اظہارِ تشکر
اقرار مصطفیٰ
اللہ تبارک و تعالیٰ کے نہایت فضل و کرم اور نبیِ مکرمﷺ کے وسیلہ ٔ جمیلہ کے سبب نعتیہ مجموعہ’’ حسنِ کُن‘‘(مسدسِ مصطفیٰؐ)مسدس کی صورت میںمکمل ہوا۔ عہدِ رواں انتشار و خلفشار اور طرح طرح کے زوالی فتنوں کا عہد ہے۔ مسائل کی فراوانی اور وسائل کی کم یابی کے باعث ضروریات ِ حیات کو پورا کرنا وبالِ جان بن چکا ہے۔ ایسے میں خواہشات کی تکمیل کے لیے پر تولنا ، کم فہمی اور دیوانے کے خواب کے مترادف ہے۔مگر کچھ خواہشات ،ضروریات ِ حیات سے بھی بڑھ کے ہوتی ہیں کیوں کہ ان کا تعلق ایمان ومحبت سے جڑا ہوتا ہے اور اہلِ ایمان و محبت کا اعتقاد و یقین سے بھرپور او رمسلم نظریہ یہ ہے کہ تعلقِ خاطر خالصتاً نبی ِ آخرالزماں ﷺ سے ہو تو خواہشوں کی تکمیل کے خواب کو تعبیر میں ڈھلنے کے اسباب خود بہ خود پیدا ہوجاتے ہیں یا اسباب پیدا کر دیے جاتے ہیں۔ موجودہ نامساعد حالات کے پیشِ نظر ، مجھ ایسے کم مایا کا مجموعہ منصہ شہود پر آنا درحقیقت احمد رضاؒ خاں بریلوی کے اس شعر کے مصداق ہے:
کون دیتا ہے دینے کو منہ چاہیے
دینے والا ہے سچا ہمارا نبیؐ
عزیزانِ من! حُسنِ کُن‘‘مسدس کی ہئیت میں لکھا گیا ہے۔ اسمِ محمدﷺ اور اسمِ احمدﷺ کے اعداد کا مجموعہ 145بنتا ہے، اسی نسبت سے مسدس کے بندوں کی تعداد 145رکھی گئی ہے اور اسی وجہ کے پیشِ نظر اس میں خصوصی طور پہ یہ التزام ملحوظ رکھا گیا ہے کہ یہ موضوع ، موضوعِ نعت ہے اور یہ سراپا نعت ہی رہے۔
الحمد للہ!’’ حُسنِ کُن‘‘ (مسدسِ مصطفیٰؐ) حسنِ نعت سے مزین ہے۔ پھر بھی یہ بات اپنی جگہ صد فی صد درست ہے کہ:
حق تو یہ ہے کہ حق ادا نہ ہوا
خواہش اور دعا...
The question of moral rectitude and upbringing of youth in the current social arena is the contemporary discovery attributed to social and family norms that also undergo change due to social and economic reasons. Consequently, deferring levels of piety become more or less acceptable according to an individual’s surroundings and age. The study was done to determine the association between religiosity and behaviors likely to improve the moral, social and psychological habits of young Muslims. The discussion of the article contextualizes the effects of observing practices of Islam on a larger scale. A sample study of this research can be used as evidence to counter the contemporary environment which inevitably generates contradictions for young people. The contradictions result in uncertainty and materialistic atmosphere which does not cater to their spiritual needs and the requirements to develop as the youth of Ummah. Yet, we cannot stop or avoid the negative channels and their effects prevailing on the internet. We can; however, extend the positive spiritual energy in youth that is only possible through careful observance of religious practices comprising regular prayers, fasting, charity and pilgrimage (Hajj). The current apathy of our youth towards the religious injunctions may be attributed to social and family norms that are in some cases relative to the economic conditions and social backup. This will evaluate and assess the way and means of effective inlaying of moral fields where our young people can improve their moral aptitude and rectitude. The impasse of current moral turpitude can be shattered with the bounding relation of human activity and Islamic ritual.
In structures or machine components, fatigue failure is very common. It is initiated by a small defect which leads it to a catastrophic failure. The material defects, inclusion, impurities and machine operation can always be vulnerable to crack initiation and hence fatigue cannot be avoided. In metallic structures, the thermal loads can also alter the material properties such as young’s modulus, tangent modulus, yield stress, and ultimate tensile strength, etc. Consequently, in the presence of increasing temperature, it can be inferred that the material might become soft near the vicinity of the crack tip, which can lead to increase the size of the plastic zone under the same mechanical loads. Therefore, it is very complicated to estimate the retardation or acceleration of fatigue crack propagation under thermo-mechanical loads. This research investigates the interdependencies of crack depth and crack location on the dynamic response of a non-prismatic cantilever beam under thermo-mechanical loads. Temperature can influence the stiffness of the structure, thus, the change in stiffness can lead to variation in frequency, damping and amplitude response. These variations are used as key parameters to quantify damage of Aluminum 2024 specimen under thermo-mechanical loads. Experiments are performed on non-prismatic cantilever beams at non-heating (room temperature) and elevated temperature, i.e., 50°C, 100°C, 150°C and 200°C. This study considers a non-prismatic cantilever beam having various initially seeded crack depth (0.5 mm to 2.5 mm) and crack of 0.5 mm with natural propagation under load located at various locations, i.e., 5%, 10% and 15% of the total length from fixed end, respectively. The analytical, numerical and experimental results for all configurations are found in good agreement. Using available experimental data, a novel tool is formulated for in-situ damage assessment in the metallic structures for the first time under thermo-mechanical loads. This tool can quantify and locate damage using the dynamic response and temperature including the diagnosis of subsurface cracking. It fits around 82% of available data for validation within 10% of prediction error against a small change in the response parameter. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility to diagnose the crack growth at any instant within the operational condition under thermo-mechanical loads.