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Home > Dawah Reflections in the Dialogues of the Holy Prophet PBUH a Deductive Analysis of Ahadith Agreed upon by Bukhari and Muslim

Dawah Reflections in the Dialogues of the Holy Prophet PBUH a Deductive Analysis of Ahadith Agreed upon by Bukhari and Muslim

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Saddique, Tahir




Allama Iqbal Open University







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Islamic studies





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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(A deductive Analysis of Ahadith agreed upon by Bukhari and muslim) -selected from Bukhari and Muslim-to get to know how to handle the Holy Prophet (sws) in different positions, -an orator, an imam a leader a husband a merchant, a president of state, a father a preacher, a teacher and other positions that appeared in the ahadith of dialogue. The Scholar,s research is divided into four main topics including; ١-introduction and conceptual definitions, boundaries, and stating ,entrance Dawah reflections of Holy prophet( sws), the concept of the media, Islamic media, and the link between preaching(dawah) and information, a summary of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim and their books on ahadith , and the objectives of the of dialogue of the Prophet ( s w s). ٢ -Dawah reflections in the dialogues of Holy Prophet related to principles of islam and its pillars and in Subject of polytheism, disbelief, hypocrisy and acts of worship such as prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage, , charity, and jihad. .٣- Dawah reflections in the dialogues of Holy Prophet ( s w s) in the relationship between the two individuals, or a group of public in the community, buying, selling, family factors and so forth of meters . ٤- In the last topic, the scholar has devised about curriculum and methods of dawah from ahadith study. The Scholar tried to get a solution of the research problem, which was: - the study of ahadith of dialogue Devising Lessons in the field of preaching (dawah)from Holy prophet’s ( s w s) dialogue. The answer to the question: - What Preaching lessons in ahadith of dialogue in Bukhari and Muslim? It is proved through research that the prophetic dialogues are full of lessons in the area of preaching, and it is possible to make use of dialogue in the age of information technology and media to do the dialogues with other nations. The Scholar has achieved the objectives of the research mentioned in the introduction which is abbreviated: highlighting the lessons from Holy Prophet’s (peace be upon him) preaching dialogues in Bukhari and Muslim, read the books of Sunnah to devise lessons of prophetic dialogues, participation in reading and preaching of Sunnah and ahadith. This humble scientific research will put in libraries for general capitalize. The thesis about Dawah reflections has been completed in the light of the Quran and Sunnah according to mentioned in the introduction of thesis. It is proved through research that successful second person during dialogue is the one who asks, interviews and discusses to access right reward. The Companions of Holy Prophet (sws) were eager to seek knowledge, and they were asked what they do not know. Islamic call is the communication, reporting, Public Information, education, and culture. It is Obvious through research that there are various and diverse preaching methods, and may change with time, place, circumstances and situations. The core subject is divided in to two parts,١- the principles of Islam, and (ebadaat) including worship in all working sections, which are the rights of Allah. ٢- Relationship between two individuals or a group of public in the community, which are the rights of general public. The core subjects were divided into main ten chapters and each chapter divided into three or four sections according to topic mentioned in ahadith and explained the Dawah reflections, curriculum and methods under each hadith derived from research and the most important results.

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