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Home > Cross Layer Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks

Cross Layer Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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Hashmi, Muhammad Usman




Iqra University







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Applied Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Accomplishing synchronized time remains an essential task for most disseminated networks. Time synchronization obliges an exceptional blend of high precision and energy efficiency. A few application layer protocols have been proposed to meet these necessities. This research work endorse that the symbol timing recuperation procedure can give application layer clock skew estimate and the application layer clock can be amended with the assistance of this estimate. This cross layer methodology diminishes the quantity of message trades needed by application layer for time synchronization which stimulates energy preservation. It contends that such a cross layer methodology can give a more exact skew estimation, or on the other hand can accomplish more noteworthy energy efficiency, for a given precision, by diminishing the message trades. Examination of proposed strategy, simulation results, experimentation outcomes and mathematical analysis demonstrates that physical layer clock skew can be utilized to adjust application layer clock skew as they are derived from hardware clock within the node. Analysis of proposed method provides concrete bounds on achieved improvement.

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Outcomes of Turco’S Procedure for Idiopathic Clubfoot Among Children at French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children from January 2011 to July 2016

Background: Clubfoot known as Congenital Talipes Equino Varus Deformity (CTEV) is one of the most common congenital foot deformities. Affect 1-2/1000 live births worldwide. Males are more affected with Club foot compared to female. Idiopathic clubfeet was considered 80% as isolated birth defects and 20% are syndromic or neurogenic. Objective: 1. To estimate the demographic characteristics of patients with clubfoot at FMIC, Kabul, Afghanistan from 2011 to July 2016. 2. To determine the outcomes of Turco’s Procedure for idiopathic clubfoot among children from 2011 to July 2016 at Paediatric Orthopaedic Department of FMIC, Kabul, Afghanistan.Methodology: A descriptive case series study design is used to determine the outcomes of Turco’s Procedure for idiopathic clubfoot among children at Paediatric Orthopaedic Department of French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children (FMIC), Kabul, Afghanistan during January 2011 to July 2016. Records of 99 participants with 151 feet who had undergone Turco’s procedure were clinically and radiologically assessed and followed for 3 years. Self-developed structured questionnaire was used by applying consecutive sampling technique. Age range of the study participants was from nine months to five years. The descriptive analysis was done, using SPSS Version 22. Mean and standard deviation (SD) were calculated for Quantitative continuous/discrete variables. Frequency and proportions were calculated for categorical variables. T- test for two independent samples and Chi-square test also were run for few variables.Result: Out of 99 participants, 67(67.7%) males and 32(32.3%) females were affected; males were affected twice as often as girls. 52 (52.5%) participants were bilaterally, 26 (26.3%) Right side and 21 (21.2%) were Left side affected. 25 (25.3%) participants had positive family history. Hospital length of stay at hospital was 1.7 days (1 to 7 days). Participant’s feet were assessed clinically and radiologically. The results showed that Turco’s procedure in 79.8% of participants was successful and 20.2% of them had developed some kinds of complications. Family satisfaction rate was 89% found in the study. Conclusion: Clubfoot is one of the most common congenital foot deformities and patients with idiopathic clubfoot can be successfully treated in most of the cases by Turco’s procedure; Outcome of the surgery will be better if patient gets treatment at appropriate age. Overall, an 80% success rate of Turco’s procedure was found in this study