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Role and Impact of Human Resources on Tourism Industry: A Case Study of Pakistan

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Mustafa Alasttal, Mohammed Nassim




University of Sindh







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Human Resource Management





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The vibrant tourism industry can be used as a catalyst to achieve socio-economic development of particularly the under-privileged and poor masses in the developing countries. This holds very pertinent and factual in case of Pakistan. One of the key factors affecting the performance and growth of tourism industry is said its human resources. This dissertation evaluates and analyses the tourism industry of Pakistan with main focus on understanding the role and attitudes of the key stakeholders of tourism industry (Student, faculty, Corporation and Government) on the development of tourism human resources. The review of literature suggests that the issue of HR can be better investigated and understood from the perspective key tourism stakeholder through the lens of stakeholder theory approach. A comprehensive analytical and conceptual framework is developed in this study to elucidate how the perceptions and attitudes of key stakeholders affect the development of HR in tourism industry of Pakistan. In methodology a semi structured survey questionnaire was administered to get the data from the tourist students, tourist faculty and tourist corporations. 258 Students, 31 faculty and 18 corporation managers participated and completely filled up the survey questionnaire. In total (307) comprised the sample of this study. The data was empirically analyzed through the applications of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Granger Causal Test, and independent T test using SPSS software 20. This study found that the availability of trained, skilled and educated human resources is a key driver to the performance of Pakistan tourism industry. With regard to stakeholder approach, the positiveness, competence and resource fullness of students and faculty working at tourist educational institutions are the chief stakeholders in ultimate development of human resources in Pakistan tourism Market (PTM). It is evidenced that tourist students perceptions to join tourism sector worsens as they practically exposed to tourist organizations. This dilution of positive perception is attributed to the poor or lack of effective HR policies from tourist corporations and government. Therefore, it is suggested that tourist corporations and government training and development programs aimed at developing and nurturing human resources and making working environment conducive at tourism organizations. Further, the relationship between tourism and economic growth of Pakistan is found to be bidirectional. Therefore, it is of utmost important that the government should assign special focus on development of tourism sector in order to increase the base of its economic growth and subsequently raise the socio-economic standard of the masses at local, regional and national levels.

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اردو شاعری میں مغربی تہذیب کا تذکرہ

                                                ڈاکٹر عبدالمنان چیمہ

برصغیر پاک و ہند میں اسلامی تہذیب و تمدن رائج   میں اردو زبان  و ادب نے جان دار اور شان دار کردار ادا کیا۔  آج کل پرنٹ میڈیا اور الیکٹرانک میڈیا ہمارے معاشرے میں مغربی تہذیب و تمدن  سرایت کرنے  میں کلیدی  کردار ادا کر رہا ہے ۔ یہ بات عیاں ہے کہ ٹی وی ، انٹرنیٹ ، موبائل استعمال کرنے کے بعد نماز، روزہ اور دین اسلام کی طرف رجحان کم اور شیطان کی طرف زیادہ ہو جا تا ہے یہی وجہ ہے کہ فارغ اوقات میں قرآن و حدیث کے مطالعہ کی بجائے فلم دیکھنے کو جی چاہتا ہے ۔ مغربی تہذیب و تمدن کی مصنوعی روشنیوں نے مسلمانوں کی نوجوان نسل کے ایمان کو راکھ کر دیاہے ۔ مغربی تہذیب کے پھیلاؤ نے نوجوان کی سوچ کو کیمو فلاج کر دیا ہے ۔اسلام کسی ایسی تہذیب و ثقافت اپنانے کی اجازت نہیں دیتا جو معاشرے میں فساد کا باعث ہو ۔ معاشرہ میں مغربی تہذیب کا قلع قمع  کرنا وقت کی پکار ہے۔ عصر حاضر میں اسلام پر عمل پیرا ہو کر مغربی تہذیبی و ثقافتی یلغار کا مقابلہ کیا  جاسکتا ہے۔ مغربی تہذیب و تمدن کا اثر ونفوذ سب کے سامنے ہے۔ہمارے معاشرے میں معاشی و سماجی نظام کا عدم استحکام سے دوچار ہونا اس کی جیتی جاگتی مثال ہے۔

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Image Reconstruction by Filtered, Stochastic and Transform Based Techniques Using Parallel Beam Transmission Tomography

The image reconstruction by parallel ray transmission tomography has been carried out by using filtered, stochastic and transform-based techniques. Image quality has been analyzed by various error measures using Filtered Back-Projection (FBP) technique with various composite filters, namely Shepp-Logan, Cosine and Hamming filters. The effect of projections on filtered-based image reconstruction has also been thoroughly investigated. A stochastic-based, Hybrid Simulated Annealing (HSA) algorithm has been proposed for the image reconstruction using lesser number of projections or when the data is missing or corrupt. Various parameters have been tuned including generic parameters, like initial and final temperatures, annealing schedule, slab-thickness with constant temperature, etc. along with problem specific parameters, like size and structure complexities, number of projections, etc. The image quality has been compared with other techniques, namely FBP and Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (ART). Another stochastic algorithm, the Hybrid Continuous Genetic Algorithm (HCGA), has also been introduced for image reconstruction. It has been used with preprocessed image data or even the actual human data for image reconstruction. The templates used were of two types: the FBP-based and the multiscale Wavelet Transform based. Various operators, namely Mixed Selection Scheme, Image Row Crossover operator, Offset Based Mutation and Hybrid Diversification operators have been introduced. The sensitivity analysis of various selection schemes, like truncation, roulette wheel, tournament selection, etc., crossover schemes, like single point, multi point, uniform crossover schemes, etc., and mutation schemes, namely standard- and gradient-based schemes, have been investigated in depth for tomographic image reconstruction. The number of projections has been optimized for HCGA reconstruction to p = 30. The HCGA-based image reconstruction for 8 × 8 to 128 × 128 sized images have been found to be better than FBP and ART techniques, and even better relatively for larger image sizes than the HSA. The fitness function analysis has also been carried out for various functions like Root Mean Squared error (RMSE), Mean Squared error (MSE), Mean Absolute error (MAE), Relative Squared error (RSE), Root Relative Squared error (RRSE), etc. The MAE and RMSE have been generally found to converge relatively in shorter times in comparison to the rest of the functions under consideration. The HDO introduction in the Evolution cycle, using the SA and the decreasing law of mutation probability, culminated to relatively more promising results. The essence of this thesis is the relative comparison of various stochastic techniques by using filtered and transform-based techniques for the first time in the field of parallel ray transmission tomography. The work is exhaustive, multi-dimensional with conclusive results.