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The Study of Usability of Computer Labs in Secondary Level in Public and Private Schools in Punjab

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Muhammad Ameen




The University of Lahore







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Present age is the age of ICT. Due to the advancement in computer technology, the whole world has turned into a global village. ICT is making magnificent changes in every walk of life including education. Proper use of computer technology is a source to enhance the educational skills, knowledge and teaching methodology. Use of ICT can enhance teachers’ knowledge, skills and competencies. Use of ICT can also improve the quality of teaching and learning. The aim of this study was to check the proper usability of computer labs in public and private secondary schools in Punjab. The objectives of the study were: 1) To compare the availability of ICT facilities in public and private secondary schools’ computer labs; 2) To know the extent to which computer labs are being used in public and private secondary schools; 3) To know about the usefulness of computer labs in public and private secondary schools; 4) To find out the quality of computer labs in public and private secondary schools; 5) To know about the problems that students face to access the computer lab; and 6) To formulate the recommendations for the effective use of computer labs. Following research questions were made to achieve above stated objectives: 1) Is there any significant difference between public and private secondary schools regarding the availability of ICT facilities in computer labs? 2) Are computer labs working effectively at the secondary level both in public and private schools? 3) What is the usefulness of computer labs in public and private secondary schools? 4) What is the standard of quality in maintenance of computer labs in the public and private secondary schools? 5) What are the problems that students face to access the computer lab? The study was descriptive in nature and the quantitative approach was used by the researcher to conduct this study. All the students of secondary level, Head teachers and IT teachers of public and private secondary schools were the target population of the study. The study was delimited to Faisalabad division. A sample of 10% was drawn from accessible population. The clustered stratified random technique was used to select the research subjects for obtaining data. The Head teacher, IT teacher and ten students from each selected sample schools were included the sample. xxi A self-developed questionnaire and a checklist were used as instruments in the study. Three types of questionnaires one for students, one for head teacher and one for IT teacher were developed at five point Likert scale for data collection. The checklist was used to collect data regarding condition and utilization of computer labs. The collected data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. The Frequencies, Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation were used as descriptive statistics for organizing and summarizing data while Chi-square test, Independent Samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used as inferential statistical strategies to analyze data. The study recommends that Provide more ICT facilities in computer labs such as video cameras; multimedia projector; overhead projector; generator; and air conditioner at secondary level school both at the public and private sector; Use of computer lab may be made compulsory for all students at secondary level; One IT teacher is not sufficient; there at least two IT teachers may be appointed at secondary level schools’ computer labs; At least one computer technician may be appointed at the secondary level schools to solve the technical problems of the computer lab; Students may be provided more time to use computer lab; Provide at least one generator, UPS or Solar system to solve the problem of energy crisis; Department may provide sufficient funds for the maintenance of computer labs; Department may provide technical support for the better utilization of ICT resources; and School administration and management may collaboratively make effective plans for the usability of computer labs at the secondary level. It is also recommended that similar studies may be conducted in other provinces of Pakistan to compare the usability of computer labs in public and private sectors at the secondary level.

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