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Home > Quality in Teacher Education: A Situational Analysis of Quality Assurance Strategies of Teacher Education Institutions in Pakistan

Quality in Teacher Education: A Situational Analysis of Quality Assurance Strategies of Teacher Education Institutions in Pakistan

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Syed Naeem Ahmed




Hamdard University







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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It is a fact that the quality of teacher education in Pakistan is deteriorating and efforts are needed to intensify and accord adequate priority to the effectiveness of teacher education programs. Various surveys and studies undertaken in Pakistan reinforce a bleak picture of teacher education and its impact on students learning outcomes (World Bank & NEAS in 2005 & UNESCO/ USAID & ITA in 2008). In order to make a decision on standard of award of degree and quality of delivery of teacher education programs there must be some systems and procedures. It is now a growing trend in Pakistani educational institutions/ organizations to get ISO 9000:2001 certifications on the basis of assumption that ISO 9000 quality system is not in contradiction with any sound education standards or practice. Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan has also developed procedures and guidelines for quality assurance and its enhancement. The HEC Manual is an effort in this regard to put all the guidelines and procedures in one volume so that university administration, quality enhancement cells, and faculty might find it easier to implement. The central premise of the study was to find out the choice of the quality strategies of teacher education institutions, but equally important was to collect the empirical evidences connected to the appropriateness of the specific quality system in ensuring the quality in teacher education. For the purpose, the phase 1 was a quantitative study through a self-administered survey to 58 faculty members of selected teacher education institutions in all provinces of Pakistan, that looked at the profile of the institutions, institutional choice of quality system, and the identification of internal and external forces that may influence the implementation of quality strategies. Following this macro level analysis, the researcher looked for specific information using the qualitative interview with the 10 heads (Deans or Directors) of teacher education institutions to have triangulation and an in-depth analysis of data connected with the appropriateness of quality system in ensuring quality in teacher education. The data obtained through quantitative and qualitative instruments later mixed using sequential explanatory model of mixed method data analysis The findings of this research study will help the community of teacher educators, heads of teacher education institutions, and other researchers to improve the existing systems. A multi-pronged strategy will be used to disseminate the results of the proposed study. The study recommends that the Higher Education Commission, NACTE and the provincial department of education should develop a new framework of quality system to ensure quality in teacher education programs.

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