ڈاکٹر یعقوب صروف
اڈیٹر المقتطف کی وفات، علمی حلقہ میں یہ خبر نہایت افسوس کے ساتھ سنی جائے گی کہ مصر کے مشہور علمی، صنعتی، زراعتی اور فلسفیانہ رسالہ المقتطف کے دوسرے اڈیٹر ڈاکٹر یعقوب صروف نے بھی جولائی ۱۹۲۷ء کو وفات پائی۔ یہ وہ شامی اہل قلم ہے جس نے عربی ممالک میں سب سے پہلے سائنس، حکمیات، فلسفہ اور اختراعات جدیدہ کے معلومات بہم پہنچائے اور پورے پچاس برس اس نے اس اہم خدمت کو انجام دیا۔ ۱۸۷۶ء میں اس نے اس رسالہ کو جاری کیا تھا اور اب تک اسی طرح پوری شان کے ساتھ جاری رہا۔ ان کی پیدائش ۱۸ء میں ہوئی تھی۔ بیروت امریکن کالج میں تعلیم پائی تھی اور پھر وہیں ریاضیات کے پروفیسر مقرر ہوگئے تھے۔ وہیں اس رسالہ کی اشاعت کا اس کو اور اس کے رفیق فارس نمر کو جو پہلے وفات پاچکا ہے، خیال آیا تھا۔ ترکی حکومت نے اپنی اجازت سے ان کی ہمت افزائی کی۔ آخر یہ مصر میں آکر تکمیل کو پہنچا۔ یعقوب صروف کے بعد فواد صروف نے اس رسالہ کی زمامِ ادارت اپنے ہاتھ میں لی ہے۔
(ریاست علی ندوی، ستمبر ۱۹۲۷ء)
Coronaviruses are a huge family of viruses that originate disease extending from the common cold to further fatal maladies. Objective: The study was conducted to determine the gender based differences in COVID-19 patients. Methods: Study included total 150 participants visiting Department of Medicine, Mayo Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. Data were collected through self-structured questionnaire using non-probability convenient sampling. Prior written informed consents were taken from the participants. Ethical approval was taken fromThe University of Lahore, Lahore. Data were analyzed through SPSS version 25.0. Results: Results showed that among the comorbidities hypertension was most common in COVID-19 patients followed by diabetes mellitus, especially in females. Whereas renal disorders and asthma were most reported in males. Analysis revealed that there was a significant association (p=0.001) between disease severity and gender. Conclusion: Study concluded that there was significant association between gender and disease severity.
Comparison between Al-Dur-Al-Masoon and Blaghat-Al-Quran (Morphological and Syntactical analysis) (Chapter Aal-e-Imran) As a matter of fact many a Muslim scholars had been compiling their Tafaseers on Morphological and Syntactical grounds.Just because complete understanding of Quranic verses impossible without the help of these two. So the researcher chose two books, one from old period and other from present time to compare their styles in dealing with Morphological and Syntactical Citations. I have divided my topic into Abstract, Preface, five chapters, Bibliography and list of contents. First chapter will talk about Morphological and Syntactical Citations in TafaseerUlQuran and it has three sub-chapters and Second chapter will introduce Halabi, Shaikhly and their books and it has three sub-chapters and Third chapter will consist of Morphological and Syntactical Citations in Al- Dur-Al-Masoonand it has three sub-chapters and Fourth chapter will consist of Morphological and Syntactical Citations in Balaghat-Al-Quran and it has three sub-chapters and Fifth chapter will deal with comparison between Al-Dur-Al-Masoon and Balaghat-Al-Quranand it has three sub-chapters.