چاک سے اُتری خاک
ابھی آنکھوں کے دریچے کم سن اور عقل کے جگنوئوں کی روشنی مدھم تھی ،جب دل کی تاریک گلیوں سے یہ خیال اکثر کسی انجان مسافرکی طرح گزرتا کہ یہ بھٹکے ہوئے لفظوں کے سوداگریونہی کہنہ کتابوں کا بوجھ اٹھائے پھرتے ہیں ۔ان کی سطریں طلسمی افسانوں کے سوا کچھ نہیں ۔ان کی باتیں فریب کی واضح دلیلوں کے سوا کچھ نہیں ۔بھلا لفظوں کے لمس سے کسے شفا ملی ہے ؟بھلا جملوں کی تپش سے کب پتھر پگھلے ہیں ؟مگر اک روز میں اداس شام کے غمزدہ حجرے میںجونؔ کے صحیفہ’’شاید‘‘ میں موجودغزل(نیا اک رشتہ پیدا کیوں کریں ہم) کے ابتدائی اشعار کی قرأت میں منہمک تھا تو مقدس پردوں میں لپٹی ، پہلی معصوم آیت نے مجھ پر کھلتے ہوئے گواہی دی’’یہ خدا کے چنیدہ لوگ ہیں‘‘۔
دوستی جو کبھی محبت کے مہکتے پھولوں کا جزیرہ ہوتی تھی ۔ا ب د لکش مگر آتشی سانپوں کا جنگل بن چکی ہے ۔میں چاہتا تو لفظوں کی بین کے زور پر منتروں سے جکڑی پٹاری میں انھیں قید کر سکتا تھا لیکن دانستاً ایسا نہیں کیا۔یہ یونہی چاہت کا ملاوٹی دودھ پی کرنیلی رگوں میں زہر اتارتے رہیں۔میں نہیں چاہتا تھا یہ سانپ جن کی مفادی آستینوں میں پل رہے ہیں وہ میرے چاکِ گریباںکو اور تار تار کریں ۔
میں اکثر سوچتا اگر خدا نے یہ جدید حرف گر(ن۔م راشدؔ ،مجید امجدؔ،میرؔا جی )نہ بھیجے ہوتے،تو میرے لیے بھٹکنا کتنا آسان تھا۔میرے بہت سے ژولیدہ خیالات اور کومل جذبات الفاظ کا پیراہن زیب تن کیے بنا غزل کی روایتی گلیوں میں سراسیمگی اوڑھے دربدر کی ٹھوکریں کھاتے یا پھر کسی روز دل و دماغ کی کسی کنج میں لاوارث لاش کی طرح پائے جاتے۔
Hand sanitizers may help increase hand hygiene compliance as the results of invailability of basic needs for cleaning such as soap or water. Since alcohol has an irritating effect on the skin and burns quickly, it is currently discouraged as an active ingredient. Knowledge of covid 19 is critical for the world to have in order for individuals to be able to make informed choices on how to split the covid 19 transmission chain. This thesis employs a pre-experimental method that employs the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design approach. The paired t test was used to examine the relationship between the two variables, namely the betel leaf extract handsanitizer output preparation and the respondent's knowledge of the handsanitizer making process. Extension has an impact on increasing respondents' awareness of how to make natural hand sanitizers. The paired t-test findings indicate that the Sig. = 0.000 0.05, indicating that there is a discrepancy between the pretest and posttest. With a mean value of -5.967, this data indicates the average discrepancy between the pretest and posttest, with a range of -5.383 to -6.551 (95 percent CI), indicating that there is a difference between the pretest and posttest mean values, indicating that the pretest value has an influence on the post test. To stop the spread of Covid19, health care providers and the society must work together.
In the early years of Pakistan, Pakistan Muslim League, kept the opposition parties away from power through using government funds to defame the opposition. The general elections were avoided on the adult franchise basis till 1970. The basis of the parliamentary democracy was shattered by the party or parties in the government. The 1970 elections on the adult franchise basis, for the first time in the history of Pakistan, gave voice and public strength to the tinny elected opposition in the parliament, to participate actively in the constitution-making of Pakistan and general legislation in the interest of common man. This Ph.D. level research was conducted to ascertain whether the opposition played a vital role in the constitution-making of Pakistan while sitting on the opposition benches of the National Assembly of Pakistan and the Senate of Pakistan by addressing the constitutional, social, political, economic and religious issues concerning the people of Pakistan. The study was conducted in the main framework of the parliamentary democracy followed by the opposition in and outside the parliament. This dissertation has elaborated the role played by the opposition benches in the Interim Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan during 1972, Constitutional Accord of 1972, the 1973 original Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, basic and main amendments presented by the government benches and has critically analyzed the legislation over constitutional, social, political, economic and religious issues within the debates of the legislature. Despite hurdles, pressures, and constraints, the opposition in Pakistan during 1972-1977 showed insight and has constantly set precedents of sacrifice for national causes, especially in the political and constitutional issues. The study is very useful for all the parliamentarians and especially for the opposition benches in Pakistan and outside as well.