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Home > The Dilemma of National Consciousness and the Making of National Culture an Analysis of the Literary Works by Pakistani Writers 1964-2011

The Dilemma of National Consciousness and the Making of National Culture an Analysis of the Literary Works by Pakistani Writers 1964-2011

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Asma Aftab




National University of Modern Languages







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English Language & Literature





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49




This qualitative interpretive research seeks to explore the dilemma of Pakistani English literature in terms of inculcating a national consciousness and national culture. The selection of literary works is made from a range of fictional and non-fictional texts written by different Pakistani writers in a time spanning from 1964-2011. The works selected for analysis encompass the wide and complex aspects of Pakistan’s national culture and history in the backdrop of the subjective perspectives and experiences of the writers. By employing an intertextual and comparative method of reading as my principal methodological strategy, my study has attempted to read across texts in order to identify thematic links and parallels which demonstrate the dilemma of Pakistani English writers in constructing a composite national culture. Besides questioning the validity of Pakistani English writers in representing the question of nation, the present research has also questioned the fallibility of metropolitan critics in offering a viable and more grounded interpretation of Pakistani English writings. It has also highlighted the need to come up with a more culture-specific and context-bound intellectual and critical perspective that can become a building block for a genuine national culture with the promise of transformation for individuals and communities.

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85. Al-Buruj/The Constellations

85. Al-Buruj/The Constellations

I/We begin by the Blessed Name of Allah

The Immensely Merciful to all, The Infinitely Compassionate to everyone.

a. By the celestial realm full of constellations,

a. and the Promised Time,

a. and a witness and a witnessed.

a. Destroyed were the People of the Ditch,

a. of the fire abounding in fuel, it will be fueled,

a. as they gathered around it,

a. witnessing to what they were doing to the believers,

a. and they avenged them merely because they believed in Allah – The One and Only God,
b. The Almighty, All-Praiseworthy,

a. Allah - the One WHO holds the reign over the celestial realm and the terrestrial world,
b. and Allah is Witness to everything.

a. Surely, for those who oppress and persecute the believing males and the believing females,
b. and then do not repent of their evil,
c. for them will be severe suffering of Hell,
d. added to that shall also be suffering of the Blazing Fire for having tortured to death the believers.

726 Surah 85 * Al-Buruj

a. Indeed, those who believe and practice righteousness, for them will be Paradise under which rivers/streams flow.
b. Such will be the great success!

a. Nevertheless, the grip/onslaught of your Rabb - The Lord against the disbelievers will be intense and painful.

a. It is, indeed, HE WHO initiated, and
b. will repeat it when HE will choose to.

Mohammad Ali Jinnah: His Vision and Legacy

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تفسیر ابن کثیر کا حضرت ابو ہریرہ کی تفسیری روایات کی روشنی میں تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ

Tafsıˆr ibn Kathıˆr, is a wellknown and widly accepted Tafsıˆr in the muslim world. Hafiz ibn Kathıˆr has referred to many aḥādīth of the Holy Prophet ﷺ in this Tafsıˆr. Despite the study of the chains of narrators thecritical study of the text of these aḥādīth has not been carried out so far. It was necessary to determine the authenticity of these Aḥādīth so that the people may have access to the authentic aḥādīth for implementation in theire day to day life. Since these aḥādīth are many in number and due to the limited time available for the completion of PhD thesis it was not possible to include all the Aḥādīth in this thesis so the scope of this thesis was restricted to the Aḥādīth of Hazarat Abuˆ Hurayrahؓ . The reason for the selection of Hazarat Abuˆ Hurayrah ؓisthat he is one the companians who has reported more Aḥādīth as compared to the other companians. Due to the large number of Aḥādīth narrated by him the possibility of ascribing fabricated Aḥādīth to him could not been ruled out. Research to the chain of narraters of Aḥādīth reported by Hadhrat Abuˆ Hurayrahؓin Tafsıˆr ibn Kathıˆr has been carried out but research to the text of these aḥādīth has not been carried out which is done in this thesis. So in this thesis a critical research of the text of Aḥādīth narrated by Hadhrat Abuˆ Hurayrahؓin Tafsıˆr ibn Kathıˆr has been carried out. There are 803 hadith reported by Hadhrat Abuˆ Hurayrah in this Tafsıˆr. After research it was found that: a. 230 aḥādīth were Da''if/Mawḍū’.No textual research of these aḥādīth was carried out as they were already fabricated and da''if .b. 115 aḥādīth were repeated in this Tafsıˆr.Some twice,some thrice and some were repeated five time.Only one out of these repeated aḥādīth was included in this research. c. 363 aḥādīth were correct from the textual point of view.No objection to the text of these aḥādīth was made.They were accepted as Sahih and were excluded from the scope of this research. d. 95 aḥādīth where objections to the text of of the hādīth could be made were left for textual research. A thorough research based upon the principles of textual study was made. As a result of this research it was found that 76 aḥādīth were correct and the objections were solved. 19 aḥādīth were completely incorrect where the objections made could not be solved.04 aḥādīth were partialy incorrect. e. The 19 aḥādīth which were considered as incorrect from textualpoint of view were against one of these Principles of Dirayat: a. They were against the verses of the Holy Quran. b. They were against the already established Sunna or aḥādīth. c.They were against the established Principals of Islam. d. They were in contradiction to already established historical events of the life of the Holy Prophet.ﷺ e. They were against the common sense/wisdom of the human beings which could not be accepted from the wisest and most intelligent person of the world ie the Holy Prophet .