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Home > Relationship of Job Characteristics on Employees Psychological Work Reaction: Evidence from the Universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Relationship of Job Characteristics on Employees Psychological Work Reaction: Evidence from the Universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

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Muhammad Adil




Abdul Wali Khan University







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Bussiness & Management





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This study was conducted to examine the direct effect of job characteristics on job satisfaction, job commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and the intervening influence of organizational job commitment and job satisfaction in a relationship with job characteristics and OCB. This study was quantitative in nature and the population comprised of faculty members of public and private universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. In public sector universities overall 316 questionnaires were distributed amid faculty members and 290 usable questionnaires were returned the response 92% and amid the faculty members of private universities total 168 questionnaires were distributed and 162 questionnaires were returned, the response was 96%. The data was analysed using SPSS, LISREL and AMOS software. In order to accomplished study objectives EFA, CFA and Regression analyses were run. Based on the statistical consequences the findings of the study reveals that a) job characteristic, job satisfaction and job commitment are the significant predictor of OCB whereas, job satisfaction and job commitment significantly mediates in the relationship amid job characteristics and OCB. Study recommended that the experts of the universities appropriately supervise, train and manage the human resource of organization and consistently observe the individual performance in order to strengthen their profession goals. Moreover, the universities experts conduct the survey upon the faculty members of both public sector universities and ask employees what they want more in their positions and make sure the universities have a formal and consistent orientation program for all levels. Future research areas and limitations are also incorporate in the study. The study has value and it is original.

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