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Biodiversity of Wasps Hymenoptera: Vespidae from Multan Division, Punjab, Pakistan.

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Qasim, Muhammad.




University of the Poonch







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Natural Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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To explore the wasp’s fauna and its biodiversity from Multan division, extensive surveys were carried out in selected localities of four districts of Multan division during 2013-2016. Result yielded 24 species under 14 genera of three sub- families i.e., Eumeninae, Vespinae and Polistinae as per following details: subfamily Eumeninae with 18 species under 11 genera, among them, five species are new records for Pakistan; subfamily Polistinae represented five species under two genera, whereas subfamily Vespinae with one species under one genus. Out of 24 identified species, 21 species are recorded first time for Multan division from which five species, i.e., Antepipona ceylonica, Delta campaniforme campaniforme, Odynerus reniformis, Stenodynerus punjabensis Qasim, Carpenter et Rafi, sp. nov. and Subancistrocerus pakistanensis Qasim, Carpenter et Rafique, sp. nov are new records for Pakistan included two species, Stenodynerus punjabensis Qasim, Carpenter et Rafi, sp. nov. and Subancistrocerus pakistanensis Qasim, Carpenter et Rafique, sp. nov. which are new to science. Two genera Odynerus and Subancistrocerus are reported first time from Pakistan. Diversity was calculated using Shannon-Wiener’s diversity index and Simpson’s index. Richness was calculated by using Menhinck index and Marglef’s index and the evenness or equitability was calculated with Nakamura’s index and Shannon’s equitability index. Result of diversity indices and richness from four districts showed that the Vespidae are normally distributed without any significant difference. Results of Shannon equitability and Nakamura indices showed Vespidae are evenly distributed. However, diversity and richness was low in some localities of Multan division due to geographical and hard climatic conditions.

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