اَب کَہاں میرا،آنا جانا ہے
میرا گھر ہی مرا ٹھکانہ ہے
تیر پھینکا تو دو قدم تھا شکار
کیا شکاری ہے کیا نشانہ ہے
کوئ پہچانتا نہیں اب بھی
روز اُس گھر میں آنا جانا ہے
میں زَمانے کے ساتھ، چَل نہ سَکا
پیچھے، پیچھے، مرے، زمانہ ہے
اُس سے بے نام سا تعلق ایک
اَب یہی زیست کا بہانہ ہے
حاصل زیست کچھ نہیں اعجاز
بس یونہی عمر کا گنوانا ہے
The present day global community is confronted with several challenges, absence of peace being the biggest one. The UNO and other regional organizations strive hard to achieve this goal. Unfortunately the world is far from achieving the goal of ensuring peace. It is also a fact that in most cases the Muslim world is in turmoil and it is involved or has been involved in one way or another. In order to find out the real causes of unrest, it is imperative to analyze the situation from academic, political, economic and social aspects. This article deals with first aspect i.e. The academic. It has three parts, in the first part importance of peace has been elaborated in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah. In the second part, importance of peace treaties of the Prophet (PBUH), and one of His successors Umar, the second Caliph, has been brought in to focus. The issue that the foreign policy of Islamic State is based on perpetual peace has been discussed in this part. While in the third part those obstacles have been discussed which have caused to damage the peace process in the world.
Increasing water shortage for irrigation is a major constrain to sustainable cotton production. Cotton plant observes reduction in seed cotton yield as well as fibre quality when subjected to water deficit conditions. Present investigation were conducted to study the genetic basis of agro-physiological and fiber quality traits in cotton under normal irrigation and water deficit stress. For this purpose, 45 genotypes of Gossypium hirsutum L. were studied under two moisture levels i.e. normal irrigation and water-deficit stress conditions for two years (2013 and 2014). The experiment was conducted using split plot arrangement under randomized complete block design. All the genotypes behaved differently under both control and water - deficit stress. Genotype × Environment Interaction (GEI) of cotton genotypes with two water levels (Environments) were studied for some selected agro-physiological traits i.e. seed cotton yield, bolls per plant, boll weight, water potential, osmotic potential, pressure potential, chlorophyll fluorescence, canopy temperature, relative water contents, protein contents and proline contents using AMMI biplot analysis. Results showed that the genotypes VH-291, FH- 329, FH-153, IR-6, FH-159, VH-289, FH-322, MNH-886, S-15 and FH-207 proved stable for most of the traits studied whereas; NS-131, AA-703 and KZ 191 interacted undesirably with water-deficit stress. Results of screening revealed that working variability among germplasm was present and controlled by significant genetic component, which may be exploit through hybridization. Therefore, F1 crosses were developed in the greenhouse keeping stress tolerant genotypes as lines and sensitive as a testers using line × tester technique. 30F1 crosses along with 13 parents were planted under two stress levels i.e normal and water-deficit in field condition to examine the genetic basis of agro-physiological and fiber quality traits. Under normal condition lines showed more contribution for bolls per plant, seed cotton yield and canopy temperature whilst, line × tester interaction showed maximum contribution for boll weight, water potential, osmotic potential, pressure potential, staple length, fibre fineness and fiber strength. Under water-deficit condition, the expression of bolls per plant, seed cotton yield, osmotic potential, pressure potential, relative water contents, protein contents, staple length, fiber fineness and fiber strength were largely determined by interaction of line × tester. Contribution by lines were more for boll weight, water potential and canopy temperature. The analysis of F1 and parents data revealed the presence of non-additive genes controlling variation under both normal and water-deficit condition. FH-159 and FH-207 were best general combiners under normal irrigation and water deficit condition. Under normal condition, cross FH-322 × NS-131 showed best specific combining ability while FH-207 × KZ-191 was best combination under water deficit condition for most of the traits. Higher heterosis over better parent were observed in FH-159 × KZ-191 and VH-289 × AA-703 under normal and water deficit condition respectively. For seed cotton yield the crosses FH-207 × NS-131, S-15 × AA- 703 and FH-329 × NS-131 showed higher and significant heterosis over better parent under water deficit condition that may be used in development of hybrid for water shortage areas in Pakistan.