کتاب بہترین دوست
کتاب ایک بہترین دوست ہے، دوست سے کبھی کبھار دھوکے اور فریب کاری کا امکان رہتا ہے لیکن کتاب کی دوستی سے اس قسم کے امکان کا شائبہ تک نہیں رہتا۔ کیونکہ جو خلوص اور محبت اس نے فراہم کرنی ہے اس میں کسی موقع پر جا کر تبدیلی کی گنجائش یا کمی نہ ہوگی۔ کتاب کی رفاقت ایک ایسی ہم نشینی ہے کہ جو اپنے رفیق کو کبھی خلوت کا شکار نہیں ہونے دے گی۔ یہ اپنے ہم نشین کے دل میں خلوتوں اور تنہائیوں کی وحشت کوختم کر کے محبت و مودت کے شگوفے کھلاتی ہے۔ کتاب کے مطالعہ سے تاریخ عالم لکھنے کا موقع ملتا ہے۔ قوموں کے عروج و زوال سے شناسائی ہوتی ہے۔ قوموں کی معاشی ، روحانی ، اقتصادی اور سیاسی حیات کے خدوخال سے آگاہی حاصل ہوتی ہے۔
تاریخ اسلام اس بات پر شاہد ہے کہ مسلمان کو کتب بینی و مطالعہ میں ہمیشہ ایک امتیازی حیثیت حاصل رہی ہے، اہل اسلام ہمیشہ کتابوں سے محبت کرتے آئے ہیں ، دسمبر کی زمستانی ہوائیں ہوں یا جون کی تڑپادینے والی دھوپ، وقت عصر ہو یا رات کا پچھلا پہر،تدریسی اسباق کی تیاری ہو یا سفر آخرت کی تیاری، کتب ہائے خیر سے ذی شعور اور ذی فہم و فراست افراد کی دوستی مثالی رہی ہے۔ کتاب سے دوستی مرادعلم دوستی ہوتی ہے او ر علم دوست انسان گلستانِ ہستی کے رنگا رنگ پھول ، صحت مند معاشرے کے ماتھے کا جھومر، بیمار انسانیت کے مسیحا، مرغِ بسمل کی طرح تڑپنے والے لوگوں کے لیے رافت و رحمت اور جہالت کے بحر بیکراں میں ہچکولے کھاتی ہوئی ناؤ کے ناخدا ہوتے ہیں۔
کتاب سے دوستی جینے کا ڈھنگ سکھاتی ہے۔ کتاب سے دوستی قوموں کی زندگی کے نشیب و فراز سے آگاہی کرتی ہے۔ ایک اچھی کتاب انسان...
Reformation of Moral Philosophy and its Foundation in Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Though, the twenty first century is passing through a great development in the field of science, intellect, education and technology, human beings seem spiritually and ethically in a more miserable condition day by day. We observe inflation in the problems and complications regarding their solutions in human societies with every passing day. Today’s man is highly engaged in universe and its enquiry, we are developing knowledge and physical efforts for taking control over all phenomena of universe, but in this effort, we lost our capability of good values and ethics mostly. In such conditions, the one and only personality, the Ambassador of peace, beloved Muhammad ﷺ is the source of guidance, by whom the spirit of a man could meet with peace and stability. But the solution of this major problem never can be just adopting his ethical teachings and the rejection of bad actions. If so, then the thousands of past writings about the issue have brought the revolution already on the face of the earth. Modern philosophy of ethics and Morality is based upon the concept of relativity as “Good” or “bad” is not universal truth at all. For this reason, it is less effective in terms of practicality. The roots of philosophical concepts we find in the teachings of Prophet’s Muhammad (ﷺ). Have no enigmas and ambiguity Morality. Promoting the prophetic philosophy of Ethics and Morality can change the behavior of man automatically rather than forcefully. In this article, effort has been made to critically analyze the modern Moral philosophy in the light of Sῑrah of the Holy Prophetﷺ. Analytical and critical research methodology is adopted in this study.
The current research project aimed at exploring the experiences of HIV positive patients in Pakistan and finding the determinants of their general health. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the research was carried out in two parts: Part I comprised qualitative study. Sample of the study was purposive, homogenous and consisted of eight HIV positive patients. Men and women were given equal representation in the sample. The age range of the participants was between 25 to 35 years. A semi-structured interview guide was prepared to explore the psychosocial, diagnostic, illness and treatment experiences of HIV positive patients. The interviews were audio recorded and later on transcribed verbatim for a detailed in depth analysis. Seven superordinate themes emerged during the rigorous analytic process of interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) proposed by (Smith, Flowers, & Larkins, 2009).Part II was quantitative in nature and comprised two studies. Study II was a preliminary study that comprised two phases: Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983) was translated into Urdu language and validated in Phase I, as it was intended to assess the perceived stress of the HIV positive patients in study III. Rest of the study scales were available in Urdu, so factor structures of all scales were tested via confirmatory factor analyses (n=300) in Phase II by using AMOS 20.0 and all the measures revealed good fit to the data. Study III was the main study. The aim of the study was to investigate the determinants (viz., perceived stress, emotional intelligence and perceived social support) of general health of HIV Positive patients. Urdu translated versions of Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983), Berlin Social Support Scale (Nawaz & Batool, 2013), Emotional Intelligence Scale (Batool & Khalid, 2011), General Health Questionnare (GHQ 28; Goldberg & Williams, 1988), and demographic datasheet were used to collect the data.Data were collected from 361 HIV positive patients, recruited from the cities of Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Lahore (Punjab, Pakistan). Men (n = 291) and women (n = 70), were given representation in the sample. The Age range of the participants was 18 to 67 (M = 36.4, SD = 10.3). Pearson’s product correlation analysis was carried out to assess the magnitude and direction of relationships among all the study variables. Linear regression analyses revealed that emotional intelligence and social support were significant negative predictors and perceived stress was a positive predictor and explained 49 % variance in general health. Moderation analysis was carried out through SPSS 16.0 and results supported gender as a moderator in relationship between social support and general health but gender did not moderate the relationship between perceived stress and general health and between emotional intelligence and general health. Results of mediational analysis via structural equation modelling using AMOS 20.0 showed that perceived stress partially mediated the relationship between perceived social support and general health. The MANOVA was carried out on five independent groups (viz., gender, age, family system, education, and monthly income) and four outcome variables (general health, perceived stress, perceived social support and emotional intelligence). The results of MANOVA were not significant. Results of both the studies (i.e. quantitative and qualitative parts) revealed that emotional intelligence and perceived social support were two important protective factors / predictors that determine the general health and also the individual components of general health of HIV positive patients. Both the studies also highlighted the role of emotional intelligence and perceived social support in reducing the perceived stress level of HIV positive patients. Quantitative study validated the results of qualitative study. Conclusions were drawn and the clinical implications were discussed at the end.