The study aimed to explore the current status of library and information science education regarding program offerings, faculty, students, curriculum, and infrastructural resources. It further explored the challenges faced in imparting quality education and the future prospects. A mixed methods research design (convergent parallel strategy) combining quantitative and qualitative methods was used to achieve the objectives of the research. The quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire survey from nine universities where LIS departments were well established and regularly offering academic programs with a 100% response rate. The qualitative data were gathered through semi-structured interviews from 17 faculty members purposively selected to obtain their real perspective on various aspects related to the research questions. The findings of both strands have been converged and discussed along with the review of the existing literature in the ‗Discussion‘ chapter. The major drifts and concerns identified were a lack of planning, dearth of physical, financial and technological resources, inadequate curriculum contents, lack of faculty, intake of weak students, the absence of quality assurance system, scarcity of collaboration, and low social image and visibility of the departments. The expansion of academic programs to encompass a broader ‗information‘ landscape, inclusion of ICTs into the curriculum, imparting a balanced blend of subject, research, technological and generic skills, were the major challenges to prepare future professionals. Moreover, the availability of competent faculty with PhD degrees, increased competition from other disciplines (i.e., management, computer science, communication studies) and building employers‘ confidence were also discussed concerns. The development of a quality assurance mechanism through accreditation, rebranding the profession to uplift its social image and initiatives for national and international collaboration were the challenges to ensure future sustainability of academic programs in the country. Moving towards ‗information‘, a trend of obtaining a doctoral degree among the available faculty, increased research output, expansion in the academic programs level, focus on curriculum innovation and quality, expanding job sector other than library and above all positive attitude of faculty about the future of academic programs were the promising prospects of LIS education in the country. The study‘s recommendations primarily focused on moving towards information, redesigning and revising the curriculum to accommodate new trends and offering need based specializations to capture the job market. Enticing competent and diversified faculty by involving experts form related fields, attracting intake of good students by revising admission criteria, and accrediting academic offerings were considered vital for ensuring LIS education to remain relevant.
علامہ اقبال کی طلبا سے توقعات طالب علم کو ہر شخص بنظر استحسان دیکھتا ہے اپنی پہلی نظر میں جو تصور اُس کے ذہن میں آتا ہے وہ یہی ہوتا ہے کہ یہ بچہ بڑا ہو کر ملک و قوم کی خدمت کرے گا، ماں باپ کی فرمانبرداری کرے گا، ہر ایک کے ساتھ حسنِ سلوک کے ساتھ پیش آئے گا۔ اور وُہ طالب علم بھی بڑا خوش نصیب ہے جو اپنے بزرگوں کی توقعات پر پورا اترتا ہے۔ حضرت علامہ اقبال رحمۃ اللہ علیہ جو حکیم الامت بھی ہیں پوری دنیا ان کی عظمت کو سلام کرتی ہے ان کے اشعار جو دیوان کی صورت میں موجود ہیں ، اخلاق حسنہ پیدا کرنے میں ایک اہم رول ادا کرتے ہیں۔ یہ اپنے ان اشعار کے ذریعے خوابید ہ قوم کو بیدار کرنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں۔ طلباء کے بارے میں جونظریات ،خیالات، تصورات، دیگر سلف صالحین کے ہیں ان سے ملتے جلتے علامہ اقبال رحمۃ اللہ علیہ کے خیالات اور توقعات ہیں۔ طلباء کے اندر وُہ چیز جوان کی شخصیت کونکھارنے کے لیے اہم رول ادا کرتی ہے مطالعہ ہے، مطالعہ کا عادی طالب علم اپنے ہم مکتب ساتھیوں میں، اپنے ہم عمر دوستوں میں عزت کی نگاہ سے دیکھا جاتا ہے، کمرۂ جماعت میں وہ مطمئن اور پرسکون ہوتا ہے، کیونکہ جو اسباق اس نے پڑھنے ہوتے ہیں وہ اس کی نظر سے پہلے گزر چکے ہوتے ہیں اور ان کی تشریحات سے پہلے ہی اس کی آشنائی ہوتی ہے۔ دوسری اہم خصوصیت جو طالبعلم کے لیے انتہائی ناگزیر ہے وہ صفائی ہے اور صفائی تو ویسے ہی ایمان کا حصہ ہے، صفائی اور پاکیزگی کی موجودگی طالب علم میںفہم وفراست کے اضافہ کا سبب بنتی ہے نفیس طبع طالب علم دیگر طلباء کی نسبت مستعد اور چاک و چوبند رہے ہیں۔ ان کی صلاحیتیں...
Despite the greenness of youth, it is a moment in a Muslim's life when his belief is likely to be hardened frequently by enticements and temptations. It is the responsibility of young Muslims to triumph over these enticements and protect their Islamic way of life, obey the teachings of Prophet, share Islam with others and study the teachings of the Holy Qur’ān. After the fulfillment of these essential obligations, young Muslims are predictable above all to play a significant role in reformation of society. Within the Muslim circle, it is supposed that youth is the most imperative period of life. Youth as bone of nation plays a vital role. They have the capacity to build nation of towards success in all the fields of life by utilizing the abilities. This is the time in which opinions, habits and beliefs are formed, and it is vital for the time to be spent in individual development. For instance, Muslim youth should dedicate themselves into making and spreading the glimpses of Sīrah in society; by avoiding the temptations of time in loneliners and solitude andwith the opposite sex and of seeking knowledge by following the preaching’s of Prophet Muhammad (r). In this way, Muslim youth will be a spiritually strong enough to serve as a role model for other young people and society as whole. The article manifests the same components in the light of teachings of Holy prophet (r). Consolidating with Qur'anic verses, imminent exegetical literature and sayings of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (r), youth can play an active and positive role in reformation and development of society.
Foreign assistance is considered to play an important role in socioeconomic development of the developing countries. Since July 1951 Pakistan has received foreign assistance from USAID in different forms for various purposes. However, empirical data are limited to evaluate the effectiveness of all the aspects of foreign aid in Pakistan. Therefore, this study was initiated with an objective to determine the effectiveness of USAID assistance provided in the health sector during 2004 to 2009 in Upper Dir District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The survey was conducted in 2010 in two districts Upper Dir as treated and Lower Dir as non-treated of KP. A Sample size of 494 families covering 1047 children was questioned in both districts. The variables studied related to health sector included child health (birth weight and size, immunization, diarrhea, treatment of diarrhea, fever, acute respiratory infection and their treatments) infant and child mortality (gravidity, parity, neonatal, post neonatal, infant and child mortality, cause of child death) maternal mortality (causes of the woman''s death, maternal rates and ratio) and health infrastructure physical health infrastructure, human resources. A conceptual framework for impact evaluation developed by multilateral financial institutions was adopted to collect and analysis data in this study. The household level impacts were measured by computing the difference of the value of the outcomes of health variables between the treatment and comparison households as simple differences between treatment and comparison households provided impact estimates. The results of this study indicated that USAID assistance doesn''t bring any positive change in the child health, infant and child mortality rate, maternal mortality rate and ratio in the Upper Dir District as comparedXIII with Lower Dir District having received no such assistance. However there was a positive change in infrastructure, which is a prerequisite to provide health facilities if properly utilized. But that infrastructure was not properly used to improve health indicators. It may be concluded from this study that foreign assistance did not show any effect in the health improvements of the area. However it may have caused positive changes if it were properly utilized. So further research is needed to pinpoint the various causes for non- efficiency and non-effectiveness of this foreign assistance and suggest remedial measures accordingly to enhance the quality of life in these undeveloped areas of KP .