سرتیج بہادر سپرو
افسوس ہے کہ گزشتہ ۲۱؍ جنوری کو ملک کے نامور وکیل اور قانون دان سرتیج بہادر سپرو نے ۷۳ سال کی عمر میں انتقال کیا، عرصہ ہوا ان پر فالج کا حملہ ہوا تھا، جس کے بعد ان کی صحت بگڑ گئی تھی، اور جس نے بالآخر ان کی زندگی کا چراغ گل کردیا، وہ ایک بڑے قانون دان بلکہ قانون ساز اور عالی دماغ مدبر تھے، اپنے پیشہ میں بڑا نام پیدا کیا اور بڑی دولت کمائی اور صوبائی و مرکزی اسمبلیوں سے لے کر وایسرائے کی ایکزیکٹیو کونسل کی لاممبری اور پریوی کونسل کی رکنیت تک کے اعزاز ان کو حاصل ہوئے وہ سیاسیات میں اعتدال پسند تھے۔ اور اس دائرہ کے اندر انھوں نے ملک و قوم کی بھی مفید خدمات انجام دیں اور انہی حیثیتوں سے ان کا ماتم کیا گیا۔
لیکن قومی نقطۂ نظر سے ان کی سب سے بڑھ کر خصوصیت یہ تھی کہ وہ ہندو مسلم اتحاد کے علمبردار اردو زبان کے بڑے حامی و مددگار اور ہماری پرانی مشترک تہذیب کا علمی نمونہ اور اس صوبہ میں غالباً اس کی آخری یادگار تھے اور اس فرقہ پرستی کے زمانہ میں بھی جب کہ بڑے بڑے قوم پرستوں کے قدم ڈگمگا گئے ہیں وہ اپنی جگہ قائم رہے اور مشترک زبان اور مشترک تہذیب کا دامن ان کے ہاتھ سے نہ چھوٹا، اور برسوں ہندوستانی اکیڈمی الٰہ آباد کے صدر رہے، کل ہند انجمن ترقی اردو کے مربی و سرپرست تھے اور تقسیم ہندوستان سے پہلے تک وہ اس کے مستقل صدر تھے، ابھی حال میں انھوں نے اردو زبان کی خدمت کے لئے الٰہ آباد میں روحِ ادب کے نام سے ایک مجلس قائم کی تھی، اردو کی تاریخ میں ان کا یہ فقرہ ہمیشہ یادگار رہے کہ اردو زبان ہندو مسلمانوں کا مشترک اور ناقابل...
Mental disorders are common and contribute to the highest burden of disease across the globe. Depression and anxiety has become the most frequent disorder in these times. However, it is notconsidered a disease mostly and there are no proper policies and treatment all over the world but thedeveloping countries are affected the most. Mental health care services are lacking and inaccessible tomost of the patients worldwide. Apart from this fact, the stigma associated with this ailment is a majorhindrance in the way of treatment. Lack of human resource and their proper training is also lacking. Thereis a dire need to enhance research capacity to actually estimate the burden and magnitude of the problem, preparing a policy and above all, its implementation to bring a change in the treatment of mental healthproblems. Low and middle income countries are suffering the most due to these disorders and ironicallyit is not considered a disease thereMostly, the uneducated people attribute such mental health issues to supernatural phenomenonsuch as ghosts or magic etc. Additionally, for the treatment of these so-called “supernatural phenomenon”and to get rid of ghosts, they tend to go to “peers” or “baba” who are illiterate people, pretending to havecure for these patients. But infact, such malpractices and misconceptions among masses lead to adisastrous situation. It causes worsening of the condition of patient by not getting the proper medical andpsychiatric treatment, secondly, they are caught up by wrong people who extort huge amount of money. These are the challenges that developing countries are facing for the treatment of mental health issues. Evidence-based interventions and practice by trained personals in community and primary health carefacilities can improve the understanding and treatment of these ailments. Exercise, healthy life style, healthy dietary+ patterns and physical activities may also work wonders in these conditions.
The study was conductedto observe and document the population’s perceptions of causes of crime in educated youth, it was also determined the degree of relationship of “crime” with “various social and educational variables”. The purpose was to collect empirical data inductively from the phenomena and to provide stakeholders pragmatic evidences of the situation in order to take necessary steps for improvement as well as valid reasons for legislation to stop crime acquired from society. The population of this research was students of universities in Sindh, lawyers who were working in Sindh province and police officers of rank Inspector, Sub-Inspector and Assistant Sub-Inspector in the areas of Sindh province. The overall population for students divided into two clusters; cluster of public and cluster of private universities. The total number of public and private universities are 20; 10 numbers of universities are from public sector while remaining 10 are from private sectors. These all20 universities have different field of specialization e.g. medical, business administration, and engineering, agriculture and general categories. The population of lawyers and police officers were taken from districts in Karachi (5 districts), Hyderabad, Khairpur and Jomshoro. Researcher selected Lawyers and police officers of rank Inspector, Sub-Inspector, Assistant Sub-Inspector randomly from the population. Four Questionnaires were designed to collect data from ; elderly citizens, students, lawyers and police officers at five points likert scale. Data collected through self-administered questionnaire. The researcher met elderly citizens and visited these universities for collecting data from students personally, and met with lawyers and police officers. Although this procedure was considered time consuming, but it gave up high rate of responses to the researcher. As this study found out the grass-root, level causes and effects of crime on educated youth in Sindh as well asPakistan are; poor education; unemployment; defficint policeing sytem and judiciary. Thus, findings are useful to law enforcement agencies, justices of courts, education practitioner and researchers to understand psychology of the crimes in local context.