دوسری قسم کا شاعر
ہمارے ہاں کثرت ایسے شعرا کی ہے جو زبردستی شعر کہتے ہیں اور بہت کم شعراایسے ہیں جو زبردست شعر کہتے ہیں۔تائب نظامی کا شمار دوسری قسم کے شعرا میں ہوتا ہے جن کے ہاں غیب سے آنے والے مضامین پوری قلبی صداقتوں کے ساتھ لفظی پیرہن میں جلوہ گر ہوتے اور اپنا اثر چھوڑے چلے جاتے ہیں۔ تائب بیک وقت پیش و پس منظر پر گہری نظر رکھنے والا شاعر ہے جو محض ظاہری چیزوں کو موضوع بنانے کے بجائے پس پردہ عوامل کا عمیق مشاہد ہ کر تا ہے اور یہی مشاہدہ ایسے اشعار کو جنم دیتا ہے جنھیں حقیقی معنوں میں اشعار کہا جا سکتا ہے۔
تائبؔ نظامی ہمہ وقت حالتِ فکر میں رہنے والا ایک صوفی قسم کا شاعر ہے جس کے ہاں خیالات نئے رنگ و آہنگ کے ساتھ تشکیل پاتے ہیں۔ اُس کی تخلیق کے پیچھے جہاں اساتذہ سخن سے اکتسابِ فیض کی جھلک دکھائی دیتی ہے وہیں اُس کا تنقیدی شعور بھی پوری طرح کارفرما نظر آتا ہے۔ تنقید کی سان پر گزرنے کے بعد کاٹ دار اور فکری گہرائی کے سبب اس کا کلام پُر تاثیر ہو جاتا ہے۔ صبح قفس میں آپ کو ایسے اشعار ملیں گے جو پڑھتے ہی دل میں اُترتے محسوس ہوں گے۔ سچے جذبوں سے گندھی یہ کتاب تائبؔ کے اُن تجربات کا مجموعہ ہے جنھیں زندانِ زیست میں قید ہونے کے بعد لمحہ بہ لمحہ اُس نے دیکھا اور محسوس کیا۔
تائب کے ہاں استحصالی نظام کے خلاف ایک جدو جہد دکھائی دیتی ہے۔ انسانی بے بسی ، ناانصافی ، عدم مساوات اور اخلاقی زبوں حالی کے نقوش اُن کے کلام میں نمایاں ہیں۔ یوں تو تائب نے حمد، نعت اور منقبت بھی کہی ہے مگر ان کا اصل میدان غزل ہے۔اُنھوں نے نہ صرف غزل کی آبرو...
Banks play a significant part in India's financial system and contribute to economic growth. The banking industry is the foundation of every contemporary economy. It is one of the most significant foundations of the financial industry and plays a crucial role in economic performance. It is crucial for the growth of the nation's economy that financial demands be met; industry and agriculture demonstrate the greatest degree of dedication and accountability. Therefore, the growth of the nation is intimately tied to the growth of banks. Banks should not be seen as money changers in the contemporary economy, but as development leaders. In several economic sectors, they serve a crucial role in aggregating deposits and debt payments. The financial system reflects the country's economic life. Economic vitality is contingent upon the stability and efficacy of the financial system, which in turn is contingent upon a solid and sustainable banking system. A solid banking system that integrates deposits into productive sectors and a melting bank system allow the bank to fulfill its duties to investors. After India's independence, banks play a significant part in the country's social and economic growth. India is dominated by the banking industry, which accounts for more than half of the financial sector's assets. The Indian banking sector has seen a remarkable transformation due to the reforms of the financial industry, which are implemented in phases. In this context, the researcher has conducted an overview analysis of the Indian Banking System, resulting in the current paper.
This study explores the role of the Higher Education Commission CHEC) of Pakistan in facilitating and promoting educational research in Pakistani universities through policy analysis as research methodology. The role has been explored by the analysis of policy provisions, structures and processes developed by HEC to facilitate and promote educational research. Experiences of two Pakistani universities, one from public and one from private sector- has been analysed to explore that role. Analysis of the data suggests that research is a priority of HEC in its reform agenda for higher education in Pakistan. HEC has developed policy provisions, processes and structures that support and facilitate research in Pakistani universities but an overemphasis on scientific research has overshadowed educational research. Availability of funding, a wide range of incentives available for research, faculty development process for research, emphasis on publications and dissemination of research work, access to the global body of knowledge through IT integration and education, and research networks are indication of the effective role played by HEC for the promotion and facilitation of educational research. Research suggests that there exist some hindering factors as well which includes, dependency on donor funding and sustainability issues, communication gap between departments of education at universities and HEC, unavailability of clear policy text for educational research, lesser support provided to the private sector. Based on the findings, the study recommends development of indigenous funding strategy, enhanced collaboration and participation of universities through communicative structures, an increase in educational research funding, enhanced facilitation to private sector and wide range of evaluative studies to be carried out to review policy provisions and structural changes to facilitate educational research in Pakistani universities. In the end a post script comments on the post 18th amendment situation created by the dissolution of HEC.