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Home > Interplay of Language and Gender: A Comparative Study of Selected Works of Contemporary Female Poets

Interplay of Language and Gender: A Comparative Study of Selected Works of Contemporary Female Poets

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Hashmi, Farah




National University of Modern Languages







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English Language & Literature





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This analytical research lies at the intersection of language and gender. It is rooted in Showalter‘s perspective that contemporary female writers share distinct female experiences, which require a female framework for examining literary works by women, about women. Theoretically speaking, Post-modern frameworks promote human experience to be located, inescapably within language. Language shapes and reifies positioning of women in the society. Therefore, I have taken up Gynocriticism as an approach towards the selected texts, which looks at the language of the texts by the female authors from female perspective. Earlier, studies in this area centered on the similarities and differences between the male and female spoken language, but I have narrowed down this area of study by studying the similarities and differences in the use of literary language by Maya Angelou, Margaret Atwood and Moniza Alvi. They have been studied under the canopy of Communities of Practice Approach, using the adapted theoretical-operational framework given by Elaine Showalter, Jonathan Culler and Sara Mills. It tends to bring out those experiential and relational values of the selected female poets that provide basis for re-establishing of women‘s positioning in the society through the transformative power of language in literature. It does not only reflect upon new positioning of female intellectuals, but women in general. It brings out their urge for growth and empowerment that calls for encouragement, appreciation and recognition. The analytical findings reveal that these women of intellect and wisdom belong to different parts of the world, yet they share a common goal, of raising their voice against suppression of women, exemplifying themselves to be equally talented and competent in their art of writing poetry. The study also presents strength of female writers to use language as a transformative power and display the dynamics of their experiential and relational values, for the emancipation of women around the world through their linguistic diversity and literary aesthetics. The analysis of the selected poems determines and establishes the position of the female poets as talented and artistic beings, making the world accept women as a group, who has started to look at themselves as strong and equal members of the society, bringing out their persuasive voice and making them heard as women of substance in the world.

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پاپائے رومہ بنڈکٹ پانزدہم

پاپائے رومہ ، بنڈکٹ پانز دہم

            آغاز سال رواں میں پاپائے رومہ، بنڈکٹ پانز دہم نے انتقال فرمایا، ان سطروں کے شائع ہونے تک ان کے جانشین کا بھی انتخاب ہوچکا ہوگا، جس وقت سے پاپائیت کا باضابطہ عہدہ قائم ہوا ہے، صدہا افراد اس منصب پر مامور رہ چکے ہیں، بلکہ اگر ابتدائی عیسوی صدیوں کے بشپ صاحبوں کو بھی اس فہرست میں شامل سمجھا جائے تو شاید شمار سیکڑوں سے متجاور ہوجائے، سوال صرف اس قدر ہے کہ اس طویل و عظیم فہرست میں کسی غیر یورپی شخص کا بھی نام تلاش کرنے سے مل سکتا ہے؟ مسیحیت کے حدود تو ماشاء اﷲ ایشیاء، افریقہ کے گوشہ گوشہ تک وسیع ہوچکے ہیں اور ان ممالک میں کروڑوں باشندہ ’’ابن اﷲ‘‘ کے کلمہ گو موجود ہیں، پھر کیا اب تک ان بے شمار نفوس میں ایک شخص بھی یورپی مسیحیوں کی ہم سطح وہم پلہ نہیں پیدا ہوسکا ہے؟

(سید سليمان ندوی، فروری ۱۹۲۲ء)


الكهنة والمبشرون بقدوم الرسول الكريم محمد (ص) قبل البعثة

الملخص: بعث الله سبحانه وتعالى سيدنا محمداً (ص) رحمة للناس؛ وليرشدهم إلى طريق الهدى، وإلى تصحيح أمور حياتهم، فهو (ص) خير من أُرسلَ لإتمام هذه الرسالة، ونشر دين الإسلام إلى البشرية؛ إذ وكان الإنسان الوحيد في التاريخ الذي نجح نجاحاً مطلقاً على كلا المستويين الديني والدنيوي، فهو من دعا إلى الاسلام ونشره كواحد من أعظم الديانات، وبعد (14) قرناً من وفاته، فأثره مازال باقياً متجدداً لما له الأثر الأعظم في التاريخ، والعالم. وهدفت الدراسة لاظهار مدى معرفة التنبؤات التي جاءت من خلال الكهنة والمبشرين والذي عرفت من خلال الكتب السماوية التي سبقت مجيء الحبيب المصطفى (ص) واستخدم الباحث المنهج الموضوعي في تسلسل الاحداث التاريخية، وقد توصلت الدراسة الى مجموعة من النتائج اهمها: اكدت الدراسة ان تنبئ العديد من الكهنة والعرافين بقدوم محمد (ص) ولكن كان العالم بانتظاره على مدى طويل فنلاحظ ان الكهنة في العصر الجاهلي قد تحدثوا عن نبي يأتي في المستقبل الا انهم كانت رؤيتهم الى النبيالاكرم القادم رؤي واضحة الى اولى الالباب وهذا مااصبح جليأ في ولادة نبي محمد (ص) والاحداث التي رافقته الى بعثتة فكانت مصداقا لاقوالهم انذاك. الكلمات المفتاحية: الكهنة، البشارة، الرسول، محمد (ص)، البيعثة

Physio-Morphic Expressions of Sunflower Helianthus Annuus L. in Response to Environmental Variations

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) having high degree of adaptability under wide range of climatic conditions, high photosynthetic capacity, efficient stomatal conductance and hydraulic mechanism allow the crop to be productive in broad range of environments. Combined effects of environmental factors not only modify plant phenology but also cause many physiological and qualitative changes. Environmental variations affect crop growth, development, yield, oil and fatty acid accumulation through agronomic, physiological and qualitative functions of the crop plant. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate and document the physio-morphic expressions of sunflower in response to varying environments. Field experiments were conducted at Agronomy Research Area, Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan one each in spring and autumn during 2007 and 2008. Four sunflower hybrids, Alisson-RM, Parasio-24, MG-2 and S- 278 were planted in randomized complete block design with four replications. Data for various agronomic, physiological and quality parameters were collected during the course of study. Results revealed statistically significant differences among hybrids for almost all parameter recorded during both the seasons (spring and autumn) during two years of study. Quantitative parameters like stem diameter, plant height, biological yield and achene yield of all hybrids were 26.14 % to 56.18 % higher in spring as compared to autumn season. Physio-morphic parameters like leaf area, leaf area index, specific leaf area, crop growth rate and net assimilation rate exhibited the similar trend of higher values during spring and lower during autumn but of sigmoid nature. Physiological attributes like chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, photosynthetic rate also followed the sigmoid curve pattern of growth and development during spring, where readings of all parameters were slow at the start of the season which gradually increased to the peak and thereafter decreased to the minimum at the end during spring season. However, trend of the above physiological parameters observed during autumn was opposite which touched the peak at the start and continuously decreased to the minimum at the end. The opposite trend of physiologicalxix parameters during two seasons may be related to the variable temperature during the two seasons. In spring, at the start temperature was low which gradually increased to the peak while during autumn temperature was relatively high at the start which gradually decreased as season proceeded. Qualitative parameters like oil content, oleic acid, stearic acid and palmatic acid of all the hybrids exhibited higher values during spring as compared to those during autumn season. However, linoleic acid showed inverse relationship with oleic acid as it increased during autumn than that observed during spring. Protein content showed opposite trend to oil content during the two seasons as higher protein contents were observed during autumn as compared to those during spring season. It may be concluded that spring crop is a better option for good economic and oil yield in high rainfall areas. However, autumn crop accumulated higher linoleic acid (poly-unsaturated fatty acid) than the spring crop, thus better in quality. Significant positive correlations were recorded among morphological attributes, achene yield and oleic acid, while negative for linoleic acid were observed during spring, however, during autumn oleic acid and linoleic acid showed opposite trend to each other. Similarly, significant positive correlations were exhibited among physiological attributes, achene yield and oleic acid, while negative for linoleic acid were expressed during spring, however, during autumn oleic acid and linoleic acid reversed each other. In a separate experiment, oil and fatty acid contents in different circles of mature sunflower heads during spring and autumn seasons for both the years were determined. A progressive decrease in oil content, oleic acid, stearic acid was recorded from outer to central circle during spring for both the years. Contrary to spring crop, oil content showed increase from outer to central circle in autumn crop. However, rest of the attributes followed the similar trend of spring crop. Linoleic acid accumulation was opposite to that of oleic acid where central circles accumulated higher linoleic acid in all four hybrids as compared to middle and outer circles during both the seasons. The variation in oil and fatty acid in different circles may be the result of vascular connection which seems to be better in outer circles.