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Home > Quranic Connotation and its Demonstration in Urdu Tafaseer

Quranic Connotation and its Demonstration in Urdu Tafaseer

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Razzaq, Samina




University of the Punjab







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Arabic Languages & Literature





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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All Praises to Allah and darood-o-Salam on Allah’s superior being Mohammed Ibn-e-Abdullah (SAWW), and his descendants and companions. This research work deals with one of branches of Quranic Sciences, i.e. Quranic connotations. The knowledge of Quranic connotations is quite important as it effects religious and contemporary legistation and one must not undermine Arabic semantics while translating the Holy Quran, consequently the miraculons aspect of the Holy Quran remains ambiguous and hidden. This study is consisted of an introduction and four chapters each having further sections and conclusion. Topic of my thesis is Quranic connotation and it’s demonstration in Urdu Tafaseer in Pakistan. This topic consists of Preamble, four chapters and conclusions. First Chapter gives us the dictionary and lexical meaning of Wajooh (connotations), and its importance as well as the step by step development of this science. Second chapter deals with the reasons that effects Quranic connotations as well as it’s relation with other sciences and standards to determine the meanings of connotations. Third Chapter deals directly with our topic. We give introduction of Tafaseer chosen, as well as the comparative study of Quranic explanations in Urdu regardingWajooh-ul- Quran. As far as chapter four is concerned its about the critical appreciation of Wajooh-ul-Quran in urduQuranic explanations in Pakistan as well as the rhetoric analysis in these explanations. The phenomenon of Quran’s rhetoric arts exists enormously in Arabic language. The study concluded that although we found these Quranic connotations in Urdu explanations, but it needs to be more precise in it. The conclusion included the research findings and the extent to which the objectives and aims have been achieved.

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