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Military Intervention in Post-Hegemonic International System

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Mahmood, Nazish




National Defence University







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International Relations





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Uncontested US supremacy established with the dissolution of Soviet Union in 1991 is fast drawing to a close. Impending power transition in the global hierarchy has triggered post-hegemonic phase in the international system. This transition of power in the global order has marginalized US military interventionist policy. The “rise of China” along with alternate power centers has considerably constrained US clout to obtain “desired outcomes.” These systemic changes apart from inducing drift away from US led and controlled patterns of interaction and exercise of influence, have altered shape of the existing international system and brought additional actors with increasing sway on political outcomes. Besides, the drift towards post-hegemony send strong signals to local / regional hierarchies where “challengers” try to take advantage of the vulnerability prevailing in the global hierarchy. Such regions with significant changes in regional structure and hierarchy give rise to great power intervention dynamics made possible through conflict, instability and erosion of traditional structures of power. One such region is MENA (Middle East and North Africa) after the unprecedented Arab Spring upheavals, where a clear de-link from previous US hegemonic practices could be observed. These regional hierarchies with diffused power structures are significant in establishing the link between global and regional hierarchies in post-hegemony, explored in the study through extension of Power Transition Theory research program. The arrival of post-hegemony also alters military intervention behavior of the declining hegemon that has to rely on “securitization of threat” through “political discourse” as enunciated through case studies of Libya and Syria by employing Securitization Theory and Discourse Analysis Approach. The study seeks to substantiate not only the dawn of post-hegemonic phase in the international system but validate “threat securitization military intervention model” developed within the study to explore the link between MENA and global power hierarchy in transition, and significance of discursive construction of “threat” for foreign direct military intervention The rise of peer challengers, US “back-seat role” in Libya and its incoherent and inconsistent foreign policy approach towards Syria has exposed US limitation to influence and direct events on the international stage, increasingly frustrating acquisition and implementation of US policy goals in key regions like MENA. The study affirms that power transition in the global order has introduced post-hegemonic system that has marginalized US unilateral interventionist policy on the use of force.

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تعین المشار الیہ فی القران و اثرہ علی تفسیر ایاتہ الکریمة

There are many demonstrative pronouns in the Holy Qur,aan and mostly their signified nouns are hidden, so in the fixation of these signified nouns; the interpreters of Holy Qur,aan have difference of opinion. Now the question is raised that this difference of opinion is a cause of different interpretation of Holy Qur,aan or not? So in this research, we have reached at the reality that the difference of opinion in these signified nouns is a cause of different interpretation of Holy Qur,aan. Now we will mention the short summary of this reality.These following demonstrative pronouns are mentioned in the Holy Qur,aan: 1() ھذا2() ھکذا 3() ماذا 4() من ذا 5() ھذہ 6() ھذان 7() ھاتین 8() ذانک 9() ذلک 10() ذلکما 11() ذلکم 12() ذلکن )13( تلک 14() أولاء 15() ھؤلاء 16() أولئک 17() أولئکم 18() ھھنا 19() ھنالک 20() ثم Mostly, their signified nouns are hidden, so in the fixation and interpretation of these hidden nouns, the difference of opinion has arisen; mainly this difference is an unreal and wordy warfare, because the interpreters express the indicated hidden nouns in their own words without fixation of them in Qur,aanic verse, so this difference of opinion has no result and effect at last. However there is a real contradiction also, in the indicated hidden nouns of these demonstrative pronouns except others: 1() ھذا 2() ھذہ 3() ذلک 4() ذلکم 5() تلک 6() أولاء 7() ھؤلاء 8() أولئک9()ھنالک 10() ثم The difference of opinion is mostly looked like real contradiction in first stage but after research and deeply study, we know that he is not so. Sometimes, the matter is probably against it. Sometimes, no difference of opinion in the fixation of indicated hidden noun but the interpretation of his demonstrative pronoun is more than one due to rhetorical manner. Sometimes, a demonstrative pronoun gives a significance when he connected with former sentence and gives other meaning when he related to latter sentence. Sometimes a demonstrative pronoun is a complete sentence with hidden words. I could not find any paraphrase of Holy Qur,aan who covers all of indicated hidden nouns which are mentioned in the interpretation of demonstrative pronouns, however the imam Abu Hayyan did effort to collect them but he could not cover. Similarly, Ibn-e-Jawzi also could not cover, although he did a great effort also. I did not find any paraphrase of Holy Qur,aan who expresses rhetorical winks and manners under the demonstrative pronouns and their indicated hidden nouns, however the Imam Abu Su,uood did this big effort with brevity in some stages, who has been certainly flambeau for me in rhetorical manner, So I explored and then expressed it with depth and detail by the grace of Allah. Similarly, I could not find any paraphrase of Holy Qur,aan who expressed morphological research about indicated hidden nouns of demonstrative pronouns, but I explained it by the help of Allah. In short, I expressed the real difference of opinions about interpretation of demonstrative pronouns and fixation of their indicated hidden nouns in Holy Qur,aan and his effects on interpretation of Holy Qur,aan with morphological, syntactical and rhetorical winks and manners, due to clearness of words, meanings and to relate between them and to explain the difference of opinions and his effects. All are based on 1087 verses of Holy Qur,aan.