Home > Distribution, Status and Conservation of Indian Monitor Lizard Varanusbengalensis , Desert Monitor Varanus Griseus and Indian Spiny Tailed Lizard Saara Hardwickii in Karachi, Hyderabad and Thatta
Distribution, Status and Conservation of Indian Monitor Lizard Varanusbengalensis , Desert Monitor Varanus Griseus and Indian Spiny Tailed Lizard Saara Hardwickii in Karachi, Hyderabad and Thatta
The present study was conducted from January 2012 to December 2015, to record data on Distribution, Status and Conservation of Indian monitor lizard Varanus bengalensis, Desert monitor Varanus griseus and Indian spiny tailed lizard Saara hardwickii in Karachi, Hyderabad and Thatta of province of Sindh, Pakistan. A total of 1045 lizards were captured and subsequently released in this assessment of the family Varanidae and Agamidae. Of the captured lizards, 314 were Varanus bengalensis, 21 Varanus griseus and Saara hardwickii 710. There were 170 male, 89 female and 55 Juveniles of V. bengalensis with 09 males and 07 female and 05 Juveniles of V. griseus. While 332 male and 258 female and 120 Juvenile of S. hardwickii were recorded. In Karachi, V. bengalensis was recorded in Manora, Cape Monze, Hawks-bay, Sandspit, Safari Park, University of Karachi (Behind Mass Communication Department, near HEJ Center, behind Dean Faculty of Sciences, building gaps in Urdu Department, near Staff Town), Malir Cantt (Malir Cantonment near Fauji road, near Gulshane Roomi, Malir link road to super highway road 1, road 7) Khadejiand Hub Dam areas as Less Common and male were dominant than females. According to population data, in the year 2012-2013, V. bengalensis was recorded as 37%, and in the years 2013-2014 as 34%, while in the years 2014-2015 recorded as 28%. In Hyderabad, V. bengalensis was recorded in Rabo Khaskhali Village, Jamshoro Irrigation workshop, Kotri, DCD Ground, near Dargah Baba Salah Uddin, Hyderabad Mori, Hatri and Husri as Less Common, the population of male were dominant than females. According to the data in the year 2012-2013, V. bengalensis was recorded as 40%, and in the years 2013-2014 as 36%, while in the years 2014-2015 recorded as 22%. In Thatta, V. bengalensis was recorded in the Dargah Shaikh Aali Makli, Gajju, Gogabooti, Haleji Lake, Siddique Shoroo Village, Hala Village, Dargah Shah Hussain, Dhabeji, as Less Common, male were dominanted than females. According to the data V. bengalensis was recorded in 2012-2013, as 36%, and in the years 2013-2014, as 32%, while in the year 2014-2015, recorded as 30%. The IUCN status of V. bengalensis is Least Concern. In Karachi, V. griseus was recorded as Less Common in DHA City, Jokhia more (Jokhia Village), Hub dam and Mangopir, male were dominant than females. According to population data, in the year 2012-2013, V. griseus was recorded as 55%, and in the years 2013- 2014, recorded as 22%, while in 2014-2015 as 22%. In Hyderabad V. griseus was recorded in Rabo-Khaskhali Village and near Hyderabad Airport as Less Common. In the year 2012-2013, V. griseus was recorded as 40%, and in 2013-2014 as 40%, while in the years 2014-2015 as 20%. In Thatta V. griseus was recorded in the Dargah S. Ameer Shah Sherazi, Jhimpir (Haji Lakhano Village) as Less Common, male were dominant than females. According to population data V. griseus was recorded in the year 2012-2013 as 42%, and in the years 2013-2014 as 28%, while in the year 2014-2015 as 28%. The IUCN status of V. griseus is Vulnerable. S. hardwickii was recorded in Karachi as Less Common in DHA City, near Jokhia more (Jokhia Village), Hub-dam areas, male were dominant than females. According to population data 2012-2013 S. hardwickii was recorded as 44%, and in the years 2013-2014 as 32%, while in the years 2014-2015 as 23%. In Hyderabad S. hardwickii was recorded as Rare in Hyderabad Airport and Rabo Khaskhali Village, male was dominant than female. According to the data in the year 2012-2013, S. hardwickii was recorded as 62%, and in the years 2013-2014 as 48%, while in the years 2014-2015 as 6%. S. hardwickii was recorded in Thatta as Less Common in Siddique Shoroo Village, near Dargah Shah Hussain, Jhimpir (Rahu Chang, WaryamPalari, QasimBurfat, BachoJakhro, Muri Ali Chang, Usman Jakhro, Karim BuxKhaskhali, Villages), Jungshahi ( Haji Jokhio Village, near Jungshahi Railway Station, near Poultry farm) andRunpathani (Haji Essa Khan Village) areas, male were dominant than females. As per data S. hardwickii was recorded in the year 2012-2013 as 41% and in the years 2013-2014 34%, while in the years 2014-2015 recorded as 23%. S. hardwickii already included in the IUCN Red List and CITES Appendix. During the study, total 25 plant species were recorded in Karachi, 17 species in Hyderabad and 20 plant species recorded in Thatta. In Karachi, main habitat of V. bengalensis were observed in the green fertile areas near to the water reservoirs, old buildings, buildings gaps, stony type tunnel, empty main holes, sand dunes and on tree, and Euphorbia caducifolia was dominated. Habitat of Varanus griseus are arid areas with small hills, some sand dunes, patches of herbs and shrubs, Acacia and Euphorbia spp. were dominated. Actually this part consists of Kirthar and adjoining area with hills. Habitat of Saara hardwickii in Karachi are Arid areas with some of seasonal grass and patchy herbs and shrubs, somewhere plain scrub area as well as some of sand dunes, hilly area of Kirthar Karachi range, affected by anthropogenic actions and mega city projects. In Hyderabad, the prime habitat of V. bengalensis were located at near water reservoirs, sand dunes, stony type, green fertile areas and Termitaria (colony of termites). It is mainly flat and some barren, around water bodies’ rare grass, shrubs and little or less vegetation, hot desert atmosphere with warm conditions, on river side and canal side vegetation were observed. Habitat of V. griseus in Hyderabad study areas are Arid areas with small hills, somewhere plain with very little patches of herbs and shrubs. Burrows found on hill or mountain. Habitat of Saara hardwickii in Hyderabad are Arid areas with very less amount of seasonal herbs and shrubs, no vegetation were observed, habitat were affected due to construction of new colonies and developmental projects. In Thatta, habitat of V. bengalensis is principally level and infertile with little grass, bushes and practically zero vegetation. The dirt composition in the zone is for the most part rough and gravely with the Kohistan slopes in the surroundings which region an expansion of the Khirthar range. Water bodies including Keenjhar and Haleji Lakes are also present in the range of V. bengalensis habitat. Agricultural fields, sand dunes, old buildings and graveyard are also habitats of this lizard. Habitat of V. griseus in Thatta areas consists of small hills with herbs and shrubs, some areas of sand dunes and some where plains crust. While, burrows found on hill or mountain. In Thatta habitat of S. hardwickii is principally level and infertile with little and seasonal grass, bushes and practically zero vegetation. The dirt composition in the zone is for the most part rough and gravely with the Kohistan slopes in the surroundings which region an expansion of the Khirthar, two Ramsar Sites Keenjhar and Haleji Lakes also here. Habitat degradation, habitat modification, disturbance by humans particularly in the adjoining agricultural lands areas, illegal hunting for skin, flesh, oil, habitat are important threats to the Varanus spp. and S. hardwickii in the areas surveyed. During the present study, S. hardwickii and V. griseus were not recorded in the main human populated areas of Karachi, but recorded in the city bordering area of Karachi due to building, roads and other developmental construction. Several environmental impacts were also recorded during the study in Karachi, Hyderabad and Thatta. Main habitat areas were under the influence of new mega city projects and developmental projects and road mining’s for motorways Karachi to Thatta, Hyderabad to Karachi, some of mortality were observed during construction of new mega projects and during road crossing. The Government of Sindh provide protection through Sindh Wildlife Protection Ordinance 1972 to all varanids accept S. hardwickii. In order to ensure the long-term survival of the species, it is extremely needed to implement the Law to stop poaching and trading of lizards, as well as need awareness and partnership programs for local community to support and conservation of lizards in all areas of Sindh." xml:lang="en_US
منشی عطاء اﷲ افسوس ۲؍ فروری کو دارالمصنفین کے مخلص اور قدیم کارکن منشی عطاء اﷲ صاحب نے داعی اجل کو لبیک کہا، ان کا اصلی وطن کیرانہ ضلع مظفرنگر تھا، ۱۹۱۶ء میں دارالمصنفین میں پریس قائم ہوا تو ان کے بڑے بھائی منشی عبدالحفیظ صاحب مرحوم نے اس کے انصرام کی ذمہ داری قبول کی، ان ہی کے ساتھ یہ بھی اعظم گڑھ آکر شعبۂ طباعت سے وابستہ ہوئے، جب کبرسنی کی وجہ سے ملازمت ترک کرنی چاہی تو سید صباح الدین صاحب مرحوم کا شدید اصرار اس میں مانع ہوا، پھر اپنے سعادت مند فرزند ڈاکٹر محمد نعیم ندوی کے اصرار سے گھر پر آرام کرنا منظور تو کرلیا لیکن ان کا دل دارالمصنفین ہی میں لگا رہتا تھا، اس لیے جب تک قوت رہی برابر دوسرے تیسرے روز یہاں آتے رہے، وہ طبعاً نیک، صلح پسند اور دیندار تھے، اپنی دینداری کی وجہ سے اپنے اکلوتے بیٹے ڈاکٹر محمد نعیم ندوی کو حفظ کرانے کے بعد ندوہ میں داخل کیا، جو فراغت کے بعد دارالمصنفین کے رفیق رہے اور اب ابوظہبی کے محکمۂ شرعیہ سے وابستہ ہیں، منشی عطاء اﷲ صاحب اپنی نیکی، بھلمنساہت اور ملنساری کی وجہ سے شہر میں مقبول تھے، اﷲ ان کی مغفرت فرمائے اور متعلقین کو صبر جمیل عطا فرمائے۔ (ضیاء الدین اصلاحی، فروری ۱۹۹۲ء)
Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin Albani is known as the famous scholar of the twentieth century AD. He served in Hadith for almost 60 years. He has also some particularities in the hadith’s research in which he apposed a lot of scholars. The most important of them is that he has said that some Ahadith of Sahih Bukhari and Sahi Muslim are weak. Similarly, in contrast to the previous muhaddiseen, some weak traditions have said correct and some reliable narrators as weak. Apart from this, there are two particularities of him that are very important in the research world. One is that he has explored many of unknown Ahadith and secondly he has divided the books of Hadith into two parts; weak and accurate. Some detail of these particularities is presented in this article.
Over past few decades, the mutual fund industry has grabbed attention of researchers. However, mutual funds in emerging markets including Pakistan has not undergone rapid pace due to number of constraints. Therefore, the models/ theories applied to developed markets cannot be applied to emerging markets. Hence, the present study tries to reveal new dimensions by investigate the timing abilities of fund manager. This study investigates whether fund managers are actively managing the funds or just adding additional costs to the investors in case of Pakistan. To be more specific, three questions are addressed in this study in three different essays for the period December 2009 to February 2016. The empirical findings of first essay suggest the existence of market timing and volatility timing abilities at an aggregate level. However, stock-timing ability is absent at an aggregate level. The results indicate a weak connection between timing abilities and fund attributes. The second essay provides an insight about variation in performance and timing abilities during bull and bear market conditions using Exponentional Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (EGARCH). This is the first study to estimate the timing abilities by using EGARCH specification. The empirical findings confirm that mutual funds perform better during bull market conditions than bear market conditions. As far as timing abilities are concerned, this study provides evidence in favor of market timing and volatility timing abilities during bear market conditions and stock-timing ability for bull market conditions. However, these results remain insignificant for style timing abilities under both market conditions. The robustness test using OLS also support these findings. The third essay explores the persistence phenomenon in timing abilities of fund managers. The closing value of PSX 100 index is used as median to divide sample period into two sub-periods. The empirical findings fail to find any evidence of persistence with regard to performance, selectivity skill, market timing skill and volatility timing skill under single-index, three-index and four-index model. These findings offer certain policy implications for various stakeholders, including management, regulators and investors. For investors, as mutual fund possess timing skills so they can be better pay off by investing in mutual funds and they should consider mutual fund industry as a new investment avenue for their future investments. These results also help the regulators to set a minimum legal framework for mutual funds to continue their operations in the said industry. Managers can reduce risks by utilizing information in advance and develop those skills that can help them to analyse market conditions, coping with new trends and challenges in industry and implementing and devising strategies to follow government regulations.