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Home > The Relationship Among Teachers Socio-Economic Status, Teaching Profession Attitude and Students Academic Achievement at Secondary School Level

The Relationship Among Teachers Socio-Economic Status, Teaching Profession Attitude and Students Academic Achievement at Secondary School Level

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Iqbal, Tanveer




University of Education







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The main focus of this study was to find out the relationship among Public secondary schools’ science teachers’ socio-economic status (SES), teaching profession attitude, and their students’ academic achievement. Eight (8) members of focus group were selected through purposive sampling to find out the factors related to study variables. After literature review and focus group discussion, a questionnaire was developed for nine-hindered (900) secondary school’s teachers from all over the Punjab through stratified random sampling technique. The major findings showed no significant difference regarding SES and attitude towards teaching profession of rural and urban teachers. Moreover SES and teaching profession attitude of male teachers was found out less than of the female teachers. In addition to this, students’ academic achievement of male teachers was concluded greater than of the female teachers while leveled the students’ academic achievement of urban and rural teachers. It is noticeable that only teachers’ socio-economic status and their attitude towards teaching profession were positively correlated. The study recommended that salaries, satisfactory working conditions, and hardship area allowance should be provided to teachers to uplift their SES. In addition to this, a qualitative study was recommended to know the current images of teachers in the eyes of stakeholders. It was also suggested to make the profession respectable through providing due respect by public and media.

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الروایة التاریخیة عند جرجي زیدان و عبد الحلیم شرر

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