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Home > Relationship of Creative Abilities With Vividness of Imagery in Apparel Design of Fashion Illustration Students

Relationship of Creative Abilities With Vividness of Imagery in Apparel Design of Fashion Illustration Students

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Ayesha Arshed Dodhy




University of the Punjab







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Creative ability of an individual enables him to conceptualize the ideas and then to formulate. It involves the process of making and coming out with a product which is usually a work of art (Cowdary, 1997; Brophy,1998). Creative designing is a vast field and a lot of creative designing is being done in different fields of knowledge throughout the world but there is no mentionable work being done in the field of apparel design related to creativity. This study will be helpful in identifying the role of creativity in terms of novelty, enhancement and elaboration of high and low achievers at the same time. It will also give guidelines to teachers of fashion illustration to assess and modify their teaching techniques and it will also be helpful in evaluating that to what extent the creative imagination can be improved with intervention. The methodological of this study is experimental in nature and the research design is this single subject research design. During the course of this project sampling was done by purposive sampling. The sample size of this research study is around 50 students who have taken fashion illustration as a major optional in Homeeconomics BS part II second year level. After the collection of the data to answer the research hypotheses, the judges of this research study used Consensual Assessment Technique during scoring process. Later on, thorough analysis of the data helped in generating answers to the research questions of this study, and is able to measure the effect of intervention on vividness of imagery in the selected dimensions of creative abilities in apparel designing through fashion illustrations. This study concluded that the dimensions of creative abilities (aesthetics, affectiveness, elaborated, novelty, usefulness and appropriateness) improved with the improvement in vividness of imagery whether they have low, medium or high level of vii vividness of imagery. The result of Pearson coefficient of correlation indicated that there statistically significant positive relationship between vividness of imagery and creative abilities at all-time points(pre-test, intervention, post-test).The results also showed that there is significant multivariate effect between the subjects (levels of vividness of imagery), with-in subjects (dimensions of creative abilities) and across the interaction between levels of vividness of imagery with dimensions of creative abilities. However, pairwise comparisons of pre, intervention and post test scores of students regarding vividness of imagery, creative abilities using adjusted Bonferroni tests showed statistically significant difference between the pre-test, intervention and post-test of each variable. Although, this study came up with many new facts and understandings about the relationship of creative abilities with vividness of imagery in apparel designing, but it is recommended that further designers can explore reasons for the positive relationship between the vividness of imagery and creative abilities. Educators can further investigate the reasons for difference in vividness of imagery. Researchers can study teacher’s participation in the professional development that focuses on creativity in the students. Designers can have an in-depth qualitative investigation to study the need for enhancing creativity in the students of apparel design through fashion illustration and psychologist can investigate the process of formation of mental and visual images.

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