آہ ناموسِ شریعت و قاموسِ علم
[مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی]
وا دریغا!آج قلم کو اس ذات گرامی کامرثیہ لکھنا ہے جس کاقلم عمر بھر قرآن و حدیث کے اسرار و حکم کے کشف وتحقیق میں گُہرافشانی کرتارہا۔آج زبان خامہ کو اُس کی ماتم سرائی کافرض انجام دیناہے جوزندگی بھر ملت بیضا کی جراحتوں کے لیے مرہم رسانی کی فکر میں لگارہا۔جس کی زبان قرآن کی ترجمان تھی اورجس کا نطق نوامیس شریعت کابیان۔حضرت الاستاذ مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی ؒکاسانحۂ وفات اگرچہ ’’وطن سے دور‘‘ پیش آیا لیکن الحمد ﷲ کہ دیارغیر میں نہیں جہاں غالب کے بقول بے کسی کی شرم کے رہ جانے کی تمنا ہوتی۔بے شمار فرزندان توحید نے نماز جنازہ پڑھی اوریہ اس بات کا ثبوت ہے کہ جو بذات خودایک انجمن ہو وہ وطن سے دور رہ کر بھی تنہا نہیں ہوتا۔وہ جہاں بیٹھتا ہے اپنی دنیا آپ پیدا کر لیتا ہے۔
دیوبند اگرچہ ایک چھوٹا ساقصبہ ہے لیکن مقامی اعتبار سے یہاں کے تین خاندانوں نے اس کو ہندوستان کے آسمان شہرت پرآفتاب وماہتاب بنا کر چمکایا اور اسے مرزوبوم کی کلاہ افتخار کاکوہ نوربنادیا۔ایک مولانا نانوتوی کاخاندان جن کے فرزند ارجمند حضرت حافظ محمد احمد صاحب مرحوم تھے، دوسرامولانا ذوالفقار علی مرحوم کاخاندان جس کے گل سرسبد حضرت شیخ الہند تھے اور تیسرا خاندان مولانا فضل الرحمن صاحب عثمانی مرحوم کا تھاجن کے دوصاحبزادے عارف عصر و شیخ طریقت حضرت مولانا مفتی عزیز الرحمن صاحب ؒاورعربی کے بہترین ادیب اور فطری شاعرمولانا حبیب الرحمن صاحب عثمانی ؒعہد حاضر کے اکابر علماوفضلا تھے۔ حضرت الاستاذ مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی اسی خاندان کے لعل شب چراغ اورمولانا فضل الرحمن صاحب کے فرزند ارجمند تھے۔
حضرت الاستاذ ماہ محرم۱۳۰۵ھ میں دیوبند میں پیداہوئے اس و قت آپ کے والد ماجد ضلع بجنور میں انسپکٹر مدارس کے عہدہ پرمامور تھے۔ تعلیم دارالعلوم دیوبند میں...
The current study is an attempt to analyze the association between macroeconomic instability and terrorism in Pakistan over the period of 1970 to 2020. Six important variables are taken as a proxy to measure macroeconomic instability which includes external debt, budget deficit, trade deficit, real effective exchange rate (REER), inflation and unemployment. Results indicate that there exists a long run cointegration relationship between the indictors of macroeconomic instability and terrorism. FMOLS is employed to obtain the estimates and it reveals that budget deficit and external debt is negatively associated with terrorism. It indicates that government expenditures on different project such as infrastructure create economic opportunities, therefore, reduces terrorism. Furthermore, welfare programmes also improve the performance of socioeconomic variables that translates into harmonized environment which lessens violence. The variable of trade deficit, inflation and unemployment has positive impact on terrorism while REER is insignificant. In context of trade deficit, higher imports results in job loss of domestic industries, hence, it hits the vulnerable groups. Therefore, the opportunity cost of life of these groups reduces and it increases the probability to become a part of terrorist activities. Inflation also pushes the vulnerable groups in poverty by reduces the purchasing power and unemployed individuals are also easy target to get involve themselves in acts of aggression. This study also constructs the macroeconomic instability index including the six variables through principal component analysis (PCA). Results of this model show that macroeconomic instability index and GDP has positive effect on terrorism. In case of GDP, the plausible reason could be uneven income distribution that increases terrorist activities. For the policy implications, government need to divert the resources from non-productive to productive uses through the investment in such projects which has direct and indirect impact on the welfare. In this way deprived group will enjoy economic perks and engage themselves in productive activities rather than becoming a helping hand in terrorism.
Optical Interconnects in Data Center Networks Emerging cloud computing and web-based applications have created a need for powerful data centers. Optical interconnects are replacing the electrical counterparts due to their benefits. Electrical interconnects have various problems like energy consumption, fixed throughput, and limited reconfigurability. The thesis evaluates various optical interconnects in literature and analyzes various aspects of optical interconnects in data center networks. The conclusions of various analyses are used to propose architectures which give several advantages over existing architectures. Main contributions of the thesis are twofold, one: analysis of existing architectures is carried out for the first time in terms of blocking probability, signal degradation, port count, computational complexity of routing algorithm and input and output queueing analysis and two: four new architectures are presented that give benefits of very low packet loss, large port count, reduce computational complexity regardless of port count and contention less behavior under various traffic patterns. The blocking probability analysis involves the analysis of the effect of multiplexing techniques and optical components. The signal degradation analysis involves the analysis of various optical components which affect the signal degradation and ways to overcome signal degradation have been identified. The port count analysis involves the analysis of the limitations of port count of different architectures based on optical components and multiplexing techniques. The computational complexity analysis involves the analysis of the complexity of routing algorithms of the architectures. Various architectures are proposed based on the analysis of existing architectures. The input and output queueing analysis of the existing architectures and proposed architectures is performed by changing the size of the output queue buffer. The affect of the output queue buffer size is analyzed on delay and throughput by changing the load for the architectures. Maximum throughput is also analyzed by changing the buffer size of output queue. The input and output queueing models of architectures are also analyzed by simulation. A contention less architecture is proposed which can reduce contention under various traffic patterns. It exploits optical wavelength, code and space multiplexing. It eliminates the need for electronic buffering, which reduces the latency. It is robust to all-to-one and many-to-many communication traffic patterns. A very low packet loss architecture is proposed. This architecture can show a certain guaranteed data rate between communicating servers. This architecture is flexible and can be made suitable for a broad range of data center applications, by configuring it. An architecture with very large port count is presented. This architecture has large port count compared to other architectures. This architecture also has low energy consumption due to use of passive optical components. It is suitable for large scale data center networks. It is also discussed how various optical components and multiplexing techniques affect the overall port count of optical interconnects. An architecture with low computational complexity of routing algorithm is proposed. If a control algorithm is more complex it requires more hardware for implementation which causes increase in latency, increase in cost and increased difficulty in implementation. The computational complexity of proposed architecture is not affected by the number of nodes. This architecture is suitable for low latency and real time applications. This architecture exploits three dimensions of multiplexing namely; the optical wavelength division multiplexing, optical code division multiplexing, and optical space division multiplexing.