Deciphering In Vitro Regeneration Capabilities of Wheat and Investigations of Genetic Transformation in Wheat and Barley An efficient and reliable genetic transformation system is imperative for the improvement of food grains such as wheat and barley. While wheat transformation is complex due to its larger genome and high ploidy level, the barley has a limiting factor of genotypic dependency. In addition, cereals are known to be recalcitrant towards callus induction and regeneration. The biological processes behind in vitro response are complex and poorly understood. Selection of responsive genotypes and suitable media for tissue culture are important for genetic transformation. Mature embryos of wheat cultivars, lines and special stocks were used to evaluate genotypic and chromosomal response to tissue culture with variable concentrations of 2, 4-D in MS-medium. Similarly, different concentrations of IAA, BAP and Kinetin were used to find optimum combinations for regeneration. Specific expression vector pBRACT 214-NDPK2 carrying NDPK2 gene was used to compare relative Agrobacterium mediated transformation efficiency in wheat and barley. Significant differences were found among mean values of calli obtained under different concentrations of 2, 4-D for the tested wheat cultivars and lines. Callus induction frequency varied widely with genotype and exogenous auxin source ranging from 21% (Chenab 2000) to 94% (Atta Habib) at 1 and 2 mg/L of 2, 4-D, respectively. Most responsive cultivars and lines were Atta Habib, Siran, Iqbal 2000, Inqalab 2000, Marvi 2000, CIITADSW2, CIITADSW4, CIITADSW5 and CIITADSW9 which yielded maximum calli in a minimum time period of four weeks. It was found that from genome A the chromosomes 1A, 2A showed marked effect on callus induction, while from B and D genome the chromosome 3B, 7B, 2D, 4D and 6D were found responsible for the callus induction response. Based on the information from the response of substitution lines, the gene responsible for tissue culture response can be marked on to the individual chromosomes. Most efficient regeneration response was shown in Atta Habib followed by Siran and Chenab 2000 respectively. Wheat line CIITADSW5 showed significantly highest regeneration potential of 31% followed by CIITADSW1, CIITADSW4, CIITADSW5 and CIITADSW9 each with 25%. Both wheat and barley showed different responses towards callus induction and regeneration. Both embryogenic and non embryogenic calli were found in wheat with significantly greater tendency for embryogenecity in barley. The barley transformed lines showed good response on the regeneration medium as compared to wheat. PCR analysis of putative transformants using genomic DNA analyses showed a promising transformation response in barley with 27% transformation efficiency opposed to wheat where no true transgenic was obtained in any cultivar used in this study. The protocol developed and optimized for wheat and barley transformation will greatly help in crop improvement programme through genetic engineering especially in diploid relatives of cereals. Findings of this study suggested that callus induction and regeneration were genotype and hormones dependent, but independent of each other.
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دل محمد دلشاد (۱۸۰۰ء پ) گلی حکیماں محلہ سیداں (کوچہ بند) پسرور میں پیدا ہوئے۔ آپ اپنے فارسی اشعار میں ایک جگہ اس کی طرف اشارہ بھی کرتے ہیں :
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The objective of this study was to investigate the differences in the level of trust in close interpersonal relationships among first born and last-born individuals. The sample of the present study was comprised of 120 participants (first born=60; last born=60). Data was collected through purposive random sampling. The age range of the participants in the present study was 20-45 years and both genders were given equal representation. Trust level of the participants was measured through Trust in close interpersonal relationship scale. Personal Information Questionnaire was also used to gather the information about the characteristics of participants such as age, birth ordinal, gender, education etc. It was hypothesized that there would be significant differences in the trust level of first born and last born. Findings revealed significant differences in the trust level of first born and last-born participants. Last born participants have more trust in interpersonal relationship. Gender differences were also found in the trust level. Females have more trust than males. The implications of the study have discussed in terms of child-rearing practices.
Bumblebees are important for their pollination services to different plant species providing a major source of variability and survival for cross pollinated plant species. They belong to temperate regions due to their need of hibernation needs in winter. Their importance as buzz pollination makes them unique for pollination of different commercial crops like tomatoes, pepper, strawberries etc under glasshouse farming systems. Different bumblebee species has been identified in northern areas of Pakistan including Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and some parts of northern Punjab. Bombus haemorrhoidalis has been identified as important and common bumblebee species in lower northern Pakistan. Different experiments were conducted for ecological and biological studies to monitor the indigenous bumblebee, B. haemorrhoidalis abundance and species richness in the northern Pakistan including Rawalpindi-Islamabad, Rawalakot and Naran-Kaghan valley It will be helpful for conservation of our local bumblebee fauna and to identify the possible plant species for their long term survival and stability of environmental balance of species. According to the results regarding abundance of native bumblebee in relation to other pollinators Bombus haemorrhoidalis was the most abundant pollinator in comparison with other pollinators in all sub-localities. In 2012, maximum Shannon index, Simson index and Eveness were recorded in Naran Kaghan and minimum in Rawalpindi/Islambad. In 2013, maximum Shannon index and Eveness were recorded in Naran Kaghan while Simson index was maximum in Rwalpindi/Islambad and minimum Shannon index in Rawalakot. The foraging xxv source of native bumble comprised of 42, 43 and 48 plant species in Naran Kaghan, Rawalkot and Rawalpindi/Islamabad, respectively. Maximum species (11) belonged to Family, Asteraceae from all three study areas. The nest seeking queens emerged after spending winter diapause in nature preferred relatively open field landscape followed by open fields, forest boundaries proved more populated habitats followed by field boundaries for nesting sites. Withered grasses remained most favored patches and stone and moss the least ones for nesting sites of B. haemorrhoidalis. at all locations. Rearing of B. haemorrhoidalis was successfully done and biological parameter of like, preoviposition period, egg hatching period, larval and pupal duration, period of first workers emerged, numbers of workers and sexual and mother queen life span were observed under controlled laboratory conditions. Seasonal fluctuation of sexual morphs indicated first emergence of winter diapausing queens in March - April, maximum population of workers in September, males and daughter queens in October, in field conditions. Indigenous bumblebee B. haemorrhoidalis was used for pollination of tomato crop in comparison with European bumblebee Bombus terrestris at Hydroponic Research Farm. Non significant differences were obtained in the means comparison of number of seeds per fruit, fruit weight, fruit height and fruit diameter for both pollinators.