This study investigates the explanatory mechanisms (envy and its positive out comes) between the leader member exchange and subjective career success. Using Affective Events Theory an integrated framework was developed by incorporating the study variables in it. The study extends the framework of Affective event the ory by proposing two serial mediation models. One model serial mediation of social comparison, envy and achievement motivation between leader member exchange and subjective career success.The second model estimates the serial mediation of social comparison, envy ad thriving at work between leader member exchange and subjective career success. Along with the mediating mechanism of envy and its functional outcomes like achievement motivation and thriving at work, moderating role of self-control was also examined. This dissertation incorporated social comparison as affective event at workplace. Furthermore, this study demonstrates how leader member exchange differentiation is associated with subjective career success and social comparison. In this study fifteen hypotheses were developed, fourteen were supported while one failed to meet the acceptance criteria.Data were collected in five time lags from a sample of 414 respondents working in Fast moving consumer goods or ganizations, telecommunication organization, Healths sectors and banks as envy is universal phenomena. The sample of study were working employees of these sectors under the supervision of leaders. Data was collected by using survey based questionnaires. Findings of hypotheses indicate that leader member exchange has positive rela tionship with subjective career success, while it is negatively associated with social comparison as per expectation. This study also investigated the impact of social comparison on envy which showed positive and significant relationship, envy in turn leads to achievement motivation and thriving at work.Regarding explana tory mechanisms, social comparison mediates between the relationship of leader member exchange and envy. In addition, mediating role of envy, thriving at work and achievement motivation was also established. Results showed that envy mediates between social compari son and outcomes including achievement motivation and thriving at work. More over, mediating role of achievement motivation between envy and subjective career success was supported and role of thriving at work as mediator between envy and subjective career success was also established in this study. Contrary to expecta tion, self-control does not moderate between the relationship of social comparison and envy. The serial mediations of social comparison, envy and achievement mo tivation between leader member exchange and subjective career success and of social comparison, envy and thriving at work between leader member exchange and subjective career success were established. The results have theoretical implications regarding contribution of envy and its functional outcome at workplace due to differential treatment of leader. Practical implications were also discussed for leaders and management at workplace. The study has few limitations as well that were also discussed in detail. Future direc tion regarding investigation of other negative emotions and leadership styles were suggested.
مراتب اخترنے ساٹھ اور ستر کی دہائی میں اپنے منفرد ڈِکشن کی بنا پر شہرت حاصل کی۔ انھیں مجیدامجد کی صحبت سے فیض یاب ہونے کا موقع بھی مِلا۔ مجیدامجد سے اُن کی ملاقاتیں بھی اُن کے جدید شعری رجحان کا سبب بنیں۔ مجیدامجد مراتب اختر کے بارے میں کہتے ہیں:
یہ ایک شاعر ہیں جو غزل کہتے ہیں اور غزل ان کے عقیدئہ حیات کا ایک جزو ہے۔ یہ عقیدہ ان کی رُوح کے لیے شرط ایمان ہے، کوئی عجب شیفتگی ہے جو انھیں اس صنف کے ساتھ ہے۔ ایک عمر سے وہ غزل کے مصنوعی انداز کو نکھارنے میں مصروف ہیں۔ یہاں ان اشعار کے اندر ایک بالکل نیا چہرہ مفاہیم ہے۔ لذتِ بیان کی ایک انوکھی سرشاری ہے۔ بظاہر ایک سہمی ہوئی آواز ہے لیکن دراصل یہ اپنی ہی توانائی سے شرمائی ہوئی آواز ہے۔ نئے اِمکانات اظہار ہیں، نیا جلوئہ حروف ہے۔ ایسا معلوم ہوتا ہے گویا اظہار کے پردے میں شاعر اپنے آپ ہی سے مخاطب ہے۔ خود ہی اپنی آواز، خود ہی اس کا سننے والا اور خود ہی اس سے کیفیت گیر ہے۔ ان اشعار پر مکاشفوں کا گمان ہوتا ہے۔ اپنے تاثر پر اپنا اعتقاد، اپنے اعتقاد پر اپنا ایمان، اپنے اسی اطمینان کا وقار، ان کے ہر شعر سے جھلکتا ہے۔ جابجا ایک ضبط ہے جس کی اپنی تمکنت ہے۔ ایک شکستگی ہے جس کا اپنا جلال ہے۔ ایک کرب مہجوری ہے، جس میں گراوٹ نہیں متانت ہے۔ ایسا احساس ہوتا ہے جیسے محبوب کے ساتھ بات کرتے وقت شاعر کے لہجے میں محبوب کا انداز رضامندی اس میں شامِل ہو گیا ہے۔۔۔ جہاں خارجی اشیاء کا بیان ہے، وہاں یوں لگتا ہے جیسے یہ اشیاء اپنا ٹھوس وجود...
Aims of Study: To compare the level of burnout among the academic and clinical physical therapists.
Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted from August 2019 to January 2020. Data was collected from physical therapists working in the universities and hospitals of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Data was collected from 278 participants. Maslach burnout inventory scale was used to measure the level of burnout which was analyzed using SPSS statistics 21.
Results: The mean value of emotional exhaustion for clinical physical therapists was 20.02 ± 8.08 and for academic physical therapist was 18.6 ± 6.57 with significant p value (p˂0.05). The mean value for depersonalization for clinical physical therapists was 9.22 ± 5.17 and for academic 9.29 ± 5.07 with significant p value (p˂0.05). The mean value of personal accomplishment for clinical physical therapists and academic physical therapists was 35.43 ± 7.715 and 35.74 ± 6.49 respectively with non-significant p value (p˃0.05).
Limitations and Future Implications: It was conducted for specific time period which not record the overall or yearly impact of burnout on participants. So time lapse and longitudinal study should be done.
Originality: The clinical physical therapists have increased level of burnout than academic physical therapists.
Conclusion: The clinical physical therapists have increased level of burnout than academic physical therapists.
Individuals‟ thinking styles play central role in their decision making process. Epstein, Pacini, Denes-Raj, and Heier, (1996) and Pacini and Epstein (1999) described two major types of thinking patterns i.e. rational and experiential. Prior research investigated different factors that affect thinking styles of people. These factors range from inherited instincts to environmental pressures. The current study aimed to examine the impact of religious affiliations of secondary school students on their rational thinking. Profound review of related literature leaded the researcher to adapt age-universal I-E scale developed by Allport and Ross (1967) and revised by Kirkpatrick, Moberg, and Lynn (1988) and rational experiential inventory for adolescents (REI-A) developed by Pacini and Epstein (1999) and revised by Marks, Hine, Blore, and Phillips (2008). The age universal I-E scale measures three dimensions of religiousness i.e. intrinsic, extrinsic personal and extrinsic social religiosity of the individuals of all ages. The REI-A is to scale rational and experiential thinking of adolescents. The 3517 secondary school students having religious affiliations with Hinduism (1050), Christianity (1073) and Islam (1394) were included in the sample using non-random sampling techniques. It was ensured that only the students studying government prepared syllabus were selected in the samples. The adapted instruments were translated into Urdu and validated through the opinions of ten field experts. All five subscales demonstrated high reliability of the data of Pakistani samples. Collected data were entered in SPSS files. The negative statements were recoded and results were presented in graphs and tables. Results of skewness, Kurtosis, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy and Bartlett‟s test of sphericity supported the normality of sample distribution and homogeneity of data. Principal component analysis, rotated component matrix and structural equation models endorsed the structures of scales and subscales. Statistical analysis of the data was done using t test, ANOVA, correlation coefficients and regression analysis. Findings revealed that Muslim secondary school students were comparatively more intrinsically religious and rational in thinking than their Hindu and Christian fellows. In contrast the Christian students were comparatively more extrinsic personal and extrinsic social religious than their Hindu and Muslim secondary school fellows. Similarly, the Christian students were more experiential in thinking than their fellows. Major contribution of xvi the study was to trace out the relationship between religious orientations and thinking patterns of the students. It was concluded that rational thinking of Hindu, Christian and Muslim secondary school students (separately and collectively) was directly associated with their intrinsic and extrinsic personal religiousness and indirectly correlated with their extrinsic social religiosity. The three aspects of religious orientations moderately explained the variances in rational thinking of the Hindu and Muslim secondary school students whereas for the Christian students this share was significantly small. The study proposed further research in the field to investigate the factors (social, cultural, political, financial etc.) that played role in forming religious orientations of the students having different faith. The study also suggests further investigation of factors that transform students thinking styles with the passage of time.