Gorals belong to family Bovidae and Genus Naemorhedus. Himalayan goral (Naemorhedus goral) is one of three species of goral, one sub-species, the Grey goral (Naemorhedus goral goral) occurs in Pakistan. It is classified as Near Threatened globally (IUCN Red List) and Vulnerable in Pakistan. This subspecies is threatened primarily by illegal hunting and competition with livestock, resulting in small and fragmented populations in its current distribution range in Pakistan. Machiara National Park (MNP) falls under distribution range of grey goral in Azad Jammu and Kashmir where the present study was conducted. The objectives of the study were to determine distribution range of grey goral in the park in order to assess habitat use, population density, diet composition and grazing pressure in grey goral habitat in MNP, so that its current population status and the extent adverse impacts of grazing pressure could be assessed. Grey goral was found distributed in two sites of MNP, Machiara and Sarli Sacha on the basis of reconnaissance survey and secondary information from park staff and local people. I conducted vegetation survey in which 42 plant species were recorded in grey goral habitat in MNP. At Machiara, by vegetation sampling 40 plant species were identified, whereas at Serli Sacha only 17 plant species were recorded. At Machiara, grey goral inhabited areas between 1970 m and 2600 m elevation during winter and 2400 m and 2900 m in summer. At Serli Sacha, it occupied areas between 1970 m and 2200 m during winter and 2600 m and 2800 m during summer. During both seasons, south and southeast-facing slopes at Machiara and at Serli Sacha were used by goral relatively more frequently than other aspects. Both at Machiara and Serli Sacha, grey goral were most commonly found on moderate xvi (30–40°) slopes during winter but on steeper (40–60°) slopes during summer. The vegetation type most preferred by grey goral was herbs and grasses (Ivlev Electivity Index (IEI) = 0.14), followed by shrubs (IEI = 0.03), while trees were avoided (IEI= -0.54). The overall mean population density of grey goral in MNP was 2.66 individuals / km² based on visual scans. The range of encounter rate (No./Scan) was 0.00 to 2.9. The population density of grey goral in Machiara site was higher (4.57/ km²) than Serli Sacha site (0.76/km²). The minimum herd size recorded was two while maximum herd size was six. Mean herd size was 4 animals where larger groups were frequent in less disturbed areas (38%) in contrast to highly disturbed areas (12%). Number of fawns / female was highest during May (1.12) and June (0.71). Diet composition of grey goral was determined through microhistological analysis of fecal pellets. A total of 145 pellet groups, 105 from Machiara (summer=52, winter=53) and 40 from Serli Sacha (summer=19, winter=21) were collected from study area. A wider range of dietary items were utilized by grey goral in Machiara (21) as compared to Serli Sacha (15). Average diet breadth was lower during the winter season in both study sites. Livestock grazing pressure in grey goral habitat was assessed through field sampling and questionnaire survey. Based on Adult Cattle Units (ACU), Serli Sacha had higher density of grazing livestock in grey goral habitat (105/ km2) than Machiara (81/ km2). At Machiara, a total of 295 livestock heads (cattle, sheep and goats) while in Serli Sacha, 413 livestock heads were recorded during grazing in grey goral habitat. There was a significant negative correlation between number of grey goral individuals observed and livestock units recorded both at Machiara and Serli Sacha. Future management of Park would require protection of core habitat of grey xvii goral ranging from 1950 m to 2900 m elevation in MNP. Preferred forage species of grey goral, Geranium wallichianum, Poa annua, Themeda anathera, Cymbopogan martini, Persicaria nepalensis and Plectranthes rugosis need to be conserved and enhanced in its habitat in the park. Park management should initiate measures to reduce livestock population in areas identified as core habitat of grey goral for its conservation. Effective measures are particularly required for limiting the livestock grazing and wood cutting activities in MNP through awareness raising campaigns and cooperation of local communities.
پروفیسر سید نواب علی ہماری پرانی علمی شخصیتیں ایک ایک کرکے اٹھتی جاتی ہیں، اور ان کا بدل نظر نہیں آتا، جون کی آخری تاریخوں میں مشہور اہل قلم اور نامور فاضل پروفیسر سید نواب علی صاحب ایم اے نے انتقال کیا، ان کا اصل وطن نیوتنی ضلع اوناؤ تھا، لیکن ملازمت کے سلسلے میں ان کا قیام زیادہ تر گجرات میں رہا، وہاں وہ مختلف بڑے بڑے تعلیمی عہدوں پر ممتاز رہے، سرکاری ملازمت سے ریٹائر ہونے کے بعد ریاست جوناگڑھ کے وزیر تعلیم ہوگئے تھے، اس سے سبکدوش ہونے کے بعد وطن لوٹ آئے تھے، پھر قیام پاکستان کے بعد کراچی چلے گئے اور وہیں گذشتہ ۳۰؍ جون کو وفات پائی۔ مرحوم، حضرت سید صاحب رحمۃ اﷲ علیہ کے ہمعصر تھے، ان کی طالب علمی کا زمانہ لکھنؤ میں گزرا تھا، اس زمانہ میں وہ مولانا شبلی کی صحبت سے مستفید ہوئے، اس لیے دارالمصنفین اور اس کے کارکنوں سے ان کے تعلقات بہت قدیم تھے، اور وہ اس کے ابتدائی ارکان میں تھے، جدید علوم کے ساتھ عربی سے بھی واقف تھے اور اسلامی علوم پر بھی ان کی نظر تھی، ان کا علمی ذوق بہت بلند تھا۔ وہ متعدد بلند پایہ کتابوں کے مصنف تھے، اور اپنی تصانیف کے ذریعہ انھوں نے دین کی بڑی خدمت انجام دی، ان کی تصانیف کی تعداد ایک درجن کے قریب ہوگی ان میں ’’سیرۃ الرسول‘‘ اور ’’تاریخ صحف سماوی‘‘ اور ’’معارج الدین‘‘ زیادہ اہم ہیں، اب ایسے محقق فاضل مسلمانوں میں مشکل سے پیدا ہوں گے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی،اگست ۱۹۶۱ء)
Political scientists and Islamic philosophers have long been discussing the different phenomena of violence. This article analyzes external and internal factor of violence in Pakistan, interpreting the religious and political dimension of the violence. The presence of external and more specifically internal factors are the real threats for the security of the country. Building from theoretical approaches, I fielded two dimensions of the political-religious violence, violence inside the country and outside the country. It is found out, on the one hand, that the both dimensions can be met with the profound enforcement of the law. On the other hand, both dimensions of the violence can be the big contributory factors of violence due to the poor promulgation of the law. Unjust political-religious dispensation inside the country rise the frustration, and outside support make it fertile and leads it towards violence. It is proposed that on equity bases, political-religious deprivation and absolute deprivation of the minority elite class can be disposed of. I also come up with balanced educational system, which should be the blend of traditionalism and modernism for the fulfilment of our spiritual dimension and for the greater understanding of our political-religious outlook.
Exercise therapy as beneficial component of cardiac rehabilitation for heart patients e.g past CABG is increasingly accepted with variety of protocols and guidelines under phase 2 by professional organizations in most of the developed countries but its applicability in Pakistani heath care system/hospitals is far less known and practiced. this highlights need to study post CABG patients to document the effectiveness cardiac rehabilitation exercise (CRET) of low intensity, high frequency and short duration with respect to functional improvements in cardiac and muscle.