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Home > The Moderating Role of Supervisory Support, and Product Knowledge in the Relationship of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, and Attitude With Job-Related Outcomes

The Moderating Role of Supervisory Support, and Product Knowledge in the Relationship of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, and Attitude With Job-Related Outcomes

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Rahman, Atiq Ur




Islamia Collage Peshawar







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Human Resource Management





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) suggests that intelligence and emotions act interactively. Individuals can handle and solve technical problems far more easily than human problems in their personal and professional lives, which illustrates that EI is essential for their job-related outcomes. At the same time, it might be argued that motivational theories also play an essential role in the performance and satisfaction of individuals. This dissertation studied the moderating role of supervisory support, and product knowledge in the relationship of emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and attitude with job-related outcomes (job performance and job satisfaction). A 33-item tool was used for measuring employees’ EI, a four-item tool for measuring self-efficacy, eight items tool for measuring attitude, four items tool for measuring supervisory support, a five-item tool for measuring product knowledge, an eight-item tool to measure the jobrelated outcomes (four each for job performance and job satisfaction). The study was carried out in two phases: a pilot study and the main study. For the main study, 600 questionnaires were distributed among the participants at different intervals. Out of this pool, only 421 questionnaires were collected; 21 questionnaires were found useless/incomplete and, thus withdrawn, and the rest of the 400 (66.67% response rate) were utilized for data analysis. The data was analysed with the help of SPSS and structural equation modelling (SEM). Results showed that emotional intelligence and, selfefficacy were positively related to job-related outcomes (job performance and job satisfaction), while a positive relationship was found between attitude and job performance. No relationship was found between attitude and job satisfaction. In advanced countries the influence of emotional intelligence, motivational factors, and perceived support has been studied for job-related outcomes of employees employed in different sectors. In the Pakistani context, limited attempts have been made to examine the same factors responsible for variation in job-related outcomes of the sales force of the pharmaceutical industry.

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