The Bathymetric study of the Tiyon formation, which conformably lies in between Laki and Kirthar Formation around Laki Range is carried out to construct the paleoenvironment interpretation, worldwide correlation and assigned the Standard Chronostratigraphic age. The bathymetric study of the Tiyon formation indicates three zones with their characteristic particular species are: - Ø Brackish water zone (shelf neritic) Elphidium, Nonion Ø Shallow water zone (outer neritic) Quinqueloculina, Robulus Ø Deep water zone (inner neritic) Gyroidina, Rosalina Faunal assemblage and planktonic / benthic ratio suggests that the deposition of the Tiyon formation have took place under marine condition, indicating a near-shore deposition under a very shallow to bathyl zone with clear warm water condition in tropical region. The abundant presence of planktonic foraminifera in the lower part of the Tiyon formation indicates the connection of depositional basin with the open sea, while this condition does not exist in the upper part of the formation. The Tiyon formation contains a variety of stratigraphically important benthic and planktonic species which includes 140 species, 35 planktonic and 120 benthonic forams, belonging to 31 genera & 15 families. The recognized planktonic zonation includes Globigerinatheka semiinvolta Zone, Truncorotaloides rohri Zone, Orbulinoid beckmanni Zone, Globigerina frontosa Zone, Hantkenina aragonensis Zone and Acarinina pentacamerata Zone. These zones verify the Late Ypresian to Early Bartonian age to the Tiyon formation rather than Late Ypresian to Lutetian. The benthic assemblage shows distinct affinities with the Lutetian fauna of Sor Range, (Baluchistan), Raki Nala and Nammal Gorge (Salt Range), Hampshire Basin (England), Paris Basin (France), Gulf Coastal Region (USA), Belgium and Kutch (India). The Tiyon formation is correlated with Pir Koh Limestone (Lower part of Drazinda Shale), Basal Shale unit of Kirthar Formation (Baluchistan), upper part of the Ghazij Shale, Chorgali, Sakesar, Kuldana and basal part of the Kohat Formation. Total number of species and specimen have been plotted graphically to indicate the dominancy of different faunal zone over on another. Temperature is also a determining factor in the study of bathymetric study. Some characteristic species which are exclusively tropical and live in warm temperature also have been discussed in this thesis.
موضوع 8: اردو زبان کے مختلف نام اردو زبان کو مختلف ادوار میں مختلف ناموں سے پکارا گیا۔ مختلف ادوار میں اسے ہندی،ہندوی ، ہندوستانی کے ناموں سے پکارا جاتا رہا ہے۔ڈاکٹر سلیم اختر نے اپنی کتاب "اردو ادب کی مختصر تاریخ" میں کہا ہے: "یہ نام بعض اوقات اس مخصوص عہد کے لیے ایک بلیغ استعارہ بھی بن جاتے ہیں۔" اردو کا لفظ: اردو کا لفظ وسط ایشیا یا بالائی یورپ سے برصغیر میں داخل ہوا۔وہاں ریوڑ کے معنی میں استعمال کیا گیا۔سندھی زبان میں ڈھیر اور ترکی زبان میں لشکر کے معنی میں ملتا ہے۔ مغل دور میں فوج اور چھتر شاہی کے معنی میں مستعمل رہا۔اسی لیے عساکر(عسکری) کی زبان کو زبان اردو کہا جاتا تھا۔ ہندی یا ہندوی: اردو زبان کو ہندوستان کی مناسبت سے قدیم زمانے میں ہندی یا ہندوی کہا جاتا تھا۔بقول ڈاکٹر مرزا خلیل احمد بیگ : "شروع شروع میں یہ زبان اپنی مقامی خصوصیات کی بنا پر ہندوی ، ہندوئی یا ہندی کہلائی۔"(اردو زبان کی لسانی تشکیل) اس نام کی شہادت قدیم ادبی تصنیفات میں بھی ملتی ہیں۔ قاضی بدر سے لے کر میں سراج الدین خان آرزوتک قدیم لغت نویسوں نے اس زبان کو ہندی یا ہندوی لکھاہے۔ اس کے علاوہ صوفیا کرام کی تحریریں اور اقوال بھی کارآمد ہوتے ہیں۔میر تقی میر نے اپنا تذکرہ "نکات الشعراء میں بھی ہندی کا لفظ استعمال کیا تھا۔ڈاکٹر سہیل بخاری نے بھی اپنی کتاب " اردو کے روپ "میں ہندی یا ہندوی کی مثال دیتے ہوئے کہا : " شاہ عبدالطیف نے بھی قرآن مجید کا جو ترجمہ کیا اسیزبان ہندی قرار دیا۔" زبان دہلوی: امیر خسرو نے اردو کے لیے زبان دہلوی کا نام استعمال کیا ہے۔ اپنی مثنوی "نئے سفر" میں انھوں نے ہندوستان میں تمام مروجہ زبانوں کا تذکرہ کیا ہے۔امیر خسرو کے300 سال بعد ابوالفضل...
Islamic concept about Jihad is very different as what is interpreted by the western scholars. This Jihad is not only the name of giving just his own life but to a specific purpose, which is only to create peace and to prevent cruelty and injustice in the society. There are several verses of Quran and Hadith, which explore this concept, but Islam also regulates the rules and regulation for this. To explain the misconception about Jihad, some points have been explored in this research article to guide the people effectively that how jihad should be conducted, while other activities named as “jihad” and an activist intending to take part in such activities might not be counted as a “martyr”. So the important points to be kept in mind are: · In Islam the martyr has a very great value, but in specific terms. · Martyr in Islam is not simply means of giving life. · There are some rules and regulations that must to be followed, i. E., a person must be a Muslim and his intention is only for Allah, and not for his worldly desires, and he follow the rules what Islam justified for the war. · His jihad will not be accepted without the permission of his parents or if he dies in the state of sin etc. · Islam does not allow killing innocent persons, Muslims or non-Muslims, without caring the color and caste, if he does so he would be answerable to Allah.
Many genetically modified crops have been developed and made available for human and
animal use since 1990s. The technology permits cross-species modifications,
consequently, it allows an enormous selection of new characters. The utilization of
genetically modified crops for animal and human consumption is likely to grow in the
future. However, reception of genetically modified crops is often met with criticism and
debate in the society. The issue that whether the genetic alteration can lead to
unintentional consequences in terms of feed quality or nutrient composition of the grain is
of great importance. The present research aimed to investigate the effects of feeding a
GM-maize diet to broiler chicken at different doses. A total of 40 chickens were procured,
vaccinated and acclimatized to the environment. In this feeding study of 60 days,
chickens were randomly divided into four groups with 10 replicates in each group. Diet of
control group labeled as D1 contained 50% non-transgenic maize and 50% commercial
diet. Second group labeled as D2 was fed 50% transgenic maize and 50% commercial
diet. Third group was labeled as D3. Its diet contained a low dosage of transgenic maize
i.e. 40% transgenic maize and 50% commercially available diet and 10% of
non-transgenic maize. Group four was termed as D4 and its diet was a mixture of 30%
transgenic maize, 50% commercial diet and 20% non-transgenic maize. Feed
consumption and animal body weight increased normally throughout the trial. At the end
of the trial, samples were collected for morphological, biochemical, histopathological and
molecular tests and the results showed no significant difference among the groups.
Transgene detection in the tissue samples of vital organs showed absence of transgene
fragment. Expression profiling of growth-related genes showed no difference in the
relative expression among different dietary groups. All these diagnostic tests demonstrate
that use of transgenic maize does not have any unintended consequences.