سیرت نگاری پیر کرم شاہ الازہری کی "ضیاالنبی "کے تناظر میں
ڈاکٹر طالب علی اعوان
سیرت نگاری کوئی انسانی کمال نہیں بلکہ یہ بارگاہِ رسالت ماب صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم میں شرفِ قبولیت ہے۔یہ وہ خوش بختی ہے جس پر جتنا فخر کیا جائے کم ہے۔حسان بن ثابت رضی اللہ عنہ کے ایک نعتیہ شعر کا مفہوم ہے:
"لوگ اگر مجھ سے محبت کرتے ہیں تو اس لیے کہ میں نے سرکارِ دوعالم صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم کا ذکر کیا ہے، لوگوں میں اگر کہیں میرا تذکرہ ہے تو فقط اس واسطے کہ میں نے سرورِ کائنات صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم کی شان تحریر کرنے کا اعزاز حاصل کیا ہے، جب تک سازِحیات بجتا رہے اس کے تاروں سے محبتِ رسول صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم ہی سنائی دے۔"
اللہ تعالی نے قرآنِ حکیم میں اپنے حبیب صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم کی شان بیان کرتے ہوئے فرمایا:
"ورفعنا لک ذکرک" ترجمہ:"ہم نے آپ کے ذکر کو بلند کیا۔"
رفع ذکر کا ایک پہلو یہ بھی ہے کہ آپ کا تذکرہ کیا جائے، اخلاق و عادات کو نمایاں کیا جائے ،شمائل کو بیان کیا جائے اور آپ کی حیاتِ طیبہ اور اسوہ حسنہ کے مختلف پہلووں کو اجاگر کیا جائے۔
مسلمانوں کےلیے ذکرِ حبیب باعثِ افتخار و اعزاز اور ذریعہ نجات ہے۔ غیر مسلم بھی آپ صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم کے تذکرے کو باعثِ شرف سمجھتے ہیں چناچہ آکسفورذ یونیورسٹی (برطانیہ) کے پروفیسر مارگولیتھ (D.S Margoliouth) نے 1905ء میں حضورِ اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم کےحالات پر اپنی کتاب محمد اور ظہورِ اسلام (Muhammad And The Rise Of Islam) کے نام سے لکھی تو اس کا آغاز ہی...
Background: Harassment of working women is a common social and human rights problem and healthcare settings are no exception. This unacceptable situation has many avoidable determinants that need preventive measures to ensure, safe and secure working environment for nurses. Objectives: To assess the knowledge and understanding among female nursing students and nursing staff about workplace harassment in a tertiary healthcare facility. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted at Tertiary care hospital Lahore from July to September 2018. Convenient sampling technique was used to collect data. Verbal informed consent of voluntary participants was taken. Anonymity and confidentiality was assured. SPSS version 21 was used for data analysis. The participants (n=80) comprised of senior female nurses students (62.5%) and senior nursing staff (37.5%), aged 18 to 46 years. Results: Awareness about common harassment forms was adequate (81.3%). Adverse effects included mental health problems (83.8%) and low self-esteem (72.5%). A large percentage of nurses (62.5%) intended to report such personal incident to institutional head and 72.5% were willing to accompany victims for such reporting. 77.5% desired arranging informative sessions and holding counseling for victims (78.8%) at workplace. Only 22.5% had vague idea about official protective legal frameworks. Conclusions: Workplace harassment of female workers is quite prevalent but under-reported phenomena in Pakistan. All organizations and institutions must have a harassment policy to protect the females.
The study was conducted in two private high schools in district Gilgit of Gilgit-Baltistan to find out headteachers? perceptions and practices about school improvement, their leadership strategies to lead the school improvement initiatives and also the challenges they face to this end. I used a qualitative paradigm with an interpretivist epistemology. Semi-structured interviews, document analysis/review, focused group discussion/interview and participant observations were used as tools for data collection to triangulate the findings. Researcher adopted a thematic approach to data analysis, which helped me to identify the major themes and then to add the sub-themes from across the data.
The findings show that the headteachers perceive school improvement as a sustained data-driven process to improve the schools? academic, administrative affairs and the holistic development of the children. To this end, they applied various strategies starting from developing a joint purpose for school improvement to leading the schools by examples, effective school development plan, capacity building of teachers, regular assessment of students? learning, headteachers? instructional role, parental involvement and changes in school culture and effective monitoring of the schools? affairs, which are equally workable in all context and thus seemed universal in their application for school improvement. The study, however, also found that school improvement initiatives are not like swimming in placid water rather than it is a complex process and therefore, the head teachers face lots of challenges such as, teachers? retention, uncooperative parents, absence of teachers? induction programme, poor economy of parents and lack of residential facilities for non-local teachers. The findings of the study confirmed most of the school improvement studies carried out in Pakistan and abroad. However, two of the findings of this study, i.e., (a) Child holistic development as one of the important elements of school improvement and (b) the headteachers? sustained monitoring mechanisms of school improvement seen value addition to the research studies about School Improvement.