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تعلیمات اسلامیہ اور جدید کے حوالے سے مسئلہ خواب کا تحقیقی مطالعہ

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احمد, ممتاز




University of Karachi







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Islamic studies





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37





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بھٹو آج تک لوگوں کے دلوں میں کیوں زندہ ہے

بھٹو آج تک لوگوں کے دلوں میں کیوں زندہ ہے ؟وجہ

یہ ایک تاریخی تصویر ہے ۔ایک بوڑھا شخص 18اکتوبر 2007ء کو محترمہ بے نظیر بھٹو شہید کے استقبال کے لیے کراچی ائیر پورٹ ننگے پائوں آ یا ۔اس نے وہاں موجود صحافیوں کو یہ تصویر دکھائی اور بتا یا کہ میں آج اس واقعے کو دہرانا چاہتا ہوں جب میں اس طرح شہید بھٹو سے ملنے ننگے پائوں گیا تھا کیونکہ میرے اس وقت پہننے کے لیے جوتے نہیں تھے ۔شہید بھٹو نے جب میری یہ حالت دیکھی تو انہوں نے مجھے اپنے گلے سے لگایا ۔میں نے ان کی آنکھوں میں بغور دیکھا تو وہ بھیگ چکی تھیں ۔انہوں نے مجھے کافی پیسے بھی اور جب میں واپس جائے لگا توشہید بھٹو اپنے جوتے اتار کے خود بھی ننگے پائوں میرے ساتھ کا فی دور تک چلے !


Assessing and Evaluating Ḥadith its Value, Significance, Authority and Authenticity in Islamic Thought

Qur’an and Ḥadith as fundamental and primary sources of Shariah stand as hall mark of Islam. Ḥadith called traditions as the second fundamental source of Islam embodies sayings, actions and expressions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explicit or implicit. Mainly there have been two trends of rejecting the status of Ḥadith. One is rejecting the authority of Ḥadith and other rejects the authenticity of Ḥadith especially “Khabar-al-wahid” or solitary tradition. Other group does not completely reject the authority of Ḥadith rather text of Ḥadith especially in case of weak traditions. This paper discuss the opinion of rejecters of Ḥadith and contribution of Muslim scholars along with their arguments from Qur’an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to highlight the importance and significance of authority and authenticity of Ḥadith in all disciplines of Islamic thought.

Clinico-Epidemiology of Staphylococcus Aureus Subclinical Mastitis in Camels from Two Distinct Ecological Zones

Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is emerging as multiple drug resistant (MDR) pathogens in milk of camels with characteristically zoonotic potential. Current study was planned to investigate epidemiology of MDR S. aureus in camel milk, and in-vitro therapeutic response to drugs. Two different ecological zones, Cholistan and Suleiman Range of Pakistan having major population of she-camels were screened for subclinical mastitis using California mastitis test using convenient sampling technique. Biochemical examination was performed to isolate S. aureus that further were tested Penicillin, Glycopeptide, and Cephalosporin classes of antibiotics for confirmation of MDR isolates using disk diffusion method. MDR were tested in-vitro for response against various antibiotics. A questionnaire was filled for estimation of association of assumed risk factors with prevalence. Nonparametric tests at 5% probability were applied to check significance of results. The study noted overall 33.98% (123/362) of MDR S. aureus from subclinical mastitis milk samples while 123 of 192 S. aureus isolates (64.06%) were confirmed MDR. Non-significantly higher prevalence of MDR was noted in Cholistan area (38.38%) than to that of Suleiman Range (29.98%) on subclinical mastitis samples basis Similarly 66.36% of S. aureus isolates from Cholistan area and 61.18% from Suleiman Range were presented themselves as MDR. Oxacillin, Cefoxitin and Ampicillin faced 100% resistance while Vancomycin, Cefixime and Cefotaxime had >78 % of resistance from MDR isolates from both study areas. However, Trimethoprim and Ciprofloxacin were > 90%, Chloramphenicol >69%, and Gentamycin 61-67.3%, Streptomicin 61-73.07% and Oxytetracycline 69-71.15%, Enoxacin 45.07 and 53.84% and Amikacin 43.6 and 51.92% effective against MDR. Older age of animals, higher California mastitis score, weak body condition, higher milk yield, early lactation, teat injury, higher parity number, tick infestation, self-treatment and higher use of penicillin in general ailments had positive association with MDR prevalence. The study concluded higher prevalence of MDR S. aureus in camel milk with significant association of assumed risk factors and some of antibiotics presented higher scope of treatment.