ڈاکٹرمحی الدین زورؔ
ڈاکٹر محی الدین زورؔدکن کے مولوی عبدالحق تھے، انھوں نے خود بھی بلند پایہ تحقیقی کتابیں لکھیں، اورادارہ ادبیات اُردو کے ذریعہ قدیم مخطوطات کواڈٹ کرکے اور چھاپ کر اور نوجوان نسل میں اُردو ادب کاذوق اور تحقیق کاجذبہ پیدا کرکے اورعوام میں مختلف طریقوں سے اُردو کومقبول بناکر علماً وعملاً زبان اوراُس کے ادب کی وہ شاندار خدمات انجام دی ہیں کہ بابائے اُردو کومستثنیٰ کرکے کوئی دوسرا شخص اُن کے حریف ہونے کا مدعی نہیں ہوسکتا۔ [جون ۱۹۶۳ء]
Aim: To evaluate the immediate effects of various activity levels on knee joint position sense.
Methodology: Sixty males aged between 19 and 24 years, without any complains of discomfort or pain in the knee joint were selected from Bakhtawar Amin Hospital, Multan using convenience sampling, between April 2nd, 2019 to July 28th, 2019. Group A participants walked on the treadmill at a speed of 4 km/h for 5 min (n = 20). Group B participants ran on a treadmill at 6.4 km per hour for five minutes (n = 20). Group C participants sprinted on a treadmill at 8.5 km per hour for five minutes (n = 20).
Results: Mean age of the subjects was 21.18±1.77. In the moderate physical activity group, the difference in the means in passive reproduction of the knee flexion angle of 20o observed was 1.40±2.39, (p-value 0.013), and similarly in intense physical activity was 1.75±3.58 (p-value 0.020). For the knee flexion angle of 40o, the difference in the means for moderate was 1.35±1.84 (p=0.002), and for the intense activity was 2.35±2.27 (p=0.012). However, in the group with mild physical activity, the difference in the means was statistically insignificant.
Conclusion: The study indicated that physical activities of moderate level and intense level decrease the joint position sense appreciation at the knee joint in less active healthy individuals.
to find out the association between terrorism and different factors affecting learning behavior of secondary school students. . It was found agreed by the respondents that terrorism causes fear among students, affects the learning process, terrorist mostly kidnap the school students and use them as suicide bomber after brainwashing. Military operations in the tribal areas and drone attacks created hatred against America and Pakistani military forces because of the perception to be an allied force which ultimately increased terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Parents remain worried till returning of their children from school and don’t allow them to take part in any co-curricular activity. Media is not performing its due positive role. It was concluded from the study that fear was created among students due to terrorism. Behavior related problems, shortage of attendance, drop out and intolerance increased. Social injustice, religious extremism, false interpretation of Islamic ideas, Interference of foreign intelligence agencies in our country, our weak security network, curriculum in the most deeni madaras, Post Afghan-Russian war groups, Military operations in the tribal areas and drone attacks were the main causes of terrorism. The study suggested that literacy and effective performance of schools, teachers, religious leaders, media, intelligence agencies, foreign ministry, and curriculum wing can eradicate or reduce the terrorism.