Traditional rice cultivation by puddling and manual transplanting is a labor intensive activity and require significant quantities of water and power. The increasing scarcity of water threatens the sustainability of transplanted rice. In many areas of Asia, transplanting of rice is being replaced by direct seeding as farmers respond to increased labor cost and decreased water availability but weed control is one of the major constraints to direct seeding. So, to control weeds in direct seeded rice studies were designed. Experiments were conducted for two years to develop sustainable and economical methods for managing weeds in aerobic rice grown by direct-seeding at Student’s Farm, Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad during the years 2008 and 2009. The first experiment was laid out in RCBD having five weed control approaches; hand weeding, hoeing (with kasula), inter row cultivation with tine cultivator, inter row cultivation with spike hoe and chemical control with Nominee 100 SC along with control (no weeding). Weed dry weight was 300 g m -2 , 257 g m -2 , 225 g m -2 and 157 g m -2 less in hand weeding, hoeing tine cultivator and Nominee 100 SC respectively than no weeding. Maximum fertile tillers were recorded in hand weeding (369.73 m -2 ) and were followed by hoeing (356.94 m -2 ) and tine cultivator (346.78 m -2 ). Hand pulling, hoeing, tine cultivator, Nominee and spike hoe gave 28, 25, 22, 12 and 6% more number of kernels per panicle respectively. Paddy yield was 221, 203, 181 and 105% more in hand weeding, hoeing tine cultivator and Nominee 100 SC respectively than no weeding. Highest net returns (Rs. 56905) were obtained by hand weeding while highest BCR (1.75) was obtained in tine cultivator. A second experiment was laid out in split plot design randomizing inter row cultivation implements in main plots and inter row cultivation frequencies in sub plots. Weed dry weight was 199.16 g m -2 less when tine cultivator was used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 DAS as compared to weed dry weight in inter row cultivation at15 days after seeding (DAS). More fertile tillers in tine cultivator and spike when used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 DAS were observed. Paddy yield was 159% more when tine cultivator was used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 as compared to paddy yield in inter row cultivation at15 DAS. Tine cultivator gave maximum net return and BCR when used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 DAS. Tine cultivator gave maximum net return and BCR when used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 DAS. Both experiments were replicated thrice. Net plot size was 3.0 m x 6.0 m in both experiments. Weed control by tine cultivator displayed excellent rice yields when repeated cultivation was done, and with the reduced labor inputs compared to hand weeding and hoeing, is a viable and economical method.
سرکار دی اڈیک تیری راہ وچ ڈھولا میں تے کدوں دی کھڑی سِک تیری اے ودھیری اکھاں لائی اے جھڑی ستا اے نصیب میرا پئے گئی جدائی اے مل جا توں سجنا ایہہ زندگی پرائی اے بڑی سوہنی سیج میں تاں تیرے لئی سجائی اے آ جا دل جانیاں توں چھڈ دے اڑی تیریاں وے راہواں وچ لائیاں اساں پکھیاں ہر ویلے تاہنگاں وچ رہندیاں نے اکھیاں دیندیاں نیں طعنے مینوں ول ول سکھیاں تیرے نال لائی ، جند دکھاں نے پھڑی میریاں وی لیکھاں وچ لکھیاں سی دوریاں ربا ہون میریاں مراداں اج پوریاں سوہنے دے دیدار دیاں ہون منظوریاں ڈاہڈا اوکھا لنگھدا اے پل تے گھڑی سائیں ایتھے سوچ کے تے قدم ٹکاونا قدم سنبھال کِتے تلک ناں جاونا خلق خدا نوں وی ایہہ گل سمجھاونا بہہ جا بوہے سجناں دے پا کے مڑھی
When we study about the life of Holy Prophet (ﷺ), his life demand from Muslims to protect the dignity and honour of their Muslim brothers. They not only protect or care the right of their Muslim brothers in their life but also protect their dignity after their death.
In the light of Holy Prophet Life the circle of human rights is so vast. In this, his life teaches us the turidicul, rights, marriage, settlement different between good or evil, isonomy and the verses of martyr and the noble behaviour with Jews and Christians.
There is a big role of ethics on the human personality. The ethics is the tester of good or bad person Human with the noble ethics the Muslims. To be remembered as staying up all the night and to fast. The ethics play important role in the life of Human.
In the life of Prophet (ﷺ) we know about his good deeds and noble behavior with non Muslims. The success of the Holy Prophet preaching is only because of his ethics and truthness.
Islam Universal Religion. It’s Teachings and pregnative system is the everlasting. In this modern period there is no way except Islam to get Rid the unsolved problems of the age. The beloved Prophet (ﷺ) “Sira Mubarak” the way of light only. There is aspect of the life without the real pregnative system. Peace and the War both are in the teaching of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ). Peace, progress contentment, satisfaction, true, unity, brotherhood in the lightment of the “Uswa Hasna”. Let’s seek the real way in our beloved Prophet (ﷺ).
Key Words: Holy Prophet, Ghazwa, Akhlaq-e-Hasanah, Ehl-e-Kitab, War, Ethics.
Wireless local area network (WLAN) has changed the paradigm of communication and become
ubiquitous. As the number of devices connected on wireless is increasing, it is therefore,
essential to find vulnerabilities in the security of wireless networks. In this research, WLAN
security vulnerabilities are exposed in real time and digital forensics of WLAN for Windows and
Android operating system-based clients are conducted. A real time wardriving was conducted in
a residential area to emphasize the fact that WLAN broadcast sensitive information. The results
of wardriving showed that 97% of WLAN access points (AP) were using WPA2. According to
the data collected it was found that channel 11 and channel 1 were used by 52% WLAN APs and
the average number of clients per AP was 1.59. Tenda WiFi wireless access point was set up
with MAC filtering, hidden SSID and WPA2 security mechanisms in different combinations in
such a way as to add an additional layer of security to previous configuration. The vulnerability
assessment of security mechanisms of residential AP was performed with Kali Linux version
2017.1. A practical demonstration of exploiting MAC filtering, Hidden SSID with MAC filtering
and WPA2-PSK with hidden SSID and MAC filtering security mechanisms of AP was carried
out in real time. It was observed that the existing security mechanisms were vulnerable.
Furthermore, the digital traces left behind or stored in 802.11 based devices were also explored
in order to investigate wireless network attacks. Researchers have proposed probabilistic models
for detecting MAC spoofing attacks of WLAN clients. However, in this research, a live forensic
method based on changing position of legitimate client with respect to attack detector and
observing received signal strength of wireless packets to detect MAC filtering bypass attack was
proposed. De-authentication attacks on wireless networks were also detected. This thesis also
explored the methods of finding WLAN artifacts from Windows and Android OS devices to
determine whether a particular device was connected to an unauthorized wireless network or not.
Researchers have exploited many security mechanisms of WLAN focusing upon a single
parameter of WLAN security at a time. However, in this work, three available security
mechanisms were cascaded to produce a three-layer security mechanism which was exploited in