے ساتھ ڈرامائی انداز میں پیش کیا جائے کیوں کہ چوتھا مصرعہ ہی رباعی کے مجموعی تاثر اور خلاصے کو بیان کرتا ہے۔اس میں ہی رباعی کا اصل خیال یا مضمون کو بیان کیا جاتا ہے جس کی خاطر رباعی لکھی گئی ہے۔
جہاں تک رباعی کے مضامین اور موضوعات کا تعلق ہے۔اس صنف کاآغازمذہبی مضامین کے بیان سے ہوا۔شروع شروع میں حمد،نعت اور توحید کا ذکر ہی رباعی میں کیا جاتا تھا۔پھر آہستہ آہستہ صوفیانہ خیالات ،معرفت کے مضامین رباعی کے موضوعات بن گئے۔صوفیاء کرام کا دین کی تبلیغ کا کام کرنا،لوگوں کو اخلاق کا درس دینا اور معاشرے کی اصلاح یہ سبھی مضامین صوفی شعراء نے رباعی میں بیان کیے۔اگر فارسی رباعی پر نظر ڈالی جائے تو...
This study specifically examines the implementation of gerojene in the custom of Kaili tribal marriage in terms of fiqh Munakahat. The problem raised was how to understand and implement gerojene according to the Kaili tribal wedding customary law. This research is based on the views of some cultural experts that tradition can be seen as an act and behavior that prevails in a society, both in the form of habits and rules that are worked on from generation to generation inherited from ancestors since time immemorial. The definition is that if it is associated with the Kaili tribe's marriage customs, namely gerojene, then what is meant is the actions and rules held in a marriage ceremony inherited from ancestors and have been held for a long time until today are still maintained and practiced in traditional wedding ceremonies the Kaili tribe in Central Sulawesi. This research data comes from secondary data in the form of theories quoted from books, research journals, fiqh munakahat, and other writings by quoting directly or indirectly. Primary data or data collected from the field of research. Primary data collection uses two types of methods. First observation. The researcher went to the research location. The location of this study was in two districts and one city. Donggala Regency, Sigi Regency and Palu City. This observation activity is to meet traditional Kaili figures. Both methods are in-depth interviews. This was intended to find out the understanding and implementation of gerojene customs in the Kaili tribe marriage through question and answer. The answers given will clarify the problem under study. Through this research, it is known that there are differences in the understanding and procedure for the implementation of gerojene in the Kaili tribal marriages of the past with the Kaili tribe today. The words gerojene were pronounced by the customary leader as the representative of the bride of the prospective wife. After that the prospective husband answered as his agreement. The end of this pledge of women and men has legitimately become husband and wife. This event must be attended by a mother father or representing men and women and witnessing traditional and family leaders.
Christian monasteries became the religious and public buildings in Christianity and have flourished and given birth to many architectural features and work scales. In, Pakistan has had a large population of Christians during its origin but it has declined substantially due to many persecutions and migration. Although, there is resentment between the religions in Pakistan, there are examples of religious tolerance and of positivity reflected in unity and brotherhood. The project aims for the architectural typology of a monastery reflecting the ideas of religious tolerance and expanding the Church architecture that has recently come to a halt in the country. It further reflects to sustain the ecology of the site it caters to be constructed within. The ideas of sustenance in ecology and religion come together in the form of a new architectural style, i.e. Pantheclectism that aims to establish an architecture of the current and changing future scenario and at the same time demarcating an ecologically endangered site. This eventually plays its part defined within this typology to curate itself in the form of different architectural typologies that make up a monastery and in a way are also exclusive to the monastery.