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The Relationship of Authentic Leadership With Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan

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Fazal Akbar




Abasyn University







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Authentic Leadership (AL) is an emerging concept in leadership studies. A plethora of research has indicated a positive relationship of AL with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of employees in general organizational contexts. Little studies have examined the relationship of AL with OCB in the context of academic settings of Pakistan. This study evaluates the influence of four dimensions of AL on the employees’ work attitude in relation to OCB in the context of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Additionally, the study examined the mediating effect of Organizational Justice (OJ) on the relationship of AL with OCB in the context of HEIs of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan.A sample of nine HEIs was selected for the purpose and data from 279 leaders and 1158 followers were collected through convenience sampling technique. Data concerning the participants profile were also collected through self-developed Biographical Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson r, ANOVA and regression techniques. The findings of this research study revealed a positive and statistically significant relationship of AL with all the five levels of OCB.The study found that all the four dimensions of OJ fully mediated the relationship of AL with OCB. Furthermore, a positive correlation between AL, OCB and OJ were found. The employees’ demographic characteristics showed statistically significant effect on OCB. Moreover, a model comprising different variables was tested using bootstrapping tests. The findings offer implications regarding how AL enhances the followers’ OCB and how the OJ strengthens the relationship of AL with OCB. HEIs should, therefore, judiciously design and implement performance management system with fair outcomes, procedures and treatment of employees. The present study explored a new model encompassing AL, OCB, and OJ wherein AL and OJ acted as predictors of OCB. The model confirmed that AL is the predictor of OCB and OJ fully mediates the relationship of AL with OCB in the context of HEIs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study recommends that future research should test and assess this model in other contexts.

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