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To Analyze Teachers Competencies and Teaching Practices of Physics Teachers at Higher Secondary Level in Sindh

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Dilshad, Muhammad




Hamdard University







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Knowledge of science produce a great impact on our life style, way of thinking, and our behavior etc. a great change occurs in our outlook because of the influences, of scientific knowledge. Science has revolutionized the civilization. Science teaching is a most difficult task and everybody is not fit to be teacher, some person may have a flair for teaching and such person have the ability to awaken interest and catch the attention of the students. Hence teaching of science is an art of assisting another person to learn. The aims of teaching of science at the college level is to develop scientific attitude ,enhance the scientific and technological competence, encourage creativity and solve the problems confronted by the students in their day to day life both within and outside the college premises. Therefore the science teacher needs to know about the variety of learning approaches and use technology while teaching. The overall purpose of the study was to analyze teachers ‘competencies and teaching practices of Physics subject teachers at higher secondary level in Sindh. The study specifically analyzed the knowledge, skills, and behaviors of the Physics teachers with relation to subject command and implementation. The scope of study was limited to the college principals, teachers, students, and curriculum experts in the province of Sindh. Eight hypotheses were formulated and mixed research technique was adopted. All the principals’ Physics teachers and science students, were part of population .The population is large and heterogeneous therefore the stratified random sampling design was used. The questionnaires, interview protocols and observation checklist were the major instrument. Data was collected through the personal visits and analyzed by using inferential statistical technique along with the content analysis of the data. Concrete recommendations were made on the basis of findings.

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1. وحدي مع الأیام،...

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Dynamics and Impacts of Peasants Movement in North Hashtnagar, District Charsadda, Pakistan

The current study titled "Dynamics and Impacts of Peasants'' Movement in North Hashtnagar, District Charsadda, Pakistan" aimed at examining the causes of Peasants'' Movement in Hashtnagar and its socio-economic impacts on peasants'' community. Data for the study were collected through the interview schedule from 380 sampled respondents belonging to landlords, peasants and the labourers’ community. The study variables included both independent variables (poverty, alienation, awareness, landlords'' attitude with peasants, ejectment, agricultural productivity, politics, social relations, law and order, litigation) and dependent variable (peasants'' movement). Likert scales were used for the measurement of variables, and the chi-square tests were used to test the association between independent and dependent variables. It was concluded from the research that some of the significant causes behind the peasants uprising were poverty, alienation of peasants, and landlords’ hostile attitude with peasants. Peasants were not allowed to wear clean clothes or comb their hair and were forced to obey the out-dated customs and traditions. Evictions of peasants by landlords were also one of the significant reasons behind peasants’ revolt. Besides the inefficient land reforms of ‘60s and 70s’ accelerated peasants’ unrest. Politically peasants were inspired by Marxism and Maoism and were united against landlords. Similarly, some of the noteworthy impacts of peasants’ movement are attainment of agricultural land and increase in peasants and labourers’ income. Peasants nowadays can buy or sell the land, and landlords have reduced the rent on them after the movement. Alienated peasants are now satisfied and are taking an interest in music and poetry. Peasants feel a sense of belonging to Hashtnagar and cannot be evicted from their homes by landlords. Agricultural productivity is increased because preexisting system of batai (sharecropping) was replaced with a new, cash-based system of land tenure. Peasants achieved food security by poultry farms and other livestock. Their victorious movement over landlords inspired peasants of other districts across the country. For peace and harmony among all the iv stakeholders of North Hashtnagar community, the researcher recommends, introduction of innovative technologies, establishing village-level organisations, inclusion of peasants in farm-level decisions, starting integrated and participatory agriculture development programs. Besides, awareness of local people by involving local leaders, effective use of mass media in knowledge dissemination, and skill development of locals by involving NGO sector is recommended. Similarly providing loan and alternative employment opportunities to locals, revitalising Jirga, activating reconciliation centres, controlling human rights violations, providing opportunities for mixing up of landlords and peasants and implementation of meaningful land reforms are some of the policy recommendations in light of the study.