The study is about the need and practices of guidance and counselling at the secondary level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The main objectives of the study were to explore the perceptions of students, teachers and experts; problems of teachers and students; the ways and means about the implementation/practices; and to suggest a model of guidance and counselling services/networks. It was mixed research study. For the quantitative data, stratified-random sampling technique was used. Ten male and ten female secondary schools were selected on a random basis. The sample size of 200 students and 100 teachers were distributed among these sub-strata. Thus, 10 students and 05 teachers from each male and female school were chosen randomly. Similarly, 10 experts from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were selected on the basis of their expertise through purposive sampling technique. Two instruments were utilized in the study; i.e. questionnaire (Likert scale) for the collection of factual information from the students and teachers. Experts were consulted through semi-structured interview. The quantitative data were tabulated and then analyzed through mean and percentages. The semi-structured interviews were transcribed from the audio-tapes; themes were drawn and then discussed through driving findings in the light of research questions. On the basis of the findings of quantitative and qualitative data, the main conclusion of the study were drawn: guidance and counselling is really beneficial at the secondary school level, because this is the right time where students are looking for their career opportunities/career selection, where they are in need to work/practice and to select their subjects. Side by side social, emotional, vocational, health and academic problems are also exist; guidance of the students regarding placement, orientation information, referral service, subject selection, psychological problems is required, and there is a need of follow up and research in this regard; guidance and counseling teacher is required to have relevant skills; every school is in need of a guidance and counselling committee; all members of teaching and support staff active involvement in guidance and counseling programmes is necessary; cluster system of guidance may work at the secondary school level; there can be a Directorate of Guidance and Counselling. The key recommendations of the study are: proper guidance and counseling can make students well-adjusted in schools and society; posts of certified counsellors are needed to be created at the secondary school level and a proper structure of guidance and counselling is required to be there at that level. As far as the model of guidance and counselling at the secondary school level is concerned: there should be at least a well-furnished counselling room full of facilities; Cluster Model of guidance and counselling may work at secondary level due to minimum resources; for starting guidance and counselling, a district can be selected as a model one in which the replications/shortcomings, if any can be minimized and it can be introduced in other districts consequently
پنڈت برجموہن دتاتریہ کیفی ادھر کئی مہینوں سے علم و ادب کے اکابر کی موت کا ایسا سلسلہ قائم ہے کہ کوئی مہینہ ناغہ نہیں جاتا جس میں کسی نہ کسی صاحبِ علم کا ماتم نہ کرنا پڑتا ہو، ان میں سب سے بڑا حادثہ پنڈت برجموہن و تاتریہ کیفی کی وفات کا ہے، اگرچہ ان کی عمر نوے سال سے زیادہ ہوچکی تھی، مگر وہ ہماری مشترک تہذیب کی بڑی اہم یادگار تھے، اور انکی موت سے اس کا ایک بڑا ستون گرگیا، ان کی ذات میں اس تہذیب کی تمام خوبیاں اور وضعداریاں جمع تھیں، اردو زبان سے ان کو عشق تھا،اور اس کے وہ بڑے ماہر ومحقق تھے، اور اس کی باریکیوں پر ان کی بڑی گہری نظر تھی، جس پر ان کی نثر و نظم کی تصانیف شاہد ہیں، اس لیے ان کی موت ایک بڑا ادبی و تہذیبی حادثہ ہے۔ وہ نصف صدی سے زیادہ اپنے قلم و زبان سے اردو کی خدمت کرتے رہے، اور سر دو گرم کسی دور میں بھی ان کا قدم پیچھے نہ ہٹا، حتی کہ اس دور میں بھی جبکہ فرقہ پرستی نے اردو کی حمایت کو ایک قومی جرم بنادیا ہے، اور ہندووں میں جو لوگ اردو کو اپنی مادری زبان سمجھتے ہیں اور دل سے اس کے حامی ہیں، وہ بھی بہت کم اس کے اظہار کی جرأت کرسکتے ہیں، اردو کی وفاداری پر جو لوگ قائم رہ گئے ہیں، ان میں پنڈت کیفی سب سے نمایاں تھے، وہ برابر اس کے لیے سینہ سپر رہے، اور جب تک ان میں لکھنے پڑھنے اور چلنے پھرنے کی سکت باقی رہی وکالت کرتے رہے، انجمن ترقی اردو ہند کے نائب صدر تھے مگر ادھر چند سال سے ضعف پیری نے بالکل معذور کردیا تھا، ان کی پوری زندگی علمی ادبی مشاغل میں گذری اور اردو...
Pakistan is a Muslim country and got freedom from British Government, on August 14, 1947. It was separated from India on the basis of Islamic ideology. Though majority of population was Muslims but there was sufficient number (5%) of non Muslims, such as Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Calashes’, Baha’is, Zikaria’s, and Parsis etc. The presence of non Muslims in Pakistan was a great challenge to safe guard their rights in the constitution of Pakistan to maintain the communal harmony in the country. This paper focuses on the provisions of non-Muslim rights in the constitution of Pakistan. It discusses the constitutional provision for the rights of non Muslims. Such as personal law, freedom to religion, safe guard against special taxes, non discrimination in respect of access to public places, discrimination in services, preservation of language script and culture, promotion of social justice and predication of social evils, right to vote, reservation of seats in National assembly and to run and manage their religious institutions. This paper also suggests some recommendations for the solution of contemporary non Muslim minorities, problems in Pakistan and also achievement of Ministry of non Muslim Minorities Affairs, 2008 to 2010 in Pakistan.
The study planned to investigate the effect of supervisory practices of supervisors on attitude, academic satisfaction and research skills of students. The population comprised of all research scholars at doctorate level with their respective research supervisors enrolled in public sector universities of the provinces of KPK and Punjab. Seven hundred doctorate level scholars returned the questionnaires with 80% of response rate. A selfdeveloped research instrument named, Supervisory practices, academic satisfaction and research skills survey [SPASRSS]. The statistical tests, mean, SD, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson r, and regression were applied.The results revealed as perceived by doctoral scholars that their supervisors were always available for their research help, encouraged and supported them in publishing their research work, considered their expectations regarding supervision, familiar about the evaluation process of thesis, and clear cut schedule to enhance the progress of their research work. On the other hand, most scholars told they often experienced lack of feedback from their supervisors to make progress in their research work. About one third scholars agreed that their research skills went in vain in the hands of unskillful supervisors and claimed that research supervisor was the sole responsible for their poor research skills in doctoral degree. Female doctoral scholars rated their supervisors as more competent and have positive research attitude than that of male scholars. On the opposite side, male research scholars were more satisfied with the academic satisfaction and were more competent in research skills.The social science scholars were more satisfied with the supervisory practices and research attitude than their basic science fellows. As concerned with the basic science scholars, they were more satisfied with the indicator of personal satisfaction than that of social science scholars. The fresh research scholars were more satisfied academically and had positive research skills than in-service research scholars with better competence. A significant correlation was found in supervisors’ supervisory practices, scholars’ academic satisfaction and research skills in different departments and non- significant with research skills of doctoral scholars. About 43% research attitude of scholars was influenced by the research supervisors’ research expertise and supervisory practices.