ریشم بننا کھیل نہیں
ناطق کی نظموں کے مجموعہ کو سانجھ پبلی کیشنز لاہور نے 2019ء میں ’’ریشم بننا کھیل نہیں‘‘ کے نام سے شائع کیا۔تینوں کتابوں کے دیباچے بھی اس مجموعہ میں شامل ہیں۔یہ مجموعہ قارئین کیلئے ایک نادر تحفہ ثابت ہوا،الگ الگ مجموعوں کو پڑھنے کی بجائے سارا متن ایک ہی مجموعہ میں قارئین کی دلچسپی کو دوبالا کرنے کیلئے شائع کیا گیا۔یقیناًیہ ایک عمد ہ کاوش ہے۔فہمیدہ ریاض لکھتی ہیں کہ:
’’علی اکبر جواں سال ہے اور ایوان ادب میں دلربا شان سے داخل ہوا ہے۔اس کا بے خوف مشاہدہ ادب کیلئے مسرت کی نوید ہے اس کی شاعری میں بھڑکتے ہوئے شعلے چہاراطراف کو خاکستر کرتے نظر آتے ہیں۔‘‘(7)
ریشم بننا کھل نہیںایسا معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ انہوں نے اپنی ایک ایک نظم سے یہ ریشم بنا ہے۔تینو ں کتب کو ایک ہی جلدمیںلے آنا کوئی آسان کام نہیں تھا۔ قاری کے لئے مسرت کی گھڑی ہے کہ اسے ناطق کی شاعری کو ایک ساتھ پڑھنے کا موقع ملا۔ یقیناً یہ ایک عمدہ کاوش ہے۔
The way the religion of Islam has emphasized the human rights, might be any other religion has given importance to this very specific topic. Although in Islam, there has no any chapter making been made in Quran and hadith on the permanent bases on the topic of basic human rights, yet if some search is made to find out these Quran and Sunnah, these are also present in expended form in various places and along with these guided principles are also present there. In Quran there is admonition in many places for the protection of human soul, goods and honor as well. Whereas Hadith along with the other various teachings, specifically on the eve of the last sermon known as ( Khutba hajja tul wida) of the Rasool(PBUH) the prescribed charter of human rights is enough to highlight its importance, but no distinctive laws are cited with a special regarded to children. Anyhow, in 18th century, issues relevant to children came into view those also became the cause of many movements and all the countries are formulated unanimous laws which are still being applied. In present era, the social issues of the children are becoming obnoxious severe. On the behalf of these issues their growth, training and many other facts of life are also attention catching. In this article, an analysis of Islamic and International laws with respect to children will be made and those causes will also be cited due to which social issues of children are continuously being generated.
Introduction: Anthropometry has gained popularity over the years as a reliable method to determine gender. In forensic investigation, there are cases where gender cannot be readily determined using anatomy such as in mass casualty disasters with dismemberment and commingling of limbs. Kenyan descriptive data of foot dimensions is lacking as are formulae for estimating gender. Proven differences in foot dimensions across races prevent application of formula obtained using different populations necessitating generation of local data and formulae.
Objectives: To describe the foot lengths, breaths and navicular heights of a representative adult Kenyan population, both male and female, and derive from these a formula to estimate gender.
Material and Methods: Foot lengths, breadths and navicular heights were taken using callipers from a representative adult Kenyan population. These measurements were then subsequently used to derive a formula for determining gender by use of discriminant function analysis.
Results: Mean foot lengths were 271.60 mm and 272.32 mm for men and 235.16 mm and 234.75 mm for women, right and left respectively. Mean foot breadths were
103.77 mm and 102.72 mm for men and for 88.67 mm and 88.69 mm women, right and left respectively. Foot navicular heights were 71.06 mm and 70.80 mm for men and 61.54 mm and 62.55 mm for women, right and left respectively.
T-tests were used to compare these means across gender, all differences were statistically significant, p≤0.00001.
A formula to estimate gender via discriminant function analysis was obtained.
The formula correctly determined gender in 100% of the cases within this study.
Conclusion: Formulae developed from foot dimensions can be used to predict gender in forensic investigations.